Bluejay Express
March 17, 2022 Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Spring Break
Enjoy the warm weather and time off!
The theme is Midnight Water Falls and will be from 7:30-11:00 pm.
Out of district guests are required to get a form signed and approved to attend. Forms are available at the front office and need to be returned one week prior to prom.
Food Services
Dear families,
Through the COVID- pandemic schools across the nation were operating on temporary waivers that allowed us to modify our food programs to accommodate the difficulties with supply chain issues as well as financial burdens that were brought on by the pandemic.
Last week I had the opportunity to take action by traveling to Washington D.C. to attend the School Nutrition Association's Legislative Action Conference where over 700 School Food Service directors and representatives from the industry gathered to advocate for these waivers to be extended to benefit our families for one more year as we transition out of pandemic life. Tuesday myself and 5 other food service representatives from Colorado were able to meet with Congresswomen Lauren Boebert to discuss the matter.
Unfortunately by Wednesday we heard the news that the waiver extensions request did not make it into the $1.5 Omnibus bill. What does all of this mean for us here in Mancos and across the nation? This means that on June 30th 2022 school meals will no longer be free for all, reimbursement rates will be lowered, and many other restrictions and administrative requirements will be put in place.
I am putting this out there now to our Mancos families so you can begin to prepare for the upcoming school year. Now more than ever filling out the free and reduced lunch application will be extremely important for all families this fall! I will send more information out as we get closer to the next school year. Families that do not qualify for free or reduced meals will be expected to pay for their students' lunches.
For more information on this new decision follow the link below.
Now for the good news! I have received a $10,000 grant from our State Agency to upgrade our program. Stay tuned to see what fun changes we will be bringing to the lunch program next year!!
I hope you all have a safe and restful Spring Break!
As always if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at jfogel@mancosre6.edu or by calling 970-533-7745.
Janet Fogel
Food Service Director
PSAT & SAT Testing Information (9th-11th grades)
The Preadministartion for the PSAT and SAT will be on Wednesday, April 6th from 1PM-2PM. Please make sure students are in attendance.
The Test Date for the PSAT 9, 10 and SAT (11th) is on Wednesday, April 13th from 7:50-12:25. Please make sure students are in attendance and on time!
Students will report to the following PreAdmin and Test Day Rooms:
9th- A-L: Reynolds
9th-M-Z: Willbanks
**Marchino will be testing accommodations for freshman
10th-A-M: Mr. Dalley
10th-N-Z:Mrs. Endres
**Guiles will be testing accommodations for sophomores
11th-All Juniors report to the ASL classroom (217) for preadministration day and to the Performance Center for test day.
**Farrar will be testing accommodations for juniors
Dress Code
Student Dress Code Policy JICA
A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District wide standards on student attire are intended to help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety. The Board recognizes that students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school. Students are encouraged to wear practical clothing in relation to weather conditions and activities of the day. The following dress items are prohibited: clothing shorter than mid-thigh length, straps less than 1-1/2,” tank tops, pants below the hips, sleep wear, slippers, visual undergarments, sunglasses inside the building, revealing clothing, clothing that advertises code of conduct violations such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gang, weapons, sexual nature, or profanity.
The dress code also applies to days athletes are asked to dress up on game days.
Be Prepared !
Seniors - Yearbook
You can email them to yearbook@mancosre6.org or if you need to scan your picture you can bring it to Destri in the office and get it scanned and sent to them.
School Pictures - Thursday, March 31st
Dear Parents,
Attached you will find a PDF of our school’s picture day flyer. The PDF is hyperlinked directly to our schools online ordering event. All that needs to be done to go to our online event is to click anywhere on either page of the attached PDF. This will then take you directly to our schools ordering page. You can also access the online ordering portal by going to www.mymjthomas.com and entering our schools event password (located on the 2nd page of this PDF). You may also print this order form and attach a check or cash and bring it in on picture day! Please note that we do not take everyones picture in the spring. Only those that order. Online ordering ends at 7 a.m. sharp on the day of pictures. If you are unsure if you want to order, go ahead and print this flyer and select what you would like, you can pay for the pictures later.
Yearbook Club / Photos Needed
The new yearbook club is seeking photos of any school related activities and happenings; for example sports, field trips, plays, projects, clubs, etc.
Also, seniors they will need a senior photo, your baby picture and your senior quote.
All photos MUST be submitted ASAP to be able to meet the publishing deadline.
All photos can be submitted to yearbook@mancosre6.org
If you have any questions regarding your photos or you want to become part of the yearbook club please contact the yearbook club at the above email.
Yearbook club meetings are Tuesday's and Thursday's at 4:30 in room 217 of the main high school. Anyone interested is encouraged to join.
Deer Hill Scholarship
"Deer Hill Expeditions is a local, Mancos-based summer adventure program for teens that has been delivering transformational experiences since 1984. Deer Hill provides enriching wilderness and service experiences in the American Southwest, designed to foster personal growth and cultivate a greater sense of self and community.
Summer Expeditions with Deer Hill are roughly three weeks long, and lead participants into some of the most enriching places of the Colorado Plateau. Wilderness activities can include multi-day white water river expeditions, technical canyoneering, mountain backpacking, peak ascents, and rock climbing. Community service projects take place with Native American service hosts on the Navajo Nation and with the Hopi and Zuni Pueblos.
Deer Hill has once again partnered with Osprey to create a scholarship for a local teen to participate in one of our summer programs tuition free. The scholarship recipient will also receive a free 70-liter backpack from Osprey to use on their expedition and take home afterwards! This is a need-based scholarship with a small essay component. All applications are due by April 1st. Recipients must be 13-18 years old to qualify.
Feel free to visit our website to find our more about Deer Hill Expeditions
Boosters/Spirit Gear
Follow the link below to order Spirit Gear online through the Mancos Boosters Spirit Sale Page.
Like Booster Club on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Mancos-Booster-Club-109235694843218
Mancos High School
Email: dlockhart@mancosre6.edu
Website: www.mancosre6.edu
Location: 355 Grand Avenue, Mancos, CO, USA
Phone: (970) 533-7746
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MancosHighSchool/