Family and Community Newsletter V4
January 24th, 2024

Parent/Family Engagement
Family Engagement Advisory Committee
The Family Engagement Advisory Committee will meet twice a year to revise the Parent and Family Engagement Policy which includes annual evaluation of all PFE programs. The PFE Policy will be distributed and explained to parents/families during the Fall Title I Meetings and campus events. Parents and Families can become a part of the Family Engagement Committee by contacting their campus Parent Liaison. The Family Engagement Advisory Committee is integral to creating the best partnership between families and the district. The committee input is a valued source used to create and implement the policy used by the district which is distributed at every campus and district office.
Click here for a complete list of the parent liaison and their contact information.
Click here to provide feedback on our Parent/Family Engagement Policy.
Meet SSAISD Parent Liaisons
Each of the SSAISD parent liaisons are both members of their assigned school community as well as parents of the district. This gives them the unique privilege of relating to the parents and can more easily meet their needs.
The Parent Liaison can assist families in a variety of ways, from relaying information between the school and the home to helping families complete the application for benefits such as SNAP, Medicaid and Medicare.
South San Antonio ISD would like to highlight the following Parent Liaisons for their tireless dedication to our district, schools, students and their families.
Kandy Amaro
Divina Bravo
Vanessa Ortiz
District Highlights
U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro visits Hutchins Elementary School.
Thank you to U.S Congressman Joaquin Castro for visiting Hutchins Elementary School and touring our Pre-Kinder classes! We appreciate you advocating for our district and emphasizing the importance of education at SSAISD!
Neil Armstrong Elementary School Principal receives the Texas Music Educators Distinguished Administrators Award!
Congratulations to Mrs. Ramirez, Neil Armstrong Elementary School Principal, for receiving the Texas Music Educators Distinguished Administrator Award! Thank you for preserving quality music education programs here at SSAISD!
You may have heard of a grant and opportunities at Armstrong Elementary provided by CULTIVAR: Communities Uplifting Learners Through Imagination and Vibrant Artistic Reflections. CULTIVAR is a five year grant that partners with Texas A&M San Antonio and the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts and is currently in year three. With these partnerships, teachers and administrators take part in integrating arts-based and culturally responsive education throughout the school. This program focuses on providing arts based instructional materials, presenting professional development for South San educators, and creating a community for South San parents to participate in art experiences. South San Antonio ISD is pleased to branch this program out to select educators at the other 7 elementary schools in the district.
National School Board Appreciation Month
Happy Board Appreciation Month! Thank you for all that you do at SSAISD and encouraging community and parent participation in the education of district children. We appreciate you!
Fine Arts Showcase
Inviting all students, families and community members to the first ever South San Antonio ISD Fine Arts Showcase on February 24, at Shepard Middle School from 9 am to 12 pm.
Fine Arts students will showcase their artistic abilities through dance, mariachi, and band performances. Students will also be displaying amazing art work created for this event.
Title I programs will also be available to provide important information and program benefits. Federal programs include, Head Start, Special Education, Bilingual/Dual Language, and CTE.
Can't wait to see everyone there!
Head Start Round-up
Embark on an enriching educational journey with the South San Antonio ISD preschool program, fostering young minds and sparking curiosity. Our vibrant and secure environment, tailored to 3-4 year olds, is led by experienced educators dedicated to unlocking each child's full potential through interactive play and engaging activities. Our curriculum addresses early literacy and supports physical, cognitive, and social development. Enroll your child today to provide a head start on your child’s educational journey with South San Antonio ISD.
Join us on February 7 and 8, 2024 at Kazen Middle School from 1:00 PM- 6:00 PM in the cafeteria for our Pre-K/Kindergarten Roundup. Save your spot now!
District Upcoming Events
South San Antonio ISD Pre-K/Kinder Roundup
Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024, 01:00 PM
1520 Gillette Boulevard, San Antonio, TX, USA
South San Antonio ISD Pre-K/Kinder Roundup
Thursday, Feb 8, 2024, 01:00 PM
1520 Gillette Boulevard, San Antonio, TX, USA
CARE Zone Eagle Flights Open House
Thursday, Feb 15, 2024, 10:00 AM
2707 West Gerald Avenue, San Antonio, TX, USA
South San Antonio ISD Fines Arts Showcase
Saturday, Feb 24, 2024, 09:00 AM
5558 Ray Ellison Boulevard, San Antonio, TX, USA
South San Antonio ISD Monthly Food Drive
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024, 09:00 AM
7800 Kindred Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
Campus Upcoming Events
Did You Know
The San Antonio Stockshow and Rodeo reuse the same dirt every year. It was purchased near Charolotte, TX in 1988. If the dirt wasn’t recycled it would cost nearly $25,000 to purchase new dirt every year. The dirt is stored on a back lot on the grounds of the AT&T Center and it is cleaned and refined before it’s used again.
Click to read more about the upcoming San Antonio Rodeo