LEMS Happenings
Important information for the week of February 12
Message from Mr. Cameron
Here is some important information for the week of February 12, 2024
Y’all don’t forget breakfast and lunch are free at LEMS!!
Parents do not forget, we begin unloading buses and cars at 7:15 a.m. Please do not drop off students prior to 7:15 as we are unable to provide supervision prior to that time. Our instructional day begins at 7:45 a.m. everyday and the end of our instructional day is 3:00 p.m. everyday. Students need to be in class prior to our instructional start times each day. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parents of car riders, be reminded to drop off and pick up your students in the car rider loops only. It is unsafe for students to move between cars and to cross the street during this very busy time of day. This also includes on the roadside adjacent to the baseball field. Safety first!
Parents of car riders, be reminded to use both lanes and merge in the LEMS loop and remember to drop off and pick your students up in the car rider loops in front of the school only, not in the parking lots or along the highway. It is unsafe for students to move between cars and to cross the street during this very busy time of day. This also includes on the roadside adjacent to the baseball field. Safety first!
LEMS SIC is meeting this Tuesday at 3:30 p.m.in the ATMR.
The KCSD Celebration of the Performing Arts is this Thursday, February 15th, 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the LE High Auditorium. Celebrating the Visual Arts will be March 12 – 14, 2024, 3 – 6 PM each night at the City Arena in Camden.
The Freshman Expo will be on February 12th at Lugoff-Elgin High School from 8:30-11:00. This is a field trip for 8th graders and they will walk over to the high school for this event. Permission forms were distributed Friday for this event.
Yearbooks are available for presale. The cost is $40 and will be available until April 5th, 2024. This is the only way to guarantee you will get this year’s yearbook, so order now. Check our website and social media pages for the link, or bring a check or cash to the front office.
Additional Information
- Parents, I need your help. Our chronic absenteeism rate is at almost 25% for the year so far. Nationally, today, 1 in 6 students is chronically absent. School attendance is not only important, it is compulsory by law. Chronically absent students miss 10% or more of the school year and it directly affects how prepared students are for success throughout their academic careers and beyond. Check out this video for more information on strategies to help your student get to school on time and every day!
- For those looking for an after school program, Be Great is here at LEMS and slots are still available. The Boys and Girls Club of Kershaw County is here immediately after school until 6:oo p.m. during the school year. You can find more information and sign up at https://kershaw.begreat.club/.
- Parents are reminded of the KCSD policy that all elementary and middle school students must be accompanied by an adult, that is 21 years or older, at all KCSD high school events.
- Hey parents! The district is still looking for bus drivers! You can contact Mr. Clinton at 803-438-8017 to inquire and apply.
- Kelly Services is looking for substitute teachers to assist in our schools. This is a constant need in our schools throughout the district. You can contact Curtis Price at our school district office at 803-432-8416 and ask to speak to him directly if you are interested in serving our KCSD students this year and next year.
- Students and parents please be aware that we are experiencing supply issues with our cafeteria menus. We will update menus as we know what has changed. Thank you for your patience as we work through these issues with our suppliers.
- Parents do not forget, we begin unloading buses and cars at 7:15 a.m. Please do not drop off students prior to 7:15 as we are unable to provide supervision prior to that time. Our instructional day begins at 7:45 a.m. everyday and the end of our instructional day is 3:00 p.m. everyday. Students need to be in class prior to our instructional start times each day. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Parents of car riders, be reminded to drop off and pick up your students in the car rider loops only. It is unsafe for students to move between cars and to cross the street during this very busy time of day. This also includes on the roadside adjacent to the baseball field. Safety first!
- Parents of car riders, be reminded to use both lanes and merge in the LEMS loop and remember to drop off and pick your students up in the car rider loops in front of the school only, not in the parking lots or along the highway. It is unsafe for students to move between cars and to cross the street during this very busy time of day. This also includes on the roadside adjacent to the baseball field. Safety first!