Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Turning the Page
Friday is National Haiku Poetry Day, Colin Dwyer's Haiku was selected for its relevance, Colin covers breaking news for NPR.
Even With Distance,
The World Feels Painfully Close.
But Hope turns the Page.
Week of April 13th
MML Local Government Week is April 12-18th
Monday - Capital Improvement Authority @ 4:00 PM Via ZOOM
Tuesday - Community Center Committee @ 4:00 PM Via ZOOM
Friday, 7:30 AM - City Council Work Session Via ZOOM; 10:30 AM - COE Virtual Forum Via ZOOM
Council Actions
Council renewed Fuel Sales MOU w/ESSD WHY? Partnership for convenience ; agreement w/Lamp Rynerson for digester project engineering services [Funding: Sewer Bond] WHY? Digester provides redundancy for sewer plant operation ; agreement for Legal Counsel w/ Williams & Campo WHY? To provide legal support as needed, generally involves employment & contract law; Personnel Policy amendment includes provisions for FFCRA WHY? DOL requirement to compensate employees when impacted by COVID-19; and temporary suspension of utility disconnects [Funding: Water/ Sewer] WHY? to ease the financial burden on customers who lost their incomes due to COVID-19.
Staff Credits
DHSS Health Update to ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, CDC advises critical workers be permitted to continue work following potential exposure if they remain asymptomatic & take additional precautions. Temperature checks, face masks, social distance, clean/disinfect work spaces routinely. CCPHC now testing 1st responders if they have been exposed + have symptoms. Regional Briefing provided an assessment of critical lifeline components that enable continuity of government/business; based on assessment of current circumstances, we are stable, which is signified by the color "GREEN". MARC is working on group purchasing alternatives for the region, building vendor list & sourcing necessary supplies to support local agencies.
Key Project Updates
Local Government Week is our opportunity to mention services offered, some are provided All Day, Every Day: Public Safety (Police, Fire/EMS, Animal Control, Court & Emergency Management). Public Works maintains our built environment (Water, Sewer, Storm Water, Refuse, Streets & Transit). Planning/Development (Business Attraction/Development, Building Trades, Neighborhood Services, Land Use & Code Enforcement), which coordinates private investment, property conditions/activities. Enhancements to our Quality of Life (Parks/Recreation, Senior Services, Community Center & Golf) exist to enrich our lives. Support Services provide support to all departments (Fiscal management/ planning, HR/Volunteer Opportunities) & community involvement in long-range planning.
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752