Wildcat Weekly 9/24/2023

September 24, 2023
Upcoming this week:
September 25:
Flynn Swim Class
September 26:
Flynn Swim Class
September 27:
Fire Drill
September 28:
Flynn Swim Class
Kindergarten Firefighter Visit
September 29:
Flynn Swim Class
Late Arrival & Early Pick Up
Any students arriving to school after 8:25am/ 9:25am (Wednesday) need to be dropped off in the front of the building and sign in at the office to get a late slip. If drop off extends past 8:25am students will not be marked tardy.
If your student's end of the day process is going to change please call the office by 3 o'clock pm.
If your student is not going to be at school, please call the office 616.361.3450 to let us know.
If you need to pick up your student early they will need to be signed out in the office. You can email or call ahead and we will try to have them to be ready for you when you arrive. A student will only be released to a parent/guardian unless you have called ahead and given permission for someone else to pick up your student.
Transportation Reminder
Please remember that students are required to have their bus identification card when they ride the bus each day. Thank you!
Northview Resident Transportation
It's not too late to sign up for busing. All students MUST have a new registration submitted each summer to ride a school bus. Complete the form today!
Transportation information will be released in Ride360 on August 23. You can only obtain this information in the app so please download it today. https://nvps.net/transportation/
Bus tags will be handed out at the open house. If your student tag is lost/damaged it is a $5/fee.
Items from Home
Please keep ALL toys at home. We do not want precious toys lost, stolen or damaged.
Thank you for understanding.
Mileage Club
Mileage Club is an extra activity that will be available to students outside during lunch recess times!
Club will begin on Monday, September 18 and will continue until the snow falls this winter (roughly around Thanksgiving) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during lunch recess times. This is an activity that aligns with the district belonging, access, and equity efforts that provide opportunities to all students!
To make this club possible to all 1st through 4th grade students, I am in need of parent volunteers. As a mileage club volunteer, you would be responsible for helping students find their cards, punch cards as students complete laps, hand out toe token prizes, and create new cards for students. I can take up to 5 volunteers per session per day (potential total of 10 per day). If you are interested in being a volunteer, you will need to do the following:
1. Complete the online Northview Volunteer Form found here:
2. Send an email to hborgman@nvps.net to let me know you are interested in being a mileage club volunteer and have completed the online volunteer form.
3. Sign up for your available dates and times using the Sign Up Genuis found here:
This club isn't possible without your support! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to me using my email listed above under step 2.
Thank you so much! GO WILDCATS!
Lunchroom Help Sign Up
If you would like to help out in your child's school, here is a sign up where you can get a chance help out in the lunchroom. Also, please fill out a Volunteer form. Please see the button below.
Parent Volunteers
If you are interested in helping in the building this year or attending any field trips, please complete the Volunteer Consent Form.
Nurse's Corner
Medication Forms are required for dispensing any medications, both over the counter and prescribed. The form can be found online using the link above or in the office. All prescription medications require a physician signature. Parents must personally bring in medications and they may not be sent in with students.
School Needs
Student Pictures
Hey Parents,
As many of you know we like to make each and every child feel special. I, Mrs. Miranda, love putting them in our Wildcat Weekly whether it is for sports or vacations or fun times in school. I love seeing what they have been up too. So this is where you come in, I need your help making this happen. Each month I will ask for different pictures of your kids. If you would like to share some of those with me, I would greatly appreciate it and they will be featured in the Wildcat Weekly. Here is to a great year of memories!! Go Cats!!