Chapel Hill News
Chapel Hill Monthly Family Newsletter - May 2023
Upcoming Important Dates
April 25th - May 19th - MAP Testing Window for grades 3-5
May 5th - Fun Run Kickoff
May 5th - May 12th - Fun Run Fundraising
May 6th - Girls on the Run 5K at Swope Park
- Separate communication sent with participating students
May 8th or May 9th - Open House for incoming 6th Graders at Gateway, 5:00pm - 7:00 pm (more info below)
May 9th - PTA Meeting 6:30 pm, CH Library or via Microsoft Teams
May 12th - Fun Run, 9:30 am throughout the day (more info below)
May 17th - Gateway Principals to Visit 5th Grade, 9:30am
May 17th - Mid-Continent Public Library Visit - Summer Reading Program (all grade levels)
May 18th - Kona Ice Truck Celebration for Major Saver Winners, 2:30pm
- Separate communication will be sent to individual participating students.
May 19th - 5th Grade Fun Day (more info below)
May 23rd - CHAMP CAMP DAY - Students should wear Champ Camp shirts, Chapel Hill spirit-wear, or blue.
May 24th - Field Day (more info below)
May 24th - Diversity Council Celebration, 4:30 pm
- Separate communication will be sent to individual participating students.
May 26th - Last Day of School, half day dismissal at 12:30 pm
May 26th - 4th Quarter Grade Viewable for all Families in PowerSchool Parent Portal
June 5th -29th - Summer School begins, 8:45 am - 2:45 pm
Reminder: MAP Testing for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders April 25th - May 19th
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are participating in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) April 25th - May 19th throughout the day. The 3rd and 4th grade students will be assessed in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The 5th grade students will be assessed in English Language Arts , Mathematics, and Science. The results will allow us to make adjustments in your child's educational program and assess the strengths and weaknesses of our total school instructional program. You will receive the results when they are returned to the school district in the fall.
The following are some suggestions on how you can help support our efforts during the testing process:
- Make sure your child is at school and on time every day of the testing period.
- Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast. Children do better if they are well rested and alert. Remember breakfast may be ordered at school.
- Let your child know that you expect her/him to do the best she/he can. Reassure your child that taking a test should not be different than any other school assignment. We do not want children to worry about the test, but we want them to understand that it is important.
- Do not make appointments during testing times.
- Do not withdraw students from school early on testing days.
*Students arriving after 9:30 AM will be held in the library and will have to make-up the test.
Gateway Open House - Monday, May 8th and Tuesday, May 9th
This event is a come-and go open house with self-guided tours. Current 6th graders will be posted throughout the building to provide visitors information about specific areas of the school. Teachers will be present, as well as Dr. Bradley (new principal), Dr. Donnelly (asst. principal), and Mrs. Grimm (asst. principal). Booster Club will have a table set up to answer questions and to take memberships.
If you have a 5th grader, we hope your family will take advantage of this opportunity to become better acclimated with the sixth grade center.
PTA Sponsored Fun Run - Friday, May 12th
We are kicking off our Chapel Hill Fun Run Fundraiser on May 5th! Our goal is to raise $15,000 for school furniture and to strengthen our school community. Even if your family is unable to donate, you can still be involved by simply SHARING about our fundraiser with friends and extended family. Sharing IS supporting! All students will participate in the Chapel Hill Fun Run on May 12th, regardless of financial participation. We will also be following our school safety guidelines to ensure a safe and fun experience for everyone. Permission slips went home with all students and should be returned before Friday, May 12th.
We will run at the Oak Park High School football stadium and track again this year, weather permitting. Parents will be allowed to watch from the stands and there will be several opportunities for volunteer positions to help as well!
To volunteer, please sign up using the Sign-Up Genius linked below. Include your first and last name, and in the comment fill in with your child's name and grade. Volunteer stickers will need to be run through the office and printed in advance.
Spectators will be able to come view the run from the bleachers. Please stop by at the entrance at Oak Park football field to grab a visitor sticker.
- Kindergarten & 2nd Grade
- Depart Chapel Hill: 9:30
- Run Time: 9:45-10:45
- 3rd & 4th Grades
- Depart Chapel Hill: 10:30
- Run Time: 10:45-11:45
- 1st and 5th Grades
- Depart Chapel Hill: 11:30
- Run Time: 11:45-12:45
5th Grade Fun Day - Friday, May 19th
The end of the year is just around the corner. Fifth Grade Fun Day is a PTA-Sponsored event dedicated to celebrating the 5th graders before they begin their middle school journey.
When is it? The event will take place on Friday, May 19th during the school day. The buses will leave Chapel Hill at approximately 9:30 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m.
Where does this take place? We will begin with bowling at Main Event from 10:15-11:15 am. Following this we will have a pizza picnic at Hobby Hill Park. At 1pm we will return back to school for a kids vs. adults kickball game and an ice cream party on the blacktop. Finally, we will end the day with a celebration ceremony in the gymnasium from 2:20-3:30pm.
How can I contribute or be involved in the events of the day? There are numerous ways for you to be involved in the events of the day.
Sign-up to provide water, Gatorade, individual chip bags, or paper goods using the link to the Sign-Up Genius below.
Fill out the permission slip attached below to chaperone the Main Event portion of the day. We are limited to 10 adults per class. The first 10 parents/guardians from each class to return their permission slips will be notified by their child’s teacher that they were selected to chaperone.
All parents and guardians are welcome to join us after bowling at 11:30am at Hobby Hill Park.
We will be holding our first annual 5th Grade Recognition Celebration at 2:30pm in the Chapel Hill gymnasium. We hope all families can join us for a musical performance, slide show, and the presentation of certificates.
What do I need to send with my child? All students need to wear socks and athletic shoes. You may also send them with a water bottle and sunscreen. If you sign up to donate food or drink items, we ask that you send those to school with your child no later than Wednesday, May 17th.
Please note that this event is for 5th graders and their parent/guardian(s). Siblings are not permitted to attend.
This information and the permission slip have been sent home with all students. It is also attached below. If you have any additional questions, contact the Chapel Hill office at (816)321-5040.
Fifth Grade Teachers: Miss Foote, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Peine, and Ms. Taylor
Last Days of SAGE for 2022-2023
Here are the last days for students to attend SAGE this school year:
Mondays - 1st Grade/4th Grade - May 15th
Tuesdays - 2nd Grade - May 16th
Wednesdays - 5th Grade - May 17th
Thursdays - 3rd Grade - May 18th **
** In addition, all Thursdays in May will have a regular arrival time as there are no late starts in May.
Field Day - Wednesday, May 24th
The Chapel Hill Field Day is approaching on Wednesday, May 24th. We will be having our primary students (K-2) participate in the morning and our intermediate students (3-5) in the afternoon. Our stations will be ran by A+ students from Oak Park High School to allow them to earn some of their community service hours.
Last Call for T-shirts: Our t-shirt order form is below and has been sent home with students. We are looking forward to this exciting event for our students to wrap up our school year! On the day of the event, please put sunscreen on your children and send them with a water bottle. Go Bobcats!!
Reminder: Official Last Day of School and Summer School Info
The official last day of school will be Friday, May 26th and it is a half day. Students will be released at 12:30 pm.
The deadline for signing up for Summer School is Friday, May 12th. Due to construction, Chapel Hill will hold summer school at Meadowbrook Elementary located at 6301 N Michigan Avenue Gladstone, MO 64118. Summer School Hours and Dates are as follows:
June 5th - June 29th (Monday-Thursday Only)
***There will be no summer school on Monday, June 19th as we observe Juneteenth, which is a federal and state holiday. A virtual day will be held on Friday, June 23rd in replacement of Monday’s holiday.**
Summer School Enrollment Process
1. Log into the Power School Parent Portal
2. Once in Parent Portal, find and click “NKCSD Summer Enroll” on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
3. On the next page you will see a blue screen that says Summer School Registration. Click “Get Started.”
4. You will be taken to the registration form after clicking “Get Started.”
a. Complete the registration form. Some of your student’s information will be pre-populated. Other fields will need to be added manually.
b. In the “Transportation” section of the form, be sure to identify how your child will get to and from school (parent drop off, bus, Adventure Club).
c. Click "Register Student” once you’ve completed the form.
Additional Notes to Consider: If your child plans to attend Adventure Club this summer (students who completed grades K-4 during the 2022-23 school year), or The Great Adventure (students who completed grades 5,6,7) you must complete a separate Adventure Club enrollment in addition to completing the summer school enrollment process. Please visit the Adventure Club webpage for pricing and additional information.
End-of-Year iPad Collection
Students will be responsible for turning in their iPad, charger, and cord. As a reminder, student iPads and chargers are property of the North Kansas City School District and should not be altered in any way. When they are returned, the cases may not have any extra markings or stickers and the charging brick/cord should be the Apple Certified versions that were issued to your child at the beginning of the school year. Chargers/cords that are damaged or not Apple Certified will not be accepted and you will be charged for the replacements. Cases that have markings/stickers and have to be replaced will also be charged to your student account.
If Apple cords or chargers are missing, you can purchase them through the Chapel Hill office for $19 a piece. All replacement items must be turned in or purchased by May 25th.
Updates from Reading Support
Summer is almost here, and while most students think of it as time to play instead of reading and writing, please encourage them to keep reading and even writing throughout the non-school months. Reading through the summer helps prevent the summer slide. Research has indicated that reading even as few as 5 books during the summer can keep students from losing ground so they are ready to begin the new year where they left off this year.
Help them find the time and the books they would enjoy. This is the perfect time to start a series of books. Maybe you can read the first one in the series aloud and let them follow up with the next one. There are more and more graphic books (like comic books) available, and kids love those. They also love non-fiction books. Even if they can’t read all of it, reading portions is okay. Try the Guinness Book of World Records or sports biographies. Read fantasies or books that became movies (and watch the movie in conjunction).
Books open up so much of the world. Enjoy it with them and watch your child develop as an independent reader!
Happy Reading and Happy Summer from your reading teachers!
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Swofford
General Reminders
- Late Start Thursdays ended in April. For the remainder of the year, school will begin at 9:15 am every day.
- Please send your child to school with a water bottle each day.
- Please call the office to report an absence at 816-321-5042.
- If your child has borrowed clothes from the nurse's office after having an accident, please launder those clothes and return them. If you are switching out your child's clothes due to the change in seasons, please consider making a donation of outgrown pants to the nurse's office. Used play condition is fine.
- If you need to make changes in your child's dismissal for the day, please call the office at 816-321-5040 before 3:45 pm. We will hold firm to this cut off for early pick up as well. Unless otherwise notified by 3:45 pm, your child will follow the after school arrangements as stated on the electronic Dismissal Information Form.
- To improve efficiency of the car rider line, please make sure your name plate is displayed in the front of your windshield from the time you get in line until your child is in the car. Remember to pull all the way up to the car in front of you. If grandparents do car rider pick up for you, please remind them of these things.
- Did you know that you can find our most up to date school calendar on our website?
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
At their January 17 meeting, the Board of Education approved academic calendars for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. Several significant changes were made based on staff feedback and to align with the new Strategic Plan. Next year, we will discontinue Late Start Thursdays and redistribute this time. Instead, we have added several full days for professional development for all staff members. Click the link below to see all feedback-driven changes.
Free Tutoring!
Did you know that you could access free tutoring for your child?
Mid-Continent Public Library offers this service to all patrons with a library card. If this could help your family or you have any questions, please call the Mid-Continent Public Library at 816-454-1306.