Standard Operating Procedure (Version 2020.10.07)
PPE required in AIM Core Facility: Gloves, Mask, Lab Coat
1. Email Dr. Sharina Desai for instructions to sign up for iLabs: spdesai@salud.unm.edu
2. To apply for key card access, go to iLabs > About > New to the AIM Scientific Cores > Request Badge Access > (login to Smarsheet with your full HSC email)
In iLabs you can. . .
Request Badge Access
Schedule Equipment Reservations
Access Equipment Resource Materials/Info
1. All users must use key card to enter facility
Door should remain closed. Badge in even if door is open. Logs will be periodically checked.
Wear proper PPE & Practice great hand hygiene
Badge swipe in EACH time
Maintain 6 feet distance while working in lab
2. Sign into COVID tracing by QR code -or- Paper Log
COVID "Sign In" paper log located on right side table
COVID "Check In" code for smartphones
Check in for COVID tracing even if you were in the room briefly
One of these choices is sufficient.
3. START a session on KIOSK for instrument usage tracking, regardless of having a reservation
Every computer in the core is set to go to the KIOSK page when you launch an internet browser.
Alternatively, every station has the KIOSK QR code so you can use your phone.
Log in and START a "walk-up" session or your "reservation" session BEFORE you use your work station.
You may begin a "walk up session" only if the instrument is available on the scheduler.
You may extend your session at any point after STARTING your session as long as the instrument is available on the scheduler. (Time increments are 15 minutes long).
Software & hardware interlocks will be implemented soon preventing instrument usage without proper logging into the KIOSK. Make sure you know your log in credentials and keep track of your session timing or you will get locked out.
If you mess up the kiosk, just let me know in an email with details of your actual usage
4. Prior to starting work on the instrument, clean the work area
Gel Doc
Leave NO residue on inside tray.
After 4pm, turn off the gel doc after you use it.
Biotek Plate Reader
If you're going to do a long time lapse, please schedule that in advance so that other users can plan around your experiment.
5. After finishing work on the instrument, clean your work area
6. FINISH your session on KIOSK
If you forget to FINISH your session, other users will not be able to use the equipment until your reservation time is over.
Log out of the KIOSK webpage after you FINISH your session.
7. Sign OUT or QR OUT of the room for COVID tracing
8. Users who do not comply with this SOP will face the following consequences:
Security logs / COVID tracing logs / KIOSK logs will be cross-checked periodically.
1st Offense: Warning sent to user and PI with date and time of offense.
2nd Offense: Warning sent to user and PI with date and time of offense +
1 week suspension from using core. Retraining required and Statement of Promise of Compliance signed by user and PI.
3rd Offense: Warning sent to user and PI with date and time of offense + 2 week suspension from using core. Retraining required and Statement of Promise of Compliance signed by user and PI.
4th Offense: Warning sent to user and PI with date and time of offense + 4 Week suspension from using core.
5th Offense: Further access to the core will be reviewed on a case to case basis.