Dublin Grizzell Middle School
March 10th, 2023

Grizzell Middle School Family Newsletter - September 15th
Principal's Message
Good evening GMS families.
I hope that everyone has had a great week and enjoyed the beautiful weather! Fall is my favorite time of year with crisp mornings and cool evenings. My family calls this "fire pit" weather, which means I have another duty of getting the Solo Stove ready. Students have started to find their groove as we finish our 1st month of the school year. Whether I talk with our regular staff or building substitutes, they all share that "we love these kids" and are so impressed with their hard work and how polite they are. This is a testament to parents and those elementary teachers who have done an outstanding job of getting the students ready for middle school.
There is a lot of information shared within the newsletter regarding upcoming events, surveys/assessments, and student opportunities. Please take a look at these items and mark your calendars for what is ahead. Also, our 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C. is less than a month away!!
Thank you for your continued support of Grizzell!
WGMS Announcement Crew is up and running!!!
To view the amazing work that our 7th-grade students are doing, please click the link below to view our weekly video announcements! Videos are uploaded weekly!
R-Factor Introduction
Our GMS R-Factor Leadership Team created this video outlining the "why" behind R-Factor, a basic foundation, and shared some key terms that students will encounter throughout the school year. I was impressed by the work of this group and how they jumped right on board to share some of their learnings from the summer training. This group will help me throughout the year as they help lead this work within our CELT Period.
Beauty and the Beast Jr. Auditions Monday, September 18th and 19th
Do you have a student interested in being in a musical? GMS is proud to present "Beauty and the Beast Jr." for the winter musical this year! Auditions will occur Monday, September 18th and Tuesday, September 19th from 3:15pm-4:30pm in the Choir Room. Students only need to choose ONE day to come and audition. If there is a conflict for these days, students can virtually audition as well. For all musical information including the audition process please click on THIS LINK.
Select Choir Virtual Auditions due Monday, September 25th (7th and 8th Graders Only)
Do you have a 7th and/or 8th grade student that would like to perform in an advanced choir? Select Choir is an advanced extra-curricular choir that meets every Thursday mornings from 7:45am-8:15am that performs at choir concerts, as well as outside events such as district meetings, honors choir, and solo and ensemble. This group is auditioned and will require a Virtual Audition. For information on auditions please click on THIS LINK.
Tenor Bass Boys Choir
Tenor Bass Choir is a fun choir that allows our male singers to explore their changing voices and learn some great songs to perform at 2 of the choir concerts this year. We also play games to get to know our group and even get to eat donuts!!! Students DO NOT need to be in choir in order to participate, so encourage your choir students to bring a friend. We meet on Monday mornings from 7:45am-8:15am with kickoff on Monday, October 2nd! To sign-up for the group please click on THIS LINK.
Principal Advisory Committee for 2023/2024
Parents & Guardians,
Please take a look at the information related to my Principal Advisory Committee for students. If you think this is something that might interest your student, encourage them to complete the form linked below. I did send this out to students on Tuesday of this week and they can find it in their email.
I am looking for students that are interested in being a part of my Principal's Advisory Committee for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a leadership role that will provide feedback and ideas to continue to help Dublin Grizzell foster a safe, inclusive and fun environment.
This committee will meet on the 1st Friday of every month during each grade's lunch period. Each grade level will have representation and interested students will receive further details. If you you have a desire and commitment to serve the Dublin Grizzell school community, this is an opportunity for you!
Learn the Facts at a Community Conversation!
Learn the Facts at a Community Conversation!
Members of the Dublin City Schools district leadership team are hitting the road and joining the principal of every school for a co-hosted Community Conversation. These Community Conversation events will be levy-focused, providing an opportunity to learn facts and ask questions about the upcoming levy and bond issue. Our school’s Community Conversation event will be Tuesday, September 26th, at 6:30 pm in the Grizzell Cafeteria. We welcome everyone to come and be a part of this informative session. Together, let's make our community stronger through open dialogue and shared knowledge. See you there!
PSAT 8/9 Test Administration Date at Grizzell will be Wednesday,Oct 18, 2023
Dear Dublin Families,
Beginning in 2016 school districts in Ohio were required to select and administer a college entrance exam during the school day for the junior class at no charge to the student. The state’s decision to add this assessment opportunity aims to support students in meeting graduation requirements and planning for their futures. It is Ohio law that the District administers a college entrance exam free of charge, and Dublin City Schools will be giving 11th grade students the SAT this school year March 5, 2024.
Dublin City Schools is committed to providing students exposure and experience to college readiness assessments. During the 2023-24 school year, all 8th grade students will be given the PSAT 8/9 assessment at no cost to the student. The PSAT 8/9 is the first in the series of SAT suite of assessments through the CollegeBoard.
PSAT 8/9 Test Administration Date:
Wednesday,Oct 18, 2023
When 8th grade students receive their PSAT 8/9 results, they will also have access to a personalized support plan which includes free online resources that can be accessed at home. These free resources help deepen students’ understanding of what is needed for college and career readiness. The learning resources also provide practice material aligned to the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT which will help to prepare students for further CollegeBoard tests.
Students are not permitted to have any electronics on them during testing. We encourage students to leave their electronic devices at home or in their lockers prior to testing. Cell phones and smart watches will be collected if brought into the testing environment. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact your school counselor or building administrators.
Thank you,
Jessica Sullivan
Coordinator of Data and Assessment
Spirit Week at Grizzell
Next week we will have our fall spirit week at Grizzell. We will also have our fall sports pep rally on Friday organized by the student council. Please see the themes for each day listed below. In case you or your student is wondering about what "UNO Reverse" is for Friday, I've been told that this could be clothes worn inside out or backwards.
Academic Assist
Our advisory/CELT period time (1:04 - 1:29) on Wednesdays and Thursdays is dedicated to providing academic supports for students. This is a time for teachers to meet with students who may need some help with the current or past content, completing missing work, catching up from an absence, finishing an assessment, or simply to provide additional interventions in one of the content areas. These meetings can be initiated by teachers or students as they continue to learn those valuable self advocacy skills. Although some students may have this time to work on homework, this should not be thought of as a traditional study center period.
Student Planners
This year each student should have a planner that they use each day to record daily and weekly assignments. Teachers have been working to ensure that students write down their assignments and due dates in these planners. A good way to connect with your students at home would be to take a couple of minutes and look at your student's planner together. Reinforcing this practice at home will help at school as well. If your student has lost their planner, please have them come to the main office as we have a few extras.
Upcoming Panorama Survey for Students on September 29th
Dear Dublin Families, September 2023
Student well-being is an essential component of educating the whole child. During the weeks of September 22 to October 2, Dublin City Schools students in grades 3-12 will have the opportunity to participate in a questionnaire asking their perceptions about school and student support.
There are two versions of the questionnaire, one for students in grades 3-5 and one for students in grades 6-12. Parents and guardians can:
Review the script that staff will read to students prior to the questionnaire,
Review the questions that will be asked,
Review Panorama for Education Questionnaire FAQ, and/or
Opt their child out by using the links below.
When completing the questionnaire, students will be encouraged to reflect on their own mindsets, approaches to learning, and feelings about school. The results will help us to better understand how we can alleviate barriers to learning, promote a culture of inclusivity and belonging, and how to best support the needs of students.
If you have questions about how this questionnaire helps us meet District goals or the process we use, please contact Dublin City Schools’ Director of Student Well-Being, Tyler Wolfe at wolfe_tyler@dublinschools.net.
Click this link to read the script that teachers will read to students:
Panorama Staff Script Fall 2023
Click the links below to see the questions that will appear on the Fall 2023 survey.
Student SEL Competencies Survey Grades 3-5.pdf
Student SEL Competencies Survey Grades 6-12.pdf
Student Supports and Environments Survey Grades 3-5.pdf
Student Supports and Environments Survey Grades 6-12.pdf
Click this link for the Panorama FAQ:
Frequently asked questions about Panorama for Education.
Click this link to opt your child out of the Fall Panorama Survey:
The Opt-Out deadline is September 21, 2023.
Thank you,
Dublin City Schools
Grizzell Athletic Events for the week of 9/18/23
MONDAY (9/18/2023)
Girls Volleyball vs. Dublin Sells MS (5:00/6:15pm)
TUESDAY (9/19/2023)
Boys/Girls Cross Country @ Delaware Dempsey MS (5:00pm)
Boys Golf @ Worthington Club Team (4:20pm @ Champions GC)
Girls Tennis vs. Pickerington Ridgeview Jr. High (5:30pm)
WEDNESDAY (9/20/2023)
7th Grade Football @ Delaware Dempsey MS (5:00pm)
8th Grade Football vs. Delaware Dempsey MS (5:00pm)
Girls Volleyball @ Worthington Perry MS (5:00/6:15pm)
Girls Tennis vs. New Albany MS (5:30pm)
THURSDAY (9/21/2023)
Boys Golf @ Hilliard Weaver MS (4:30pm @ National Road GC)
FRIDAY (9/22/2023)
SATURDAY (9/23/2023)
Boys/Girls XC @ Celtic Clash (4:00 PM @ Dublin Jerome HS)
Girls Tennis @ Dublin MS Tennis Championship (9:00 AM @ Dublin Coffman High School)
Get your GMS Athletics Family Pass HERE
Attention GMS Athletics families: Don't forget to purchase your GMS Athletics Family Passes for the '23-'24 school year! This pass is a DEAL especially if you and the immediate family only attend 5-7 events all year. PLUS you avoid the service charges on individual game tickets! Even better news: it's recognized at home AND away contests at all Dublin middle schools (DMS, ERMS, KMS, & SMS)!! Get yours today @ https://oh50000562.schoolwires.net/Page/2346 !!
GMS Student Athletics Pass
Grizzell students will have the opportunity to purchase a Student Athletic Pass for the 2023/2024 school year. The cost of the pass is $25 and will allow you entry into any middle school athletic event in Dublin. Students/families can purchase these passes in the main office by bringing in cash or a check made out to Grizzell Middle School. Once we have our school IDs, there will be a sticker added to the back of the ID that identifies purchase of the pass. If a student does not have an athletics family pass or student athletic pass, the student will need to purchase a ticket online through our athletics website.
Coffman & Jerome Football Games & Themes
Coffman vs Westerville Central (away) - Country Club Theme
PTO Sign Up for Fall Conference Dinner Donations on September 28th and Oct.5th
Please consider contributing to our Fall Conference Dinner for the GMS staff. You can use the sign up genius listed below. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054DABAD2CA7F58-gmsfall#/
'Because You Can 5k' on behalf of the Ungerott Family
Kateswell is thrilled to officially announce the inaugural “Because You Can 5K” run to be held on October 29th, benefiting Kateswell’s Leslie Ungerott Fund. This 5K event will be run out of Dublin Jerome High School and will be a blast for runners and walkers of all levels and ages.
Leslie's children attend Grizzell and we are excited to partner with the Ungerott's to bring the celebration to you! Please click the link for more detail. https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/Dublin/BecauseYouCan5K
If you have not already done so, please consider making a donation to the PTO
Global Travel Opportunities
Over a hundred students have signed up to take overseas trips in 2024 through the Dublin City Schools' Global Travel Program, with trips occurring over spring break and next summer. There is still time to register for a trip! Help your student attain a heightened global awareness and well-developed cultural perspective by encouraging them to participate in the DCS Global Travel Program. Trips complement our curriculum and focus on service learning, language immersion, cultural exchange and/or intellectual pursuits. Destinations in 2024 include Costa Rica and Panama; Dominican Republic; Iceland; Hawaii; Thailand; Austria, Germany and Switzerland; Italy and Greece; Japan; London, Paris and Rome; and Germany and Austria. See details on the district website HERE.
Check out the Info Hub
The Info Hub page on our website includes information about a wide variety of activities from our community partners. Learn more about Little Irish Wrestling, a future Dublin hockey players program, drama classes, enrichment programs and many more. Check it out here.
Drive a Bus, Drive Your Career Hiring Event
Dublin City Schools is hosting its first ever Bus Driver Hiring Event, Saturday, September 30, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the transportation department, 6371 Shier Rings Road. Attendees will have the opportunity to sit in the driver’s seat, talk to current bus drivers, learn what a typical day is like and even apply and interview if interested.
From the City of Dublin New on the Podcast: Esports in Dublin
What is esports? Learn all about the Dublin Community Recreation Center's newest programming with Director of Recreation Services Tracey Gee in the latest episode of the “Link Ahead” podcast! Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
What to Know during Suicide Prevention Month
Our community takes mental health and wellness seriously. The City of Dublin, alongside Dublin Police, is proud to link residents to local groups and resources via our digital Suicide Prevention Resource Guide. Find important information for young people, including the Locks Save Lives program and “How to talk to someone about suicide prevention” section. Review the guide.
Community Engagement DCSU
DCSU September 20
The next evening of DCS University is scheduled for Wednesday, September 20 at Emerald Campus from 6-8:30 p.m. We encourage your family to attend this opportunity to engage with us as we offer: A Community Conversation with Dr. Marschhausen and members of the Board of Education 9 session options led by district and community experts on a variety of topics related to academics and student experience A resource fair with community partners providing helpful information for parents Activities for school-age children are available for families who pre-register. Here is the link to more detailed information and the registration form. If you have questions, please contact Kristy Venne at venne_kristy@dublinschools.net.
Ally Casale - (Student last names A-K) 614-718-8623
Jackie Zody - (Students last names L-Z) 614-718-8620
Samantha Kendle - (Student Support Specialist) - 614-718-8476
Katie Pack - (Guidance Secretary) 614-718-8613
Dublin Grizzell Middle School
Ms. Shana Murray - Assistant Principal
Email: Grizzell_info@dublinschools.net
Website: https://www.dublinschools.net/Domain/12
Location: 8705 Avery Rd, Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: (614) 798-3569
Twitter: @gmsDCSD