Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 07 - 1 April 2022
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula, Talitali fiefia
Two weeks to go ...
We have really enjoyed the beautiful weather this week, it certainly has made a difference to the spring in our step. As we move into our last two weeks of term one, we prepare for our next focus in our local curriculum of Puanga.
Puanga is the star Rigel in Orion. Most of the tribes of the Māori people in Aotearoa observed Puanga to mark the beginning of the Māori New Year. In Māori mythology he was believed to be the older brother of Matariki. His cosmic rising between May and June in the early morning sky signalled the beginning of winter.
This year at Inglewood Primary we are planning a very special time which includes the installation and blessing of our Tomokanga week 9 of term 2.
There is great progress being made by Matua Moni and Matua Barry and the classes will have lots to learn, create and share around the Puanga celebrations. The Friday of week 8 is the first Public Holiday in Aotearoa celebrating Puanga/Matariki our Māori New Year. Over the weeks we will add in snippets of the learning and understanding we gain, for now here is a little piece around gardening.
Puanga and gardening activities Puanga is also a time to prepare the māra garden and ensure that winter frosts will help to kill any weeds or soil infections.
This time is likened to, and re-enacts, the creation period of Te Kore (the void/potential) and once the land has been treated, it will then go through a period of Te Pō (the night – or a time to plant). Then as the shoots of the food sprout above the soil, the plants transition into Te Ao Mārama (the world of light).
Like Matariki, Puanga is a time of reflection, preparation, learning, and celebration.
Year 5 & 6 Camp to Vertical Horizon Postponed
School Reach Goal Week 9
Wk 9 REACH Goal: Being prepared for indoor and outdoor activities.
Kei te noho rite mo ngā mahi o roto, o waho hoki.
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 9
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
Jackson Baker
For consistently completing your work neatly and in time. You are an amazing role model.
Pouākai Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Mitchell Radcliff
For putting himself outside his comfort zone and has quietly worked away at all of his class tasks among and with his classmates. Kapai to mahi Mitchell!!
Tokomaru Whanau Be Natural Soap
Abigail Whitmore
For putting herself outside of her comfort zone, joining the band and always trying her best in all areas.
Waiongana Iti Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Riley Chilcott
For always working well on her own and with others. For being kind, respectful and focussed - always.
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
Tyler Polglase
Your enthusiasm towards learning and positive attitude for all class activities is infectious. Keep smiling.
Panitahi Happenings
Pouākai Whānau Tuakana Teina STEAM Challenges
Our Tamariki have been busy working collaboratively to take on challenges to get them to critically think using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematic ideas and strategies to find solutions to problems.
One of the challenges was taking on the petrol crisis and needing to design and create a vehicle and a launcher to beat those rising petrol prices.
Lawn Mowing
OH NO, the lawnmower broke down and Mr Harland asked the Panitahi children to help him cut the grass.
Panitahi were really good at helping Mr Harland!
Oh wait ...... APRIL FOOLS!!!
100 Year Old Writing from Waiongana Iti Zimmerman
Temporary Fencing
Daylight Saving - Turn the clocks back this Sunday morning.
Thank you
School Roll
Happy Birthday
ParentLink AGM
Parentlink AGM Wednesday 25 May 7pm School Staff Room
Everybody Welcome
Calling for nominations for
Please email any nominations to or come along on the night.
We have a number of our members leaving us next year due to their children leaving Primary School so new members are essential to keeping our group going to fundraise for the school and its students.
Community Notices
Term 1 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Tuesday 5 April
Riding for the Disabled
Wednesday 6 April
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 8 April
Monday 11 April
Dog Safety - Pouakai & Waiongana Iti
Tuesday 12 April
Riding for the Disabled
Dog Safety - Puke Haupapa & Tokomaru
Wednesday 13 April
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Thursday 14 April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 2 May
First day of Term 2
2022 School Term Dates
Friday 15 April - Good Friday
Term 2
Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July 2022
Monday 6 June - Queens Birthday
Friday 24 June - Matariki Holiday
Term 3
Monday 25 July - Friday 30 September 2022
Monday 5 September - Staff Only Day
Term 4
Monday 17 October - Thursday 15 December 2022
Monday 24 October - Labour Day
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20