The Scoop
November 2, 2023
Fall Conferences
Report cards will be mailed home next week. If you do not receive your child's report card by Friday, please call the school office and we can help you. The Infinite Campus annual school upate is also very important so we have accurate contact information for families. Information about how to complete this update is included in this newsletter. Thank you for your attention to this. Our district is making every effort to have 100% of our families connected to Infinite Campus so we can communicate effectively.
Picture Retake Day
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
CODE: F202310OFF
EXPIRES: May 1, 2024
Our school district is committed to the education of all students and has the following vision for our school and our community. The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Schools educate students by embracing diversity, ensuring equitable experiences and fostering outstanding teaching and learning to develop academically prepared critical thinkers who contribute positively and compete successfully in the world. With this in mind, we are all disappointed that Scholastic feels the need to have a separate case for books that focus on many personal issues like gender identity and race. We are a school, PTA, and community that celebrates diversity and wants to have every child leave the book fair with books that speak to them.
Unfortunately, nationally school librarians and volunteers reported concerns that they would be sued if they sold these books to students shopping at the fair at school. It is a sad state that this is a realistic fear. For that reason, Scholastic separated texts in the Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice Case. This is not a perfect solution but is the one that is most available. All books remain available at every fair when shopping online as it is assumed that parents are a part of online shopping.
For that reason, we are including the Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice Case and supplementing it with additional texts at our book fair. These books will be spread around the book fair and available for students to purchase.
Just last week, Scholastic updated their stand on this issue and will discontinue the book cases starting in January. This means that all books will again be available for book fairs and not separated into book cases like they were for this book fair.
Our school and our district will continue to monitor this situation to ensure we are equitable in our book selections. We appreciate all the work that has gone into preparing for the upcoming book fair and look forward to sharing a variety of books with our students. We thank everyone for their support of the book fair to help give our students books to include in their home library. We are committed to reading and this is one way to help our students learn and grow.
Infinite Campus Annual Update
All CH-UH K-12 parents and guardians must complete an Annual Update for the 2023-2024 school year through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Three years ago, the online Annual Update replaced the paper “blue cards” that were sent home to parents/guardians at the start of the year to collect emergency contact and medical information. Reminders about this process have been sent to families through school newsletters and the District’s Weekly Bulletin.
Beginning November 27, 2023, if your child's Annual Update for the 2023-2024 school year has not been completed, they will not be permitted to participate in field trips, sports, or extra-curricular activities. It’s extremely important that we have the most up-to-date emergency contact and medical information for your child when they are participating in such activities.
The Annual Update allows you to:
Update your email address and phone number, which are used to contact you about emergencies, school closings, and general information
Update your child’s Emergency Contacts
Add or update your child’s Emergency Medical Authorization
Sign off on your child’s District photo/media release
Please note that the Annual Update is separate from the information that parents/guardians submit through Final Forms for student athletes.
Find the instructions to complete the Annual Update here. You will need to have an Infinite Campus account to complete your Annual Update; if you do not have an Infinite Campus account, click here to request one. We will also provide families with the opportunity to complete their Annual Updates at Parent-Teacher Conferences today and tomorrow.
If you have issues logging into Infinite Campus or completing the Annual Update, please contact the Data Department at icportal@chuh.org.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important request.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 7 - No School - Professional Development Day
Thursday, November 9 - PTA Meeting 6:30P Media Center or Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xak-uqoy-cph
Or dial: (US) +1 423-607-0141 PIN: 907 044 223#November 14 - Picture Retake Day
November 13 - 17 - Fall Book Fair
November 22 - 24 - Thanksgiving Break
Roxboro Elementary School
Roxboro Elementary School’s IB Mission
Our mission at Roxboro Elementary, in partnership with our families and the community, is to encourage our students to become respectful, positive, and compassionate lifelong learners.
We challenge our students to become involved in our world and engage in rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum. We will provide diverse forms of assessment and participate in reflective learning.
Our students will find their passions, have confidence in their decisions, and develop the leadership skills to act for the good of all
Email: s_pulling@chuh.org
Website: CHUH.org
Location: Roxboro Elementary School, Roxboro Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (216)371-7115
Twitter: @CHUHRoxEl