Gemini Elementary Geminews
August 18, 2023
Calendar of Events
Friday, August 18th- Early Release Day 1:15 pm
Tuesday, August 22nd- PTO Galaxy Skate Night 6:00-8:00 pm, see flyer below.
Wednesday, August 23rd- 6th Grade Parent Night 5:00-6:00 pm
Thursday, August 24th- 2nd Grade Parent Night 5:00-6:00 pm
Friday, August 25th- Early Release 1:15 pm
Front Office Changes
We will place a cart in the vestibule area for items that are dropped off and need to be sent to the classroom. Please try and have your student review that they have everything they need in the morning before they leave the house. If you need to bring something in, please fill out your student's name and teacher's name on the slips provided and tape it to the item. We will have our volunteers monitoring the cart and notifying and or delivering the items as time permits to the classrooms. Our goal is to limit the number of interruptions to our teacher's instructional time.
We appreciate your patience as we implement this new security measure.
Thank you,
Christina Carver, Principal
Music Opportunities for 4th, 5th and 6th Grade
Music programs will be starting the week of August 28th.
All 4th - 6th grade students received paperwork sent home in their Thursday folders on 8/17.
- 4th, 5th & 6th grade students can participate in the Gemini Chorus. Chorus will meet Tuesday & Wednesday after school. Click here for more info about chorus.
- 5th grade students can participate in the Beginning Orchestra. Beginning Orchestra will meet on Tuesdays during activity time, and Thursdays after school. All 5th grade students will be attending the Orchestra Presentation during activity on Tuesday, August 22nd to learn more about orchestra. More info will be passed out at the presentation.
- 6th grade students can participate in the Intermediate Orchestra. Intermediate Orchestra will meet on Tuesdays during activity time and Fridays after school. Click here for more info about Intermediate Orchestra. Intermediate orchestra is intended for students in their second year of orchestra. If your 6th grade student did not participate in orchestra here at Gemini last year, but they would like to join, please contact Ms. Gleacher.
If you have any questions about the music programs at Gemini, please email Ms. Gleacher the Music Teacher. Gleacher.Kali@BrevardSchools.org
The 2023-2024 Code of Conduct was sent home with your student (grades 1-6) in Thursday folders last week and yesterday for Kindergarten. Please go over this with your child, sign it, and return it to your teacher as soon as possible.
Cafeteria News
PTO News
Hi Gemini Families,
Welcome to a new school year! We had a great PTO General Membership meeting this morning, thank you so much to all who attended. I wanted to fill you in on the items that were discussed and approved by the membership. We voted on and approved the 2023-2024 PTO Operating Budget. Once the operating budget is approved, we are able to begin our Teacher Reimbursement Program. All of our teachers are given a $200 reimbursement each school year to purchase supplies or other needed items for their classroom. The reimbursement form went out to them after the meeting and we are thrilled to be able to continue to support our teachers in this way.
We also presented the events and fundraisers we have scheduled for this school year and welcome the participation of any parent/guardian who would like to help plan and execute these events. Please see a list of upcoming events below and contact us if you would be willing to chair a particular event or join the planning committee.
Finally, over the summer, our tile mural that was created last school year by our students and families was installed in Center Court. The PTO also commissioned two local artists to design and create murals on the school grounds, one in our cafeteria and one outside in the kindergarten playground as you enter the school. We encourage you to check them out when you attend your grade's curriculum nights and the Open House on Wednesday, September 6.
As always, we very much appreciate all of your involvement and look forward to seeing many of you at our annual Parent's Night Out event on Friday, September 29 and our next General Membership Meeting in October.
Thank You!
Sarah Apelquist
Gemini PTO President
Lunch with your student
Morning Mile
We are so excited to welcome everyone back to the Morning Mile field! Morning Mile takes place on Gemini’s South Field every day from 7:15 - 7:45. Morning Mile is free and all students in the school are signed up. Parents and siblings are welcome! No need to be one time, just show up anytime before the first bell.
5 laps around the field is a mile and for every 5 miles that are completed (running or walking), the students earn shoe charms. Once they earn 100 miles they earn a shirt and a celebratory lap.
Because of Gemini’s success in the Running Zone Race Series last year, we have decided to participate in the 2023-2024 Race Series. The top school prizes are $1,000 for 1st place, $500 for second place and $250 for 3rd place. For every race that is participated in, each student will get credit for 25 laps (straws) and a fun charm for their Morning Mile necklace. Please come out and support Morning Mile! Signing up for a race is also a great way to get motivated to make it to the field each morning plus they are super fun!
Gemini crushed it at the Tailgate 2 Miler this past Sunday winning third place school participation! Thank you team members Cal Daut, Soren Daut, Alex Juckiewicz, Malek McGourty, Nour McGrourty, Zaid McGrourty, Creed McNall, Maggie McNall, Alva Sebastian, Isaac Wilson, and Lyla Wilson!
The next race in the series is the Ghostly Gecko 5K on October 28. Sign up here and select Gemini Elementary as your team. https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Melbourne/GhostlyGecko5K
Get notified about details regarding Gemini’s Morning Mile Program through the Remind App. Text @dee9f2f to 81010 or go to https://www.remind.com/join/dee9f2f
Questions? - melissamcnall10@gmail.com.
Hand Hygiene, Routine Cleaning, and Disease Prevention "Drop and Suds" Video
1. View the "Drop and Suds" video to support good hand washing habits. It can be found at the following URL:
2. Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, when soiled and/or look dirty, feel dirty, and/or after specific activities, such as:
a. Coughing, sneezing, blowing nose.
b. Using the restroom.
c. Participating in indoor/outdoor play activities.
d. Working with paints, oils and other art supplies that are shared by many individuals.
e. Having contact with pets/animals.
3. Use hand sanitizer when hands are not soiled or do not look dirty, but need to be cleaned, such as:
a. Beginning of each day when children come into the classrooms.
The best way to prevent the spread of illness is to follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control which indicate the following:
1. Cover coughs and sneezes.
2. Wash hands frequently.
3. Keep hands away from the face.
4. Clean and disinfect commonly handled surfaces or objects.
Thank you for helping to share this information with your student.
b. Before and after mealtimes/snacks, etc.
c. After using any shared items, school supplies, etc.
d. End of the day before leaving for home.