Kokopu Newsletter
Term 3 Week 9 - 19th September 2022
Principals Message
It has been lovely enjoying the warm spring days this last week or so. The kids are finally able to use the whole field after a very muddy period.
Today we welcome Louie Pugh who has just started school and will be joined by Ronan Harrow-Harper who starts tomorrow. Also welcome back to Isabelle Hodkingson-Walsh. We are sure you will all enjoy you time here at Kokopu School.
We have had some exciting events over the last two weeks including our speech competition, wacky hair and wig Wednesday, gymnastic competition, Maori language week, and hosting the country meal at the sports complex.
These events provide a great opportunity for our kids to participate in many different learning areas and demonstrate our school values. During our gymnastics competition, we were impressed with the way students encouraged and support each other. They cheered each other on and celebrated when others did well.
BOT update
I would like to welcome our new BOT. Ross Harper, Kirsty Tuhiwai, Jeff Burson, Toni Hughes, Lucinda McBeth and Tama Weavers. Thank you also to those who put their name forward but did not get on. It shows that we have a supportive community that wants to make Kokopu School the best it can be.
I would like to also thank Kirsty Stuart and Shaun McMurchy for their years of service to the school. You have been crucial in the development of the school and have left the board in a strong position going forward.
Property Update
Over the holidays we will be finishing off our flooring project with new carpet and lino in the admin area. We have also started looking into initial designs for our drainage, septic, drinking water and car park projects.
We will also be building a deck and covered area in front of rooms 1 and 2. This will help reduce the direct sunlight that the rooms struggle with. It will have a section closed off to the weather so that children can work outside any time of the year.
Nga Mihi
Yaron Overeem
Peter Pan Production
This week on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd all the children will be travelling by bus to Clark Road Chapel in Kamo. The bus will leave Kokopu School at 9am and return around 2.30pm on Wednesday and return 2.55pm on Thursday.
On Wednesday the children will be rehearsing for our production of Pete Pan and on Thursday they will be putting on a matinee performance at 12.30pm for Kamo Primary School and also anyone else who wants to attend during the day. The evening performance will start at 6pm so children need to be there at 5.15pm to get ready please. The junior production will be first, followed by the seniors.
Entry is a koha at the door please.
COVID Update
The COVID-19 Protection Framework, also known as the traffic light system, was removed on Monday 12 September. You are no longer required by Government to wear a mask anywhere, except in healthcare settings like hospitals, GPs and aged residential care facilities. The 7-day isolation period is now only required for those who test positive for COVID-19. Household Contacts are asked to undertake a daily rapid antigen test (RAT) test for 5 days before going about their life as normal. We have tests available at school if anyone should require them. Just contact the school office. Please keep your children home if they are suffering from any illness. Thank you.
Wig Wednesday/Wacky Hair Day
Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising effort for Wig Wednesday by making a donation. We had some really far out wacky hairstyles and the children had a fun day.
We raised $92 for child cancer.
BOT Election Results
Kokopu School
School Board Elections
Parent Election Results
I hereby declare the following duly elected:
Jeff Burson
Ross Harper
Toni Hughes
Lucinda McBeth
Kirsty Tuhiwai
Vicki Lye
Returning Officer
Septembers BOT Meeting will be held tonight in the staff room at school at 5.30pm.
Kokopu School Gymnastics Competition Results
Here are the results from our gymnastics competition held on Friday 9th September
Mangakahia Country Meal This Friday
Thank you to all our families who attended the country meal at the Mangakahia Sports Complex on Friday 9th and sent along salads. Also a huge thanks to our wonderful helpers on the night....Mary Wright and Leanne and Jody Reynolds, Leah Noakes, Becky Saxton and her sister, Bexs, Shayla, Mandy and our hard working school staff along with the clean up crew. Also to Susan and Toni for running the disco. The evening was very well attended selling 220 meals. We are not sure how much we raised at this stage.
Basic Facts - Practice makes Perfect
This year we are having a basic facts focus because we know that having good mathematic foundations makes the more complex problem solving easier.
Help your year 4-8 children learn their time tables by using this great Kiwi website. www.timestables.co.nz
There are lots of recall activities and games to keep your kids practising these foundation skills.
Kokopu School Ag Day - Register Now
Kokopu School Calf Club/Ag Day on Saturday 29th October term 4 here at school.
A list of flower show/craft activities the children make here at school on Friday 28th October will be sent home next week.
Our lamb/goat day care is open at school each day. Children are welcome to bring their animal to school so they can look after and feed it during the day.
Please register your animal NOW. Go to Permissions on our Skool Loop app.
Chickens. This year children will be able to raise a chicken. It must be reared after the 1st July 2022. They will need to keep a photo story of the rearing of their chicken. They will be judged on their knowledge of rearing their chicken.
Fish Bin Gardens. Once again the children can grow a garden in a fish bin to bring along to school on Ag Day. There are two categories, edible and themed i.e. dinosaurs, fairies etc. It would pay to get your garden growing now.
Central Day - Thursday 3rd November at Barge Park.
- Year 7 & 8 Technology Training. Every Monday for term 3 and 4 our Year 7 and 8 students will be taking the bus into Manaia View School to do Technology Training. Please ensure they are at school before 9am when the bus leaves and also that they are wearing their Kokopu School Tee Shirt.
- Gymnastics Coaching. All children train on Fridays with Active Attitude to get ready for our gymnastics competition later in the term. Please send them in appropriate clothing for gymnastics.
- Carpark and gate. Please come to the gate in the carpark to collect your children at the end of the day. We do not want children walking through the carpark without an adult as it is unsafe with the amount of cars and limited parking. We have a teacher on duty at the gate each day to supervise. Can we ask parents and visitors to make sure they close the gates if you use them? We have a few children that may be prone to walking out an open gate. Thank you.
- Absences. A reminder that it is important to contact the school before 9.30am when your child will be absent. You can either phone, email or let us know via our Skool Loop app. We need to know where your children are so we know they are safe and can mark them correctly on the roll. See details in this newsletter on how to download our Skool Loop App.
- Iceblock Sales. Ice Blocks are for sale again to raise funds for the school. Many children who come to school with $2 like to buy their friend an ice block. Please could you send a note to say they are allowed to do this? The Room 6 children do ask but a note would be easier for them.
- Term Dates. Term 1 03/02— 14/04 Term 2 02/05— 08/07 Term 3 25/07— 30/09 Term 4 17/10— 15/12
Key Dates
- Term 3 25/07 - 30/09
- 19 September - BOT Meeting 5.30pm
- 21 September - Production Rehearsal at Clark Road Chapel
- 22 September - Production Matinee and Evening shows
- 28 September - Mangakahia Lions Speech Competition
- Term 4 17/10 to 15/12
- 29 October - Kokopu School Ag Day
- 3 November - Central Ag Day
School Policies and Procedures Schooldocs
School Accounts
Community Notices
Kara/Kokopu Community Hall Annual General Meeting
Kara/Kokopu Community Hall Annual General Meeting Wednesday 28th September 7pm at Kara/Kokopu Community Hall, 527 Kara Road. Everyone is welcome.
Maunu Tennis Club
SENIOR opening day: Sat 17 Sep 10 am, and each Sat thereafter from 1 pm
TWILIGHT tennis each Thu 5:30 pm starting Thu 29 Sep
LADIES DAY every Wed 9 am
JUNIOR COACHING: Starts Tue 18 Oct. 4-8 yrs 3:15 pm start. Others 4 pm.
Queries to Matt Trubshaw (027 478 6655) or Jill Trubshaw re juniors (021 611 522)
Ruatangata Indoor Bowls
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool