Glen Loch Parent Newsletter
September 2023 Newsletter
Glen Loch Elementary
Margaret Loucks, Assistant Principal
Karla Floyd, Counselor
Mission: Glen Loch is committed to ensure high levels of learning for all students creating confident, independent and successful citizens.
Vision: Every student, every day growing them the Gator-Way!
Location: 27505 Glen Loch Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-4900
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A Note from Mrs. Smith, Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our school year is off to a great start! We have seen our students and teachers building relationships during our Community Circle Time and rigorous learning occurring throughout the day.
In order for our children to grow academically and social/emotionally it is important they are in attendance every day. As of August 24th, our year to date daily attendance average is 95.1%.
Our daily Attendance Goal is 98%.
We will have a competition between classes in each grade to see who has 98% attendance each week. Please help us reach our daily goal!
Our doors open at 7:30 a.m. and breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 a.m.
As we all know, it is HOT outside and there doesn't seem to be any relief in the near future. Your child's safety is our #1 priority, so we are closely watching the heat index to determine any outdoor activities during the day. Grade levels have the opportunity to go out early each day for a limited amount of time instead of going outside during their regular recess times.
I look forward to another wonderful school year and growing better together!
Kris Smith
Upcoming School Wide Dates:
31st - Parent Information Night - 5:30 p.m. Last Name A-M; 6:15 p.m. Last Name N-Z
4th - School Holiday - Labor Day
5th - PTO General Meeting - 5:30 p.m. English / 6:30 p.m. Spanish
8th - Back 2 School Picnic (PTO) - 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
19th - School Board Meeting 6:00 pm @ Deane L. Sadler Admin Building
20th - Read For A Better Life - Wear a reading themed shirt
21st and 22nd - Picture Days
26th - Author Visit - Matt "The Shark Guy" Marchant - 8:45 a.m. 3rd/4th Grades; 10:00 a.m. - KG/1st/2nd Grades
29th - Pep Rally - 2:30 p.m. - Students and Staff Only
29th - PTO Teacher Appreciation
3rd - PTO General Meeting - 12:00 p.m. English / 12:30 p.m. Spanish
6th - 9th - Student Holiday
13th - Walk and Roll to School Day
17th - School Board Meeting 6:00 pm @ Deane L. Sadler Admin Building
19th - Fine Arts Education Day - 4th Grade Students to Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
23rd - 27th - Red Ribbon Week
27th - PTO Teacher Appreciation
27th - Storybook Parade - 8:45 a.m. on Bus Loop
27th - Pep Rally - 2:30 p.m. - Students and Staff Only
28th - PTO Trunk of Treat
31st - Pink Out Day
3rd - Gator Run
7th - Student Holiday
13th - 17th - Generation Texas Week
14th - 4th Grade Field Trip - Sam Houston Museum
14th - School Board Meeting 6:00 pm @ Deane L. Sadler Admin Building
15th - Lone Star College "Mobile Go" visiting campus
17th - PTO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
20th - 24th - School Holiday - Thanksgiving Break
1st - 8th - Book Fair
2nd - PTO Holiday Breakfast
7th - 4th Grade Choir Concert - 2:30 p.m. for Students and Staff / 6:00 p.m. for Parents
12th - School Board Meeting 6:00 pm @ Deane L. Sadler Admin Building
15th - PTO Cookie Exchange for Teachers
15th - Holiday Parties
15th - Early Dismissal for Students - 12:10 p.m.
18th - Jan 1st - School Holiday - Christmas Break
CISD is Looking for Those Who Wish to Serve on a Cell Phone Committee
A Note from the Transportation Department
Thank you for your understanding and patience over the last few weeks. We acknowledge that challenges with some bus routes have added stress to morning and afternoon routines for some of our families, and we apologize for that. Currently, we have over 30 bus driver vacancies. Our Transportation Department office staff are working tirelessly to cover routes for which we do not have drivers, and our mechanics, who often serve as standby drivers, are making sure the buses are running as efficiently and cool as possible given the recent heat wave. At times, when routes cannot be covered by office staff or standby drivers, bus runs may be split among two or more buses so all children who need bus service have access to it. It’s important to know that this not only impacts arrival times but also notifications sent by Smart Tag.
During this time, our amazing drivers and staff in the Transportation Department are also feeling pressure because of the vacancies. Words of encouragement go a long way in boosting the morale of those who show up every day to cover routes for our over 40,000 bus riders. Individuals interested in working in transportation as a driver, bus monitor, or technician can apply at There will also be a job fair on September 12th for interested individuals. Information is available on the Conroe ISD website.
All Things Transportation
NEW this year! School Cash Online
Please see the attached regarding School Cash On-line. This is portal to pay fees, dues, books, testing, etc. Please make sure you are signed up and ready to go for the new school year. Please know that this is the main method of payment at schools.
If you have not registered, please go to the School Cash Online home page and select the “Register” option.
2023 - 2024 School Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast Meal Prices
o Student Breakfast $2.00
o Student Reduced Breakfast - No charge this year
o Non-student Breakfast/2nd Student Breakfast $3.30
Lunch Meal Prices
o Student Lunch $3.20
o Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
o Non-student Lunch/2nd Student Lunch $4.60
Parents can pre-pay online for meal accounts beginning August 1, 2023, at
The application for free or reduced price meals is now available at
We will use a Sign Up Genius to reserve (up to 2) visitors per student. We ask that you only sign up once every 3 weeks to allow for all families to share this opportunity. Please use this link to sign up for Lunch Visitors.
Make sure that you sign up under the correct grade level and date. We ask that you have no more than 2 visitors per student. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please call the front office and we will work with you!
Lunch Schedule
- 11:30 - 12:00 First Grade Lunch
- 11:45 - 12:15 Third Grade Lunch
- 12:00 - 1:00 Kindergarten Lunch
- 12:15 - 12:45 Fourth Grade Lunch
- 12:30 - 1:00 Second Grade Lunch
Free or Reduced Price Meals... It's more than a meal application!
Families are encouraged to complete the free and reduced lunch application as the number of families who qualify for the program impacts other funding for our campus.
It's more than a meal application!
- AP Tests - Reduced registration fee
- Most Sports - Free or discounted rates for participating sporting groups
- P-EBT - Eligibility for any future P-EBT benefits through the 21-22 school year
- College Applications - Reduced rate on fees associated with applying for college
- School Funding - Provides federal funding for the district and our campus to hire more staff and provide services for your child
- Meals - Free this year for all students but eligibility will likely resume next year. Apply now to ensure your child is eligible at the beginning of next year.
Create a Parent Access Account Today!
Parent Access Center is a free program available to all CISD parent/guardians that allows viewing of helpful information regarding student attendance, report cards, progress reports, daily grades, state test results, Students Achieving Excellence (SAE), discipline and available lunch money. Parents may also sign up to receive an email alert when an assignment score is inputted or updated.
Parents/Guardians wishing to access this service must have a valid email address.
Ride the Bus!
Technology help is just a click away for those with questions.
Parent Technology FAQs-
We LOVE our Volunteers!
We look forward to providing opportunities for family members to volunteer at Glen Loch in the future. Please register here to be a volunteer!
Please note: This is only good for one school year. You will need to complete this every school year.
Volunteer Opportunities
Morning Car Line Volunteer (7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.)
Join the PTO Email List
The PTO is busy planning events and volunteer opportunities for the upcoming school year. If you would like to be added to the PTO Email List, please complete the following survey:
Parent Survey in English:
Parent Survey in Spanish:
Community Events
September 3rd from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Waterway Square
Celebrate Labor Day in The Woodlands!FREE Event - Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor at Waterway Square on Sunday, September 3, 2023 from 5 to 8 p.m. with live music, children's activities, strolling entertainment, pie eating contests and more!
September 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Northshore Park
FREE Event - Concert in the Park is a popular family tradition of music and fun for all ages!
Texas Sundown Band (Variety)
Featuring First Responders Day!
Join us as we honor and thank local first responders. Food vendors onsite will be providing special offers for first responders.
September 17th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Northshore Park
FREE Event - Concert in the Park is a popular family tradition of music and fun for all ages!
Jeff Canada (Country)
September 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Rob Fleming Park
FREE Event - Arts in the Park
Enjoy a day out with family and friends at Rob Fleming Park! Grab a bite to eat at the food trucks and take a stroll back to Renaissance times while enjoying musical performances at The Woodlands Renaissance Faire!
September 24th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Northshore Park
FREE Event - Concert in the Park is a popular family tradition of music and fun for all ages!
Sami Jo (Variety)September 30th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Rob Fleming Park
FREE Event - Arts in the Park
Enjoy an evening with family and friends at Rob Fleming Park! Bring lawn chairs, grab a bite to eat at the food trucks and enjoy a FREE live Shakespeare theatre performance of Taming of the Shrew by Points North Theatre Company and some of your favorite local musicians. Open to audiences of all ages!
Get Connected!
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
- Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
- Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
- News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Sign Up for School Messenger
Stay informed with important school messages in the palm of your hand!
Text "Y" to 67587 to opt-in
Or scan QR code below!
New Mailing Address?
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.