Davis A&M Family Newsletter
May 9, 2021
Principal's Message
Davis Families,
For the first time, Davis students will be able to attend summer school this year. This version of summer school is much different (and better) than typical summer school. In addition to traditional credit recovery type options for students who need to make up failed classes, there will be enrichment and engagement activities such as art, athletics, engineering, etc., family oriented sessions for parents on topics such as financial literacy, computer literacy, and health/well being, and sports camps. Programs will occur at the Davis A&M campus building and at other schools around Cleveland. Please click here for information from CMSD and be on the lookout for followup communication from the school in the upcoming weeks.
If you have questions about any of the announcements below, please call the school at 216.838.2500
In this Newsletter, you will find information about:
- More details for the CMSD Summer Learning Experience
- Class of 2021 Update from Senior Class Advisor
- Message from PHASTAR: Rocket Science Crash Course
- College Now Update: All Students
- PHASTAR Maritime Job Fair
- Presidents' Council Scholarship FRESHMEN & SOPHOMORES
- Community Resources & Announcements
- Update Contact Information with Davis A&M
The CMSD Summer Learning Experience
Class of 2021 Message from Profe Courey
Class of 2021 plans are developing quickly. For an overview of upcoming events and deadlines, please see the Senior & Parent Info Virtual Pamphlet.
Profe Courey, Senior Class Advisor
Message from PHASTAR: Rocket Science Crash Course
PHASTAR's Rocket Science Crash Course is a hands on crash course in Rocketry and Aerospace Engineering. Davis students are invited to sign up for a Rocket Science Crash Course, a program where students will learn about rocketry, the physics of flight, and aerospace careers through exciting hands-on activities. Students will build model rockets, learn safe rocket launch procedures, and collect and analyze data from onboard sensor systems.
Sign up ASAP. Permission slips were distributed last week to all interested students. Students may turn in their permission slips on Monday and Tuesday to their crew advisors, or else bring their completed permission slips on Wednesday morning.
A Hands-on Crash Course in Rocketry and Aerospace Engineering
May 12, May 19, and May 26
9:00 am – 12:00 pm each day
1776 Columbus Rd, Cleveland, OH 44113
Additionally, PHASTAR participated in Canalway Partners' annual RiverSweep event as the on-water support and safety. Davis students and teacher, Mrs. Santos, joined PHASTAR with volunteers on our Spirit of America power boats, assisting paddlers in getting their trash back to land.
Follow PHASTAR on instagram @PHASTARcorp.
From Mr. Markusic, our College Now Advisor
ALL STUDENTS: College Now is still hosting virtual informational events. Events being hosted in May will cover the ACT & SAT, navigating the college process, summer learning opportunities, and senior "next steps." See the flyer below!
Students and/or parents should email Mr. Markusic (mmarkusic@collegenowgc.org) or email or call him (216-507-1768), if any student or parent would like to schedule a time to meet with Mr. Markusic to talk about their student's post-secondary path, they can do so here: www.tinyurl.com/MarkusicDavisAppointments.
MARITIME JOB FAIR: Open to Davis A&M Students & their Families
Get exclusive access to jobs in the maritime industry:
- Market your skills and interest
- Bring your resume and student job application
- Dress professionally and be prepared for an interview
WHEN: May 19, 2021 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM
WHERE: PHASTAR 1776 Columbus Road, Cleveland
Featuring Representatives from:
Presidents' Council Scholars
This FREE, three-year high school program begins during the sophomore year and continues until the student completes their senior year of high school. PC Scholars meet 2 Saturdays per month on the campus of Case Western Reserve University and receive the following benefits:
- Eligibility for Paid Internships
- Opportunity to use program experience as an application and resume builder
- Eligibility for financial support to not only enter, but complete college
- Involvement with one of the most prominent African- American Business Groups
- Discover and develop business and entrepreneurial skills while ensuring students are prepared to enter higher education and the workforce.
To learn more and apply, click here.
Community Resources & Announcements
Weekly List of Job Openings
Community Resource & Employment Service
(216) 651-5188
Stay Connected With Davis
A lot of important messages from the district and the school are being announced. Make sure your contact information is updated so that you receive the latest information.
*To update your address or phone number, please call the school. 216.838.2500
*To receive our school texts, please email LBowen@DavisAM.org with your cell # and your student's name
Year-Round School Calendar Dates:
- 31st: Memorial Day Observed - CMSD Facilities CLOSED
- 11th: Senior Awards/ Cap & Gown Pick Up
- 13th: Senior Prom at Tremont Cityside Ballroom
- 15th: Required Senior Graduation Practice
- 16th: Davis A&M Class of 2021 Graduation
- 18th: Juneteenth Observed - CMSD Facilities CLOSED
- 22nd: Last Day of School for Year-round Schools
- 24th: Diploma Pick up
Quick Links
Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School
Email: info@DavisAM.org
Website: DavisAM.org
Location: 1440 Lakeside Avenue East, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: 216-838-2500