DCSC Construction Update
Update #2
Construction continues at South Elementary!
Construction is still taking place at South Elementary, and we could not be more excited with the results! Everything is starting to come together so well, and it is becoming easier every day to envision what it will look like in the end.
Over the last month, we have seen a lot of parking lot and classroom addition work take place. At this point in time, we have asphalt laid in our future back parking lot, placed just beyond the outline of what will soon be full classrooms!
Keep reading for a brief overview of what is in the works.
Lot Grading
Lime stabilization
Lime stabilization is the process of adding lime to a reactive soil to make it stronger. This helps create a strong foundation for future builds.
Lot grading
Proof rolling
After the lot was stabilized, it was time to proof roll. This is essentially a way to test the pavement layers and make sure they are strong enough to handle the work to come.
Classrooms Outlined
Lines painted
Before any digging can take place, the construction workers must map out a plan. These lines show them exactly where the additional space will be and how big it should be in the end.
Footings placed
Outlines from above
Here is a drone image showing the outlines as they appear now! Just imagine what it will look like when there are desks and whiteboards.
Surface prepped
Asphalt binder installed
Asphalting began
So much more to come!
Follow us to learn more!
Email: aengland@danville.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.danville.k12.in.us/domain/221
Phone: 317-745-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DCSCWarriors
Twitter: @DCSCWarriors