SMCMS News 09.01.22
SMCMS News 09.01.22
In this email
- Back to School Forms Due Tomorrow
- Food Service News
- Service Hour Requirements
- Service Hour Opportunity
- Fall Musical Auditions
- Important dates for your calendar
Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year Middle School Fam!
Back to School Forms
Any student who brings all the following forms Friday September 2nd will get an out of dress code day.
- *Medication Consent Form
- *Student Emergency Information
- Please read the 2022-23 SMCMS Student/Parent Handbook with your child(ren)
- Student/Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
- *VIRTUS Diocesan Volunteer Code of Conduct (Must be signed every year)
All of these forms can be found on our website. ( On the top click “Forms” and scroll down to SMCMS Forms.
We will also need proof of all required immunization on file. If your child had any immunizations over the summer, please send a copy of these so we can update our files. Incoming 6th graders are required to get their Tdap immunization.
2022-23 Food Service at SMCS
Hot Lunch, There's an APP for that! SMCS is excited to partner with Chartwells for food service this year. We will continue to share hot lunch menus on our website under the calendar drop down, but the information will also be available via the Nutrislice app. The app includes allergy and nutritional information for all menu items.
Free and Reduced Lunch: With the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, there will be no USDA Waiver Program that offered free hot lunch to all SMCS students for the past two years. Food service will begin charging any families that are not on our free/reduced lunch program for meals.
As in the past, families that submit an application and are approved or families that are approved with a computer match of state benefits will not be charged for meals. Any families that qualified for free/reduced lunch in any of the past 3 school years will not be charged for lunch for the first 30 school days of the coming school year, giving families time to submit applications for free/reduced lunch.
Please call Anne Greif at 722-4914 if you have any questions.
Beginning of the Year Lunch Survey: At St. Mary Catholic Schools, we’re always looking for ways improve our meal services, and we want to hear from you!
You’re invited to take a short survey, taking less than 10 minutes. All responses will stay completely anonymous, and results will be used in menu and program development. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we continually look for ways to create happy and healthy mealtime experiences at school.
For families with students in middle and high school, click here to begin the survey.
Hot Lunch Volunteers: We need daily lunch volunteers this year from about 11:00-12:30 We will be using an online program (Sign Up Genius) to schedule the volunteers. It will automatically email you to remind you of your shift! This counts towards your parent involvement hours and you also get a chance to see your child! Click here to sign up!
Service Hour Requirement
The goal of religion class is to form faithful disciples of Jesus. Since giving of yourself through service is a key aspect of following Jesus all middle school students are expected to serve their community. Students should complete at least 3 hours of service per quarter, for a total of 12 hours per school year. Service completed during the summer counts towards this school year! Hours will be logged on service forms, which will be handed out in religion class. Students will earn bonus points in religion class for the completion of these hours.
Please contact your child’s religion teacher with any questions.
Christine Corrigan (6th Grade Religion) -
Maria Schmitz (7th & 8th Grade Religion) -
Service Hour Opportunity: St Patrick's Fall Heritage Festival
St. Patrick's in Menasha is preparing for their Fall Heritage Festival taking place September 9-10 Volunteers are needed to help the event run smoothly, and students can receive service hour credit. Click here to sign up to help.
The Lion King Jr. Auditions
Based on the 1994 Disney animated feature film of the same name, The Lion King is the story of Simba, an adventurous and energetic lion cub who is next in line to be king of the Pride Lands, a thriving and beautiful region in the African savanna. When Simba’s father Mufasa is killed by his uncle Scar, though, Simba is led to believe that his father’s death is his fault, and he is encouraged to run away forever. Scar seizes power and with his already unstable mind deteriorating, the Pride Lands experiences a darkness and desolation from which only Simba can save the animals of the kingdom. Featuring classic songs from the film such as “Circle of Life,” “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King,” “Hakuna Matata,” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight,” The Lion King is a story and a spectacle about identity, family, and responsibility that is enjoyed worldwide by people of all ages. SMCMS students will be present this musical October 21st through the 23rd.
All those interested in being a part of the MS Musical The Lion King Jr. this fall should sign up for an audition slot on this sign up genius. Auditions on Tuesday, September 6th will be from 3:30 – 5:30pm. Students are to prepare a monologue and song to showcase their voice for auditions. If students do not have a monologue or song prepared, one will be provided. Callbacks will be on Thursday, September 8th from 3:15 – 4:00pm. All auditions will be in the MS Choir Room.
Anyone with questions about the MS musical can email Eric Conner, SMCS Fine Arts Director at
Middle School Mini Lock-In
All middle school students are invited to the Mini Lock-In at St. Mary in Menasha on September 10th! Please register by clicking here.
Picture Retakes: 9.26.22
Scanlan Studios took middle school pictures at our orientation on Monday. Proofs and ordering information will be emailed home. If you aren't happy with the proof, picture retakes will be held on September 26th.
Zephyrs Connect 09.23.22
This event is fun for the whole family. Whether you come to run, or to enjoy games, entertainment, and Friday night football, come join the Zephyrs family in supporting our schools! Click the image to register.
All Aboard 10.15.22
Important Dates for your Calendar!
Friday, September 2nd: Back to school forms due
Monday, September 5th: No School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 6th: SMCS Zephyrs Spirit Day-students can wear spirit wear
Wednesday, September 7th: MS Liturgy in FAEC
Saturday, September 10th: Middle School Lock In at St. Mary in Menasha
Friday, September 23rd: Zephyrs Connect 5K/Fun Run and Family Festival 3:30 p.m.
Friday, September 30th: NO SCHOOL-Parent Teacher Conferences
View our monthly calendar here.
A printable system calendar is available here.