Cougar News
Cougar News - Week of 2/12/24
Letter from Ms. Bedford
Hello Smallville,
I hope you had a great week! Our students have been super engaged in all of the activities and lessons on campus. Varsity theater students are fine tuning their acting skills for the upcoming production of “High School Musical”. In our 6th grade science classes, our Cougars were busy creating Maker Valentine’s Day cards that used various levers, pins, and materials that produced a project that had moveable parts. In English Language Arts, students completed their drama units and then created plays based off of children’s books. I could go on and on about all of the project based activities taking place on campus, but this newsletter would turn into a novel. Continue to ask your Cougars about what they are learning in their classes and how they are learning it.
I’m looking forward to our Valentine’s Day dance next Friday and all of the fun dress up days we have coming up this week! Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I would like to say I absolutely love being a part of this community! Every day I am reminded that I get to work in a loving environment that is so committed to being a consistent place of support, encouragement, and positivity.
Have an amazing weekend!
Stay Present Cougars,
Dance Volunteers and Donations
Hello Small Families,
Clint Small 8th grade team will be hosting "Sole Mate Sneaker Dance" on Friday, Feb.16th and are seeking donations for concession sales. Please see flyer for more information.
Also, we are seeking a few volunteers for ticket sales during lunches – LINK HERE.
We appreciate your generosity!
Clint Small 8th grade Team
Epic Fun Spirit Night
Join the Smallville Community at Epic Fun this President's Day! Enjoy laser tag, climbing, your favorite appetizers, and all the arcade games with your friends. Mention Small Middle School at the front counter, and 20% of arcade card and attractions purchases will be donated to our school!
Message from our STAAR Coordinator
January 26, 2024
Dear Small Middle School Parents/Guardians:
The Texas Education Agency has launched the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Interim Assessment as a tool to help educators tailor instructional practice to address students’ needs. This is made possible because the student’s relative strength or weakness in each reporting category will be available for teachers to analyze.
This interim test aims to help improve student scores on the actual STAAR exams in April. The assessments include some former STAAR items as well as questions with the new types of interactions (inline choice, drag and drop, graphing, etc) and gives the students the ability to practice with the online STAAR interface before the April administration. For more information about the new types of questions, CLICK HERE.
The district has chosen to participate in administering the exams districtwide. Interim assessments will be administered on campuses in the month of February for all tested subjects (6-8 Math and Reading; 8th Science and Social Studies).
Week of February 5-9
- 8th grade Science - Tuesday, February 6
- 8th grade Social Studies - Wednesday, February 7
- MAKEUP TESTING - Thursday, February 8
Week of February 12-16
- ALL grades Math - Tuesday, February 13
- ALL grades Reading - Wednesday, February 14
- MAKEUP TESTING - Thursday, February 15
STAAR TESTING CANNOT TAKE PLACE ON PERSONAL DEVICES - STUDENTS MUST USE AISD CHROMEBOOKS FOR ALL ASSESSMENTS! If students do not have a working device, they need to let their PRIDE teacher know by Friday, February 2, 2024.
All STAAR testing will take place in PRIDE classrooms - this means your child will be taking these assessments in a room they are comfortable in, with peers they know well, and with a teacher with whom they have in class every day. Students with accommodations will receive their accommodations within the PRIDE testing environment.
Parents are asked to encourage their child to treat this interim assessment as if it were the real STAAR test. By using the test taking strategies they normally would on test day, students can best prepare themselves for success on STAAR and can help to foster a positive testing environment for their PRIDE class.
Testing Tips:
Plan an early bedtime the night before the test to ensure that your child has a restful night's sleep.
Arrive to school before the first bell rings at 8:15 AM.
A healthy breakfast is crucial for optimal performance. Make sure your child eats breakfast before dropping them off.
Motivate with positive words! Speak to your child about doing his/her best on the test.
Remind your child to take his/her time during the test. Rushing leads to careless mistakes!
For those students with accommodations, encourage your child to practice using these features on the assessment so that they become comfortable with the integrated systems.
Best Regards,
Rebecca Smootz
Campus Testing Coordinator - Small MS
NJHS Applications
National Junior Honor Society applications opened on Thursday, February 1st. Current 6th and 7th graders are eligible to apply. The link to the application can be found on the counseling Blend page.
National Junior Honor Society is a community service organization that is based on 5 pillars: Character, Leadership, Citizenship, Scholarship, and Service. To apply, students must fill out the online application, which includes: their semester one grades of this year, leadership and service opportunities they have been a part of, two teacher recommendations, and a personal statement explaining what NJHS means and why they would like to join.
The deadline to request recommendations from teachers is Friday, Feb 23rd. A submitted application does not guarantee selection into NJHS. Please reach out to Ms. Hargrove with any further questions: lindsey.hargrove@austinisd.org
Spring 2024 Club Basketball Tryouts!
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our mission is dedicated to provide players with on and off the court development, exposure, and life building characteristics through the game of basketball.
- Tryouts Registration Link: https://www.hoopgeneration.org/spring-2024-tryouts
- Reduced Fees Application for Underprivileged Students: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cb6d8b89d414962d009ecd7/t/656ea6c38f22c247cd7a6be2/1701750467868/HG+reduced+fee+program+application+-+2.pdf
Open to all current, incoming, and graduating 6-7-8th graders and their families!
CLICK ON LINK to sign up for GALAPAGOS (Jun/2024): https://www.eftours.com/tour-website/2620470WW
CLICK ON LINK to sign up for THAILAND (Jul/2024): https://www.eftours.com/tour-website/2670625SM
CLICK ON LINK to sign up for AUSTRALIA (Jun/2025): https://www.eftours.com/tour-website/2684159RA
*Reserve with just $95 and then decide how to pay. Every two weeks (most common), monthly, or in lump sums at your convenience!
*QUESTIONS? Email Mrs. Early mariel.early@austinisd.org
*MORE INFORMATION? Visit our "GLOBAL COUGARS FLY" website! https://sites.google.com/view/global-cougars-fly
Clint Small Middle School
Email: jennifer.newell@austinisd.org
Website: https://small.austinschools.org/
Location: 4801 Monterey Oaks Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-841-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057069836221