Golden Family Newsletter
February 23, 2024
Family and Community News
Panorama Family Survey
During the spring semester of the 2023-24 school year, Panorama Education will be administering the family survey. This will allow for Jeffco comparisons to national benchmark data.
As has been done in previous years, the survey link was emailed to families when the survey opened. In addition, the survey link is provided below.
Family Survey Link (https://surveys.panoramaed.com/jeffco/family) - survey opened Tuesday January 16th and closes Friday February 23rd.
Join us at Summit Jeffco
Join us at Summit Jeffco: Empowering Golden High School Families for Student Success!
We encourage you to attend this event that promises to empower and equip you with valuable insights to support your student's educational journey. Join us at Summit Jeffco hosted by Jeffco Public Schools on Saturday, March 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Summit Ridge Middle School.
Perceptions of Public Safety Jobs & Career Opportunities
Jeffco Public Schools is seeking to understand student & family interest in public safety jobs that could be explored through a high school career pathway program. These survey results will help the school district to develop a program that meets student needs & prepares them for a variety of well-paying jobs in public safety. The survey closes on Tuesday, March 5.
Survey link: www.jps.click/public-safety
SAT Assessment
Parent/Guardian, the SAT is a mandatory test from the Colorado Department of Education. All Juniors are automatically registered to take the SAT in April at Golden High School. If you or your Junior received emails from College Board to sign up for SAT testing in March, you can register and your Junior can take it. But they are still required to take the SAT at Golden High School in April. Further details will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Registration for 24 - 25 School Year
During the last week, students have been registering for 24-25 school year. Next week we will distribute to students in their math classes a paper print out of student's course request for review. Students will need to see their counselor if they would like to make changes. Changes will need to be made by March 1.
Attendance Office
All absences must be reported and/or excused within 24 hours of the absence. If you do not have access to a computer, call the attendance line at 303.982.4260. Speaking clearly, leave the following information:
Date of absence
Students name/spelling the name
Your name and relationship to student
District approved reason for absence (these are listed below)
If you excuse a student from a single period, it is expected that the student is off campus and the responsibility of parents/guardians. A student may not be excused from a class to be in other parts of the building.
The following shall be considered excused absences:
A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the school administration on a prearranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only, which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours.
A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental, or emotional disability.
A student attending a funeral, legal obligations, medical procedures or extenuating circumstances determined by the principal.
A student attending a school sponsored activity or receiving Jeffco educational services.
A student who is suspended or expelled.
A student in out-of-home placement (as that term is defined by C.R.S. 22-32-138 (1)(h)), absent due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities so long as the student´s assigned social worker verifies the student's absence was for a court appearance or court-ordered activity.
The district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources.
New Early Release Request Procedure
To simplify early release procedures, please fill out the early release form. This form is also available on our homepage. Parent/Guardian's email will be verified. If you fill out the form, you do not need to call the attendance line. Please report the early release by 9 AM so we have time to get a pass to your student. If we have no advanced notice, you may have to come into the front office to have your student released. If you do not have access to a computer, call the attendance line at 303.982.4260. Press 2. Speaking clearly, leave the following information:
Date and time of early release
Student name
Your name and relationship to student
Reason for early release
It is helpful if a student can leave between classes or at lunch so as to not disrupt the learning environment. Bell Schedule
For Seniors - Golden Only Scholarships
Golden Only Scholarships
Speech and Debate Results
Astrid Fabinski continued her winning streak at the Columbine tournament going 4-0 and being named tournament champion in Lincoln Douglas debate. Sarah Yang placed 4th in original oratory at her first tournament!
Good luck to the team as they head to the 4A state tournament on Friday with five students competing!
Rock Climbing Team Update
Last weekend's our Rock Climbers had an impressive showing at the Regional Rock Climbing Finals. The Golden Girls Team got 2nd place, results:
- Lilah Kottke - 1st place
- Kyra Jordan - 8th place
- Maggie Reid - 9th place
The Golden Boys Team also got 2nd place, results:
- Camden Lyon - 7th place
- Logan Wynes - 14th place
- Henry Holsing - 15th
Wish our climbers Good Luck as they attend the State final in Colorado Springs this weekend!
Performing Arts
Congrats to Girls Swimming & Diving!
Congratulations to our girls swim and dive team members for earning CHSAA
Second Team All State! Here are the five students that were named All State:
- Myranda MacMillan
- Taylor King
- Mai MacMillan
- Hannah Heard
- Mica Gillaspie
Congratulations all Winter Sports as their Seasons have now completed!
Please check out some photos from Jake Moore at the Boy's Basketball playoff game!
Boy's Lacrosse
GHS Boys Lacrosse is seeking a Student Team Manager for the Spring 2024 Season. We are seeking a self motivated, detail-oriented individual to support the team and assist the coaching staff during practices and games with equipment, water, etc. If you are interested, please email CoachAndrewHardman@gmail.com or goldenlacrosseboosters@gmail.com.
Tennis Fundraiser
On Sunday 3/3/24 enjoy some delicious pizza and pasta while fundraising for the Golden tennis team. Present this flyer and Lil’ Riccis will donate 20% of your sales to GHS tennis!
GHS Performing Arts
Upcoming Events
February 23 - Band and Orchestra Concert
March 7, 8, 9 - Spring Musical - Pippin