Create an Audio QR Code
Follow the Steps Below
Step One - Create the Audio (MP3)
Step Two - Make the QR Code
A Second Option - Tellagami
Learning How to Use Tellagami
What Do I Do Next?
Tellagami, Step Two
Once you've uploaded to YouTube, you will then be able to get a link that will allow you to create a QR code with it.
One thing to think about, though, is that YouTube is blocked for our students. You may want to upload the video straight to your teacher web, and create a QR code based on the link there, if you plan to have students access the QR codes at school. You can also go here http://youtube.com/yt/edu-whitelist/index.html, and request that your YouTube channel be included in the YouTube EDU filtering, which is open to our students. Note* You'll need to have multiple videos in your channel before YouTube will consider you for this request.
Yet Another Possibility - ThingLink
Once you have chosen your image to use in ThingLink, you may customize it with markers that students may click on to find new information. It might even be nice to let your students make their own presentations or explanations in ThingLink.
Labeled (or unlabeled) diagrams would work really well in conjunction with ThingLink.
Check out this ThingLink Tutorial!
Some Resources
- Instructions for creating an audio QR code.
- Various QR code resources.
- Kathy Schrock's Guide to Using QR Codes in the Classroom.
- 5 Reasons for Using QR Codes in the Classroom.
- QR Code Lessons and Ideas - Pinterest.
- Ideas for Classroom Use.