KHS Community Update
December 1st, 2023
December Update
November was another great month here at Kingston High School. We had our first family engagement night on November 10th and it was an amazing event. We had over 100 people attend this event that included a scavenger hunt, bingo, and crafts. With the success of this first event we have decided to have our second family engagement night on December 13th. This event will be held at the high school and is open to all 7th-12th graders and their families. This event will include making gingerbread houses and playing Kahoot.
In December we will be tipping off our JV/Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball schedule. The schedules can be found on our school website. Good luck to all our winter teams as they start their seasons. Mr. Wagnitz and our band will also have the Christmas Band Concert on December 6th at the Elementary Cafetorium. This is a great event to put everyone in the holiday spirit.
Just a few reminders: I want to remind everyone that the 2nd marking period and 1st semester will end on December 22nd. We will be taking exams on December 20th, 21st and 22nd.
Please continue to monitor your child's grades through Skyward. We do offer after school tutoring every Monday thru Thursday from 3-4.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me:
Phone: 9896832550 Ex: 34302
Good Day,
Michael J. Seaman
Kingston High School Principal
Cocoa & Crafts At Kingston
Exam Schedule and end of the semester
KHS November Photos
Holiday Needs
As the weather gets colder, we are beginning to think about our students' holiday needs. If you and your family could use some assistance this year, please reach out to one of the below contacts. Your information will remain confidential. If you and your family are in a position to donate and would like to help a local Kingston family, please reach out as well.
Raeann Gentner (Elementary) 989-683-2284 ext. 34215 or
Beth Hunter (Jr./Sr. High) 989-683-2294 Ext. 34305 or
December Lunch Menus
Parent Resources
Vaping Resources
Self Care Resources
MDE Parent Resources
Stay Connected with our App and Website
If you would like to stay connected with Kingston Community Schools please download our app or visit our website.. To visit our website please go to If you are interested in getting our app please visit your app store or Google Play and search Kingston Community Schools. This app will be used to send out notifications on school related events and school cancellations.
Important Dates
December 6th- Band Concert
December 13th- Family Fun Night
December 20th- Exams
December 21st- Exams
December 21st- Top 10 SAT Board Night
December 22nd- 1/2 Day Exams and Start of Christmas Break (End of 1st Semester)
January 3rd, 2024- School resumes after break
Concession Stand Help
We are looking for help in the concession stands this fall. If you are interested in volunteering please sign up through the link.
- Nelson Mandela
Location: 5790 State St, Kingston, MI, USA
Phone: 989-683-2550