Proposition E
MVR-III School District - Tomahawk Tribune
Vote Tuesday, August 8th
The Meramec Valley R-III Board of Education has made the difficult decision to propose a tax levy increase on the August 8th ballot. This decision was not made lightly, and it came only after a two-year process in which the district identified and enacted nearly $2.5 million in cost-cutting efficiencies and reductions. Even with those savings, reduced state funding and major cost increases have forced the district to deficit spend each year, and now valued student programs, extra-curricular activities, and critical staffing is at-risk. Please vote on August 8th.
How will Prop E impact students?
One of the MVR-III School District's primary goals is to provide all students with a learning environment that is collaborative, engaging, inclusive, innovative, and conducive to learning.
Highly qualified MVR-III staff are needed in order to engage, support, and provide a quality learning environment for our students. The District has been unable to fill critical teaching and support positions throughout the district such as Biology Teacher, Speech Language Pathologist, Psychological Examiner, Custodians, and Paraprofessionals.
Increased operating funds are needed in order to maintain current student programs and activities, due to the rising costs of staff salaries and student learning supplies.
To be fiscally responsible, the District has worked collaboratively with staff to identify $1 million dollars in additional efficiencies to support a reduced budget for the 2023-24 school year.
MVR-III has hundreds of support staff employees, including custodians, bus drivers, food technicians, and secretaries. These incredible men and women are vital in keeping the district running, but the district struggles to attract and retain new employees in the current market.
How will Prop E appear on the ballot?
Shall the Board of Education of the Meramec Valley R-III School District be authorized to increase the operating tax levy of the District for the purposes of maintaining student learning, programs, and activities; and to attract and retain high quality staff and essential workers by $.56 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating levy of the District is estimated to be $4.74 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
What if I have questions?
Information Booths
Voters are welcome to join the Citizens for Prop E committee members and district leaders to learn more about this critical tax levy. Join us at:
Franklin County Senior Center - Wednesday, July 19th from 9:45-10:15 a.m.
Little Ireland - Wednesday, July 19th from 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Popsicles at the Pool Westlake Subdivision- July 24th from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
B & H Market - August 6th from 11:00-1:00 p.m.Volunteers & Donations Welcome
Donations to support Prop E may be delivered to Kelsey Bowers at 501 W. Osage Street, Pacific, MO 63069. Checks should be made out to made out to Citizens for Prop E. Funds raised to support Citizens for Prop E cover the cost of advertising.
Meramec Valley R-III School District
Location: 126 North Payne Street, Pacific, MO, USA
Phone: 636-271-1400