Marching Band Registration - 2024
How to register for the West Shore Marching Band
We are now in the process of registering students to confirm their participation and show their commitment to the organization. Please ensure you complete the entire registration process:
Here is a checklist of items to complete for the registration process:
- Online Marching Band Registration Form
- Paper - First-Aid/Medical Form
- Paper - Athletic/Extracurricular Code of Conduct Form
- Registration Fees
1. Online Marching Band Registration Form
This is the most important piece of registration. Please complete this form by Thursday June 13. We need an accurate count of students, what instruments we need to distribute, and a line of communication via the email distribution list on CutTime (formerly Charms - more info on this later).
- Be sure to read the Member Guide (linked here and/or attached below) to fully understand your commitment
New Members: please take a moment to look at these frequently asked questions.
Click the button below to access the online registration form.
2. First-Aid/Medical Form
- Download & print this form OR pick one up at rehearsal
- Fill it out & sign
- Bring it to rehearsal - turn it in by dropping it in the booster box
- Booster box at Red Land the big red box located in the room behind Mr. Starrett's office where the sink & printer/copier are.
- (Booster box at Cedar Cliff is located outside Mr. Clements's office)
- Please DO NOT email it
The First Aid form must be completed and returned by Thursday, June 13th.
3. West Shore Code of Conduct Form
- Read the expectations
- Download & print the form on the last page OR pick one up at rehearsal
- Sign it
- Bring it to the next rehearsal - turn it in by dropping it in the band box or giving it to Mr. Rupp (Music Booster President)
- Please DO NOT email it
The Code of Conduct Form must be completed and returned by Thursday, June 13th.
4. Registration Fees
- WSSD Activity Fee - $95 by August 12, 2024
- WSMB Registration
- $250 - Regular if paid by August 7, 2024
- $300 - Late if paid after August 7, 2024
- *There is no early bird fee option this season
Q & A about Registration Fees
WSSD Activity Fee
- Pay online through the district website OR
- Make a check out to "Red Land High School" or "Cedar Cliff High School" and turn it in at the main office of your child's high school
WSMB Registration
- Pay online: https://2024-ws-marching-band-registration.cheddarup.com/
- There is an option at the link above to use student credits. Please follow the directions and reach out to the student credit coordinator (Studentcredits@wsmb.info) to confirm your available balance.
- Online is the preferred method of payment (and therefore the processing fee is NOT passed on to you). If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to West Shore Music Boosters and place it in one of the booster boxes (box locations noted above under med forms)
What if I can't pay for this all at once?
The School District will help you set up a payment plan. Please contact your high school's athletic secretary to set this up. Also, the school district does allow waivers that you can fill out if you are in financial need. https://www.wssd.k12.pa.us/ActivityFee.aspx
The Music Boosters have a monthly payment plan option on the payment website. The system will charge your card 3 equal monthly payments of $83.34 totaling $250. Please contact Mr. Clements via email with any questions: gclements@wssd.k12.pa.us
West Shore Marching Band Summer/Fall Schedule
- Full Ensemble (Labeled "WSMB")
- Your section - "Winds" or "Percussion" or "Color Guard"
Plan to be in attendance at all rehearsals/performances labeled with your section or WSMB.
At the website calendar linked on the button below, you will find a google calendar embedded. If you click on the plus button on the bottom right corner of that calendar, you can add or "subscribe" to the calendars that pertain to you.
A copy of the dates in list form are available on the website at "Season Information." https://www.westshoremusicboosters.com/marching-band.html