Eagle Express
September 21, 2023
From the Nest...
Did you know that students are considered chronically absent if they miss 10% or more (18+) days of the school year, regardless of whether they are lawful or unlawful absences?
Last year, Yellow Springs had 64 students chronically absent. That measured at 10.8% of our enrollment. While our school had the lowest chronically absent rate in the county (yay!), 64 students is still a large number of students! One of our school improvement goals this year is to decrease our chronically absent student rate. It is critically important for children to be in school so that they experience continuity of instruction.
We recognize that children get sick and some absences can't be avoided, however we ask that absences are limited only to necessary reasons. Our doors open at 8:30 am, with our school day beginning promptly at 9 am. and our day ends at 3:25 pm. Please make every effort to have children here on time and for the whole day, every day!
As always, we thank you for your support and partnership.
Warm regards,
Hannah Feldman & Lisa Wrzesinski
Save the Date
9/22 - 3.5 Hr. Early Dismissal
9/22 - Q1 Midterm
9/25 - No School - Yom Kippur
9/27 - Meet & Greet w/ YSES Staff @ Clover Hill Park 6:30-7:30 PM
9/29 - K Field Trip - Summers Farm
10/4 - Q1 Interims Issued
10/9-10/13 - Book Fair Week!
10/11 - School Begins 4 Hrs. Late - Evening Conferences
10/12 - School Begins 4 Hrs. Late - Evening Conferences
10/13 - School Dismisses 3.5 Hrs. Early - Afternoon Conferences
10/18 - 4th Gr. (Sinclair & Stanton) ESSL Field Trip
10/19 - 4th Gr. (Caro & Kastner) ESSL Field Trip
10/20 - No School - Professional Learning Day for Teachers
10/26 - End Q1
10/27 - No School - Teacher Work Day
Drill Day
- Lockdown
- Evacuation
- Reverse Evacuation
- Shelter
- Drop, Cover, and Hold
- Severe Weather
- Avoid, Deny, Defend
As a reminder you can find more information on FCPS' Standard Response Protocol below.
NEW - Dismissal Change Procedures
New this year, students must be picked up by 3:00 pm if you would like them through the front office. After that time, you will need to get into the Car Rider line to pick up your child. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring our dismissal process is as smooth as possible.
Schoology Updates & Tips
Reminder - you can find all your child's grades on Schoology. Here are 3 videos on how to check your student's grades in Schoology.
Schoology Ambassador: Heather Hyatt, heather.hyatt@fcps.org
Counselor's Corner
Community Resources and Support
Eviction Prevention: Rental and Energy Assistance
Food Distribution Web App: Frederick County GIS Food Distribution Public WebApp
If you are looking for immediate mental health support for yourself or a family member and aren’t sure where to begin, you can dial 211 to reach the Mental Health Association’s resource line. It is staffed 24/7 365 days a year and they do not charge for the service.
The Eagle’s Perch is up and soaring! Be sure to ask your students about their eagle bucks and what they might be saving for! If you are interested in helping to supply items for our store, please check out our Eagle Perch Wishlist
Counselor Contact -
Konnar Pruett, konnar.pruett@fcps.org - Grades PK-2
Laura Hanlon, laura.hanlon@fcps.org - Grades 3-5
Community News
Community Health Fair
The 16th annual Frederick Community Health Fair is Saturday October 7th, 9:00am - 3:30pm at Frederick High School. For more information see the flier:
Citizenship Services
The Asian American Center of Frederick is offering citizenship services, from help applying for citizenship, to taking citizenship & English classes.
For English, click here
For Spanish, click here
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
SHP is an all-volunteer 501(C)(3) non-profit that builds twin beds and delivers them, FREE of CHARGE, to families in Frederick Co Maryland whose elementary, middle and high school kids ages 4-17 are sleeping on the floor, a couch or with their parents/guardians or siblings. Beds include NEW EVERYTHING: frames, mattresses, blankets, sheets, and pillows. In the last 5 years, the SHP chapter has delivered 1430+ beds to 766+ families in Frederick Co.
See the fliers for more information.
Yellow Springs Elementary
Front Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Email: Hannah.feldman@fcps.org
Website: https://education.fcps.org/yses
Location: 8717 Yellow Springs Road, Frederick, MD
Phone: 240-236-1700