Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from our Music Teacher, Ms. Smith
Dear Families,
The week after Thanksgiving, the 3rd and 4th Grade classes competed in the Music Listening competition. This competition is based on the music memory competition for the University Scholastic League in Texas held for 2nd-6th graders. The competition was modified for St. Marys to incorporate more history and context as well as adding contemporary and diverse selections. Students had a goal of memorizing the titles and composers of 10 pieces of music and beyond that, the year, country, and historical context for the composition of the piece. They competed to see how much they could remember and earn points for their class to be Ultimate Music Listening Champions! I'm incredibly proud of all of the students for engaging as deeply in the music as they did.
Congratulations to Ms. Deluca's 4th-grade class for winning the class award.
Congratulations to our individual winners as well!!
Aika - Overall winner with a perfect score
3rd Grade
1st Place - Tripp Strahm
2nd Place - Cyan Patt
3rd Place - Griffin Miller
4th Grade
1st Place - Alex Clement
2nd Place - Magnus Donaldson zu Ermgassen
3rd Place - Faye Gallagher
Our Christmas Concert is right around the corner! I can't wait to see you all the morning of the 13th at 8:45 in the church to celebrate the season. Please remember dress is Christmas colors (Red, Green, Black, White, Silver, Gold, or within that vein) K1 friends are to wear black, white, or brown to be our sheep for the pageant! Thank you!
Looking Ahead
- Christmas Tree Lighting-Scholastic Book Fair Launch at 4 p.m.
December 7th
- Coffee with the Principal at 8 a.m.
- Jesse Tree Performance Grades 3&4 (students only)
- Grades 2+3 Field Trip to Boston Public Library
Immaculate Conception Mass (PreK-8) 12:10 p.m.
December 9th:
Admissions Open House/ Discovery Day
December 13th:
School-wide Christmas Concert and Pageant at 8:45 a.m.
December 14th:
- Jesse Tree Performance, Grades 1 and 2 (students only)
December 15th
- Jesse Tree Performance, Grades K2(students only)
December 16th:
- Last Day of school before Christmas break
- EDP closes at 4:30 p.m.
December 17th-January 2nd
Christmas Break
January 3rd:
Welcome Back!
A Note from Nurse Wu
Note from Nurse Wu
I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving break.
We had zero cases of Covid-19 reported to us this week.
If your child had a recent well visit with their PCP please send me a copy. I should have a yearly well visit report for every student.
Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather. As the weather gets colder and wet, students need to have a proper winter jacket/coat, winter hat, mittens/gloves and winter boots. Students go out for recess daily except if there is a weather advisory prohibiting outside recess.
Please make sure everything is labeled.
Enjoy your weekend,
Nurse Wu
Christmas Tree Lighting Event
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you to parent volunteer, Ms. Mongeon and her son Leo who helped Ms. Broley set up the Scholastic Book Fair. Please visit the link below to get a sense of how the Book Fair will be set up, and we hope to see you Monday night!
A Message from the Office
If you are interested in purchasing Spa Pizza for your child for the remainder of the year, please send in payment by 12/16/2022.
We have 18 Fridays plus 3 Thursdays (01/26,03/16,06/15), totaling 21 days.
1 slice = $60
2 slices = $120
There will not be a hot lunch option on these days.
Advent Wreaths
Ornament Decorating
Early Childhood Spanish
Grade 1
Dan had 10 mini-racer cars. He got 6 more mini racer cars for his birthday. Then his brother gave him 4 more mini racer cars. How many mini-racer cars does Dan have in all?
They solved the problem by drawing shapes, a number line, and ten frames. Great job Grade 1!
Grade 2
Middle School Field Trip
Grade 7 Cell Presentation
Faculty Spotlight
Follow Us on Social Media
Please find the links below to our social media pages. We have been constantly uploading posts and stories so if you are interested in seeing more of our day-to-day happenings, please follow us!