Saints Scoop
Mrs. Waters' Weekly Update
Week of 1/15
Dear Parents,
Happy Snow Day! I hope you all enjoyed playing in the snow.
Last week, the middle school students and teachers were mesmerized by a talk given by Mrs. Denise McKenzie about her daughter Bernadette who was the recipient of a true miracle! Bernadette suffered with severe back pain for years; she underwent several surgeries and her pain was not relieved. The McKenzie family participated in a novena to Leonie Aviat, the founder of the Oblates Sisters of Saint Francis deSales. Bernadette was cured of her severe pain and doctors could see no medical reason as to why. To this day, Bernadette still has the condition that caused her great pain as a young girl; she just doesn’t have any pain from it! This story is just one example of miracles still happening in our world today. As I shared with the children, it is also an example of the power of prayer. Sometimes we just need a reminder of this. Prayers do work, and the prayers of children are especially powerful. Please know we do pray for your intentions during the school day. If you wish to ask for prayers for a specific person or reason, please let Mrs. McCormick or me know and we will include them in our daily prayers and in the Saints Scoop prayer section. God bless you all!
IMPORTANT: Please make sure that anyone coming to school during the day to drop off or pick up children, to volunteer, to drop off missed items,or any other reason is aware that no cars are permitted past the orange barricades during the school day. This is to help keep your children safe. People may park on the other side of the barricades and walk to the main entrance. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
This week's Super Saint Buck Winners are: Nicky DiStefano, Frances Callaghan, Caroline Ezekiel, Kieran O’Neill, Ryan Sheaffer, Anna Ludlow, Lindsay Lythgoe, Reese Tobin, and Tess Logan. Our above and beyond winners are: Bella Saralegui, Jack O’Donovan, Claire Tobin, Siena Weidenman, and Blaise Roettger. Congratulations to Mrs. Stauffer and 4A who have won a dress down day for having the most Super Saint Bucks!
Exciting news! The spring musical will take place the weekend of April 26. Auditions will take place the first week of February for interested students in Grades 4 through 8.
Planning is well under way for a super fun Catholic Schools Week 2024. SCJN will kick it off in style with the traditional Pancake Breakfast on Sunday January 28. Please see registration information in the Home and School section below as well as a flyer with more information. Special thanks to the Lavelle family for leading the way!
Uniform Reminders: Please review the uniform policy and make sure your children are following the guidelines. Please check the length of the skirts on your daughters; some are quite short. Tights may be worn with the school uniform on these colder days. Gym shirts and pants are to be worn on gym days. Spirit wear is not part of the gym uniform. Spirit wear may be worn on Spirit Days.
To keep your children safe, everyone must wear a full shoe every day. Slippers, open back shoes and Uggs, crocs, etc. are not acceptable footwear. Hey Dude shoes are not permitted with the gym uniform or spiritwear, sneakers only please.
A few reminders for the week:
- The 8th Grade will attend daily Mass tomorrow January 17 at 8:00am.
- January's Chick Fil A lunch will be held on January 26, please use this link to order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSer016l2_EJ701bgJyZdFYVdpVNn5UDKk1Sn_G2WOx-QRcnjw/viewform?usp=sf_link
- The SCJN Book Club will discuss Rococo by Adriana Trigiani on Thursday, 2/22 at 7 p.m. at Char & Stave in Ardmore. RSVP to Donna Romero (dkellyromero@gmail.com) if you'd like to join!
Looking ahead, Terra Nova Testing will take place March 1 through March 8 in grades 2-7. These tests are very important in helping us best teach your children. Please do not make any appointments or take time off during these dates. Please make sure your children are on time for school for the Terra Nova tests.
All students must bring a lunch to school everyday. Thank you for remembering.
- We are so appreciative of all of our volunteers. We can’t do all we do without you. It is imperative that we keep your children safe. Please make sure all of your Safe Environment paperwork is complete and up to date.
- Please send your children to school with a coat!
Virtue of the Month and Prayer Corner
Our virtue for the month of January is Gratitude. Gratitude is seeing everything as a gift and being thankful.
We pray that all of our school families stay safe and healthy. We pray for the Gorman, Grimes, Murray, Murphy, Haas, Hallinan, Muir and Morrissey families.
We pray for the Powell Family, Jennifer Rispo, Ronald Andra-Jess-Key, Austin Beltrante, Lily Walker, Mike McNicholas, Marion Somers, Carolyn Foran, Tricia Humpton, Bill Tierney, and Kathryn Blaney. We pray for two special intentions, Dennis White, Mike Wusinich, Bill Garrity, and LeighAnn Ingersoll. We pray for the people of Israel and Gaza. We pray for the Durkin family. We pray for peace in our world and our community. We pray that we all have the courage to be kind and accepting of each other.
CYO News
Our basketball season continues with some great games and exciting finishes from all of our girls and boys' teams. Due to parish events, most of our basketball teams will be playing away in front of our rival's fans over the next week. Take a short road trip to some of our neighboring parishes and show our opponents how SCJN's Blue and Gold travels with passion and enthusiasm. See below for a list of all of our home basketball games this week. For a full schedule of games, home and away, and CYO accomplishments and news, please check the CYO website at http://www.SCJNSaints.org
Sunday, January 21st
3:45 p.m. - JV Girls (A) vs. St. Katharine
5 p.m. - Varsity Girls (A) vs. St. Katharine
Let's Go Saints!
Parish News
Upcoming Events
1/17 5th Grade attends 8:00 am Mass
1/24 8th Grade attends 8:00 am Mass
1/24 SpeakUp Student Leadership Meeting
1/26 Chick Fil A Lunch
1/28 Catholic Schools Week Begins
Pancake Breakfast 8-12
Current Family Open House 9-11
Book Fair
Link to school calendar here.
Home and School
Please check the Home and School website for any important updates and deadlines.
The SCJN Pancake Breakfast kicks off Catholic Schools week on Sunday, January 28th in the cafeteria! Please see the attached flier for details and Sign Up Here.
Save the Date for Quizzo coming Saturday, February 24th. Additional details available soon.
Class Cocktail Parties are a wonderful opportunity for the parents of SCJN to gather and socialize!
Thank you to those who have already volunteered to host future class cocktail parties!
PK-4 - The Peluso family, Friday, May 31
1st - The Donovan family, Saturday, February 3
3rd - The Barrickman family, TBD
7th - The Russo family, TBD
And thank you to Lydia Holiat and Michael Pidhirskyj, and the Garlepp and Shaknis families for already hosting!
We are still looking for families to host parties for the following grades: 4th, 5th, and 6th. If you are interested in hosting a class cocktail party for one of these grades, please contact Home & School Vice President, Becky Catterson at rebeccascatterson@gmail.com.
Lunch Volunteers - We are always looking for more help with lunch coverage.
Please consider signing up on days that work for you- even if it is last minute!
Cold, rainy, and snowy days requiring indoor recess are when extra help is most appreciated.
Regular volunteers, please know how much we appreciate your ongoing support. If anything has changed and you need to make adjustments to your schedule please update Weekly SCJN Volunteers schedule.
You need to have your clearances on file or be registered for a course in order to volunteer.
If you are interested in being added to a substitution request email or have any questions please reach out to Alison Tobin adtobin10@gmail.com.
Pizza Thursday Link
Please complete form by Thursday at 8:30am. Send money to school for your whole family in an envelope or bag! Thank you! :)
Quote of the Week
Mrs. Therese Waters
Email: Therese.Waters@scjnschool.org
Website: Scjnschool.org
Phone: 610-525-3266
Twitter: @MrsCimineraSCJN