The Thompson Times
Thompson Middle School Weekly Newsletter
Regular Day 1-6
Tuesday, September 27
Regular Day 1-6
Make-Up Picture Day
Wednesday, September 28
Office Hours Early out schedule- dismissal at 1:45
Thursday, September 29
Block Day
Friday, September 30
Block Day
Father Daughter Dance 6-8 pm
Upcoming Dates:
House Competition 10/7
Pink Out Day 10/14
Red Out Day 10/21
Cornhole tournament 10/26
Don't Be Scared Dance 10/28
Parents- We need your support.
Step It Up Fundraiser
Dear Parents and Families:
We are thrilled to partner with “STEP IT UP” for our school’s fundraiser!
This fundraiser is a great way for you to support our students. We need your help to raise money for:
1. New technology
2. Curriculum enhancements
3. Innovative learning tools
4. Supplies not funded by the district
We’re getting our program off to an amazing start today with an inspiring kick off assembly which focuses on teamwork, gratitude, and helping others. What a great way to engage our students and their ability to make a difference.
You can help your student make a difference by taking action TONIGHT. Simply click the link below. It will take you to our school’s fundraiser website where you can set up your child’s personal donation page and invite your friends and family to join our efforts by sending them an email message. Please visit:
This entire fundraiser can be completed in ten minutes or less. NO MONEY REQUIRED! Just send out TEN or MORE invite emails, via your Personal Donation Page, and your child will qualify for Golden Ticket prizes and drawings!
Here’s a 3 minute ‘how to’ video if you have any questions about registering: https://p.stepitupkids.com/golden-ticket-how-to-video/
Office Hours
Make sure your student has their TMS planner everyday. This is important for organizational skills and communication for Office Hours. If they lose their planner, one can be purchased in the pack shack for $5.
Thank you PTSA for our Skateboard and Scooter rack!
- Please wear helmets
- Please be respectful of our neighbors. It has been reported to us that students are riding through the neighborhoods in an unsafe manor.
- Please remind them to follow the rules of the road and yield to pedestrians.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Need Parent Assistance
Morning Traffic
Dress Code
Parents, please ensure your students come to school dressed according to the MVUSD dress code.
Minimum Safe Attire
Student attire and grooming must permit the student to participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or school district personnel.
a) Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent (for example dresses, leggings, or shorts) and shoes.
b) When the body is standing straight, clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities from armpit to armpit to mid-thigh. Tops must have a strap and at no time may any part of a student’s buttocks be exposed.
c) Clothing must cover all undergarments. No underwear or undergarments may be visible at any time. Clothing may not be see through.
d) Outside sports apparel and hats that are not directly related to the current school of attendance are prohibited.
e) Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, shop classes, field trips and other activities where unique hazards or specialized attire or safety gear is required. Bare feet are not permitted at any time.
Attire and/or grooming depicting or advocating violence, weapons, criminal activity, gang related activity (including clothes, accessories, or colors identified by MPD as gang- affiliated), use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, pornography, foul language, hate speech, or clothing that could be considered dangerous or that could be used as a weapon are prohibited.
Ralphs/Starbucks Shopping Center Concerns
TMS Lunch and Break Split
8th graders have 1st break and 1st lunch
7th graders are mixed based on teacher. Please follow the schedule below.
Meet your Administration and Counseling Team
Mrs. Debert- AP
Dr. Harris- Principal
Mrs. Brown- AP
Mr. Anderson- 6th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Deszcz- 8th Grade Counselor
Student Drop-Off and Pick-up Map
Students will be able to see their classes on Canvas Wednesday 8/10
Parents, please fill out this form to show interest in joining the TMS School Site Council for the 2022-2023 school year.
Every Friday, you can expect to receive "The Thompson Times" which is a weekly wrap-up, important school information, fliers, and look ahead at what is to come at Thompson Middle School next week.
Reminder: the TMS office does not accept drop offs for students. Please plan accordingly. Thank you for your support.
Students, please bring your schedule with the bar code to school. This will help you check out books in the library and get breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria until you have your school ID.
School Lunch
Free and Reduced Meals
If you feel that your family may qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch and Breakfast Program, please fill out an application. The Eligibility Guidelines and Meal Application are available online at www.murrietaschoolnutrition.com. Applications can be completed any time during the school year. Only one application per family is needed. Be certain that you list all children enrolled in the district. Free and reduced meal applications must be renewed annually, benefits will carryover 30 days into the next school year. Paper applications are available in the school office, cafeteria, and District Support Center.
Please visit www.murrietaschoolnutrition.com for breakfast, lunch and a la carte prices, menus, and nutritional information. Second meals will be charged at the regular rates but cannot be charged to a student’s account.
Two Ways to Pre-Pay: We highly encourage pre-payment to accounts to keep the lines moving quickly during lunch and eliminate the risk of your child losing his/her money during the school day.
#1 Pay online: visit www.mySchoolBucks.com, to create your child’s account with a unique login and password. Balances and purchase history are only displayed after the account is validated with the first payment and the correct user login and password are entered. A $1.35 convenience fee, per transaction, is charged for this service at the time of deposit into your child’s account.
#2 Pre-pay in the school cafeteria.
Thompson Middle School
Website: https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/thompson
Location: 24040 Hayes Avenue, Murrieta, CA, USA
Phone: (951) 696-1410
Facebook: facebook.com/thompsonmiddleschool