HETAC Newsletter
December 8, 2023
NEW: Local Educational Agency Homeless Education Policies: Understanding and Implementing Federal and California Law.
This Tip Sheet:
- Explains the California requirement for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to establish homeless education program policies that are consistent with relevant federal and state law,
- Explains the California requirement for LEAs to train LEA employees on their homeless education program policies,
- Recommends key topics to address in LEA homeless education program policies and administrative regulations,
- Provides a sample homeless education program policy that California LEAs can use as a starting place for developing their own policy.
You can find the tip sheet and sample Board Policy at:
CDE Homeless Education Data & Donuts
Join the California Department of Education (CDE) for Data, Donuts, and Discussion homeless student data office hours. Dig into homeless education data with CDE and California local educational agencies. Data and Donuts is open to all County Office of Education (COE) liaisons, local educational agency (LEA) liaisons, and other interested stakeholders.
Data and Donuts: California Department of Education Homeless Education Office Hours: December 14, 2023 at 3:00-4:30 pm.
Topic: Downloadable Data Files – Brush up on your Excel skills and practice using downloadable data files
Register in advance for this meeting:
PLEASE NOTE: We have no Data & Donuts in JANUARY. A new flyer will come out soon for our February to May 2024 meetings.
Addressing Chronic Behavior Challenges Using a Strength-Based Approach
Date: Dec 12, 2023
Time: 2:00 - 3:30pm
Register in advance for this meeting:
Definitions and examples of chronic behavior and how it affects all of us, what we might be experiencing due to any type of traumatic experience, and how to address it and create strengths-based environments for everyone.
Expanded Graduation Options for Student Experiencing Homelessness in California
Date: January 25, 2024
Time: 10:00-11:30 am
Register in advance for this meeting:
Description: This webinar will provide information about expanded high school graduation options available to students experiencing homelessness under California Education Code and recommend best practices for implementing these options.
The webinar also will tour related implementation tools available from the California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC), including:
- LEA-Level Guiding Questions for Implementing California’s Expanded Graduation Options for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Student-Level Strategies for Implementing California’s Expanded Graduation Options
- California Expanded Graduation Options Credit Worksheet
- Notification of Eligibility for California Expanded Graduation Options (customizable by LEA)
- Notification of California Expanded Graduation Option Selection (customizable by LEA)
CAAVA Training
The CA HETAC is offering a special opportunity to attend a CAAVE training for free to your region! CAAVE stands for Compassion, Awareness, Acceptance, Validation and Empowerment and is a research-based, interactive learning experience that builds a shared understanding for the power of relationships and invaluable life-long skills for leaders, managers and teams.
This training is appropriate for all school site staff including teachers, counselors and administrators.
Check with your region HETAC lead for dates and times in your region!
More about CAAVE can be found here:
LA LGBT Center RISE Training & Coaching Intensive
Consider joining the next cohort for the LGBT Center RISE Training and Coaching Intensive. The dates are Monday, February 19th - Wednesday, February 21st from 9:00am - 4:30pm daily. See the flyer below for more information and all the details. This opportunity is open to all LEAs and COEs.
To register for this free training visit:
Rural Community of Practice
Next dates: February 2, 2024 from 10:00-11:30 am
For more information reach out to Jessica Thomas @ jthomas@slocoe.org or Meagan Meloy @ mmeloy@bcoe.org.
*For COE Regional Meetings - connect directly to the HETAC Calendar and/or your HETAC Lead*
2024 California Statewide Homeless Education Conference Call for Presentations
Transform your ideas, best practices, and research into a presentation for the 2024 California Statewide Homeless Education Conference (CALHEC).
May 8-10, 2024, San Diego, California (Sessions are scheduled for May 9-10, 2024)
Submission Deadline: Friday, January 5, 2024
About HETAC - Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers
The California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC) network is funded by the California Department of Education to provide support and technical assistance to county offices of education (COEs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and other interested stakeholders to ensure educational access and success for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
The HETAC network is operated by the Contra Costa COE, Los Angeles COE, and San Diego COE.
Visit the HETAC Website for more information here: https://www.hetac.org/about
Submit any question for the HETAC here: https://www.hetac.org/help