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November 2023
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Anti-bullying Presentation at Blackhawk
On Monday, October 30th, Blackhawk was treated to the BMX trickery and positive messaging of motivational speaker and professional bicycle stunt man Matt Wilhelm. Wilhelm is a Guinness World-Record Holder, three-time X Games medalist, World Championship Silver and Bronze Medalist, and America’s Got Talent semi-finalist. More important than this highly impressive list of accomplishments is his message of how words can hurt and can stick with a person for years. Wilhelm shared personal experiences of overcoming mean treatment in his childhood and demonstrated to our students that people can overcome negative experiences in their past. He also spoke to how the harassers or bullies frequently fall back on the line "I was just kidding" to wiggle out of the blame of hurting others' feelings. That is a very important message to deliver to middle school students who need support, guidance, and direction with positive relationship building and maintenance.
Halloween at Blackhawk
Blackhawk students and staff had a fun and safe Halloween celebration at school. Students were reminded that if they were to wear costumes to school, they needed to be school appropriate and not cover their faces entirely with makeup or a mask. Students were very respectful of this expectation making it a good time for all. The Blackhawk teachers felt the spirit of the season as well as many came dressed in costumes.
STAR Update
This month our fabulous STAR team not only helped book the anti-bullying presentation by Matt Wilhelm, but they also promoted positive behavior with our students through an extended advisory activity that involved making a craft scarecrow. Students who earned Blackhawk bucks and wished to spend them on a craft activity, gathered in the cafeteria during Tuesday's extended advisory. Students were provided different options to create their scarecrows. A fun time was had by all!
STAR also created and supported an advisory door decorating contest with an anti-bullying theme. Advisories brainstormed themes that promote a positive atmosphere and culture in our school. They then set off to bring these themes to life. Detective Banks has been assigned the task of judging the door decorating contest to determine the best representation of a safe school free from bullying.
November Calendar
Math Club every Monday
Art Club every Monday
Jewelry Club in MS every Monday
Muscle Laboratory Every Tuesday or Thursday
11/1 Soccer Club-8
11/1 Jazz Band every Tuesday
11/4 Daylight Savings Time-turn clocks back an hour
11/8 Robotics Club
11/8 Gardening Club
11/8 Show Choir Club
11/8 Dance Clinics in Café Cheer in Small gym
11/8 Girls' BB Conference Begins
11/9 Muscle Laboratory
11/9 Math Club
11/9 PALS Club
11/9 Spanish Club
11/9 Boys' BB Tryouts
11/9 Dance Clinics in Café
11/9 Girls' BB Playoffs TBD
11/10 End of 1st Trimester
11/10 Boys' BB Tryouts
11/13 Podcast Club
11/13 Cheer/Dancer Team Tryouts
11/14 8th Grade Field Trip/Holocaust Museum
11/14 Soccer Club-6
11/15 8th Grade Field Trip/Holocaust Museum
11/15 We Belong Club in R155 (every other week)
11/16 Sewing Club
11/20 Teacher Institute Day-No students
11/21 Professional Development Day-No students
11/22-11/24 Thanksgiving Break-No staff/No students
11/28 Soccer Club-7th
11/30 PALS Club
11/30 Project Lit Book Club
11/30 Sewing Club
Blackhawk Alumni Spotlight
While at Blackhawk as a student, Mr. Orlyk mentions some favorite memories included his involvement in the performing arts. Mr. Orlyk was an active member of the Blackhawk chorus where he enjoyed singing and perhaps planted the seed for his future role of leading the Blackhawk chorus. Another high point in Mr. Orlyk's Blackhawk experience was having a short story that he wrote be adapted for the stage and produced and performed as the 8th grade play. Mr. Orlyk also took to the stage in the Blackhawk spring musical and explored leadership opportunities as a member of student council. When asked if there are any Blackhawk teachers he remembers and would want to thank, he stated: "So many! But especially Mr. Siebert (music), Mr. Newlin (social studies), Mrs. Rohlfing (music), and Mr. Barringer (math)."
At Fenton, Mr. Orlyk continued to pursue his love of performance and thus participated in the high school chorus and theater programs. Mr. Orlyk continued to expand his love of writing at Fenton as well being an active member of the school newspaper and literary magazine. We are also proud he shared he was a member of the National Honor Society.
Mr. Orlyk holds a Bachelor’s in Music Education from Elmhurst College, a Master’s in Library Science from University of Illinois, and an Education Specialist degree from Grand Canyon University. He taught at Blackhawk from 2009 to 2018. He continues to assist with vocal direction of Fenton’s spring musical (since 2011). He currently teaches library and reading intervention at Currier Elementary School in West Chicago. Mr. Orlyk has been involved in theater for some 35 years and is currently preparing to music direct, “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” for Elgin Community College, then “SpongeBob the Musical “ at Fenton, and “Rent” next summer at Elgin Community College.
When asked if he has any advice for our current middle school students, Mr. Orlyk said, "Don’t be afraid to join clubs and get involved! You might just discover what you really enjoy and what your talents or skills are. The friends you make at BMS may be your best friends for many years to come. Respect your teachers—they care for you and want to help you learn, grow, and succeed."
Musically Speaking
Congratulations to all Blackhawk musicians who participated in the The Fall Band Concert that took place last night in the Blackhawk Auditorium. Students in the Blackhawk Jazz Band, 6th grade band, and the 7th and 8th grade combined band all delivered a wonderful performance. There was also a special visit from the Fenton High School Marching Band! The Blackhawk 7th and 8th graders performed the Smash Mouth song "Allstar" as a combined group with our Fenton guests.
The next large performance will be the Holiday Assembly on Monday, Dec. 18th, during the school day. Students will be performing for the 2nd and 4th graders from Tioga and Johnson as well as for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
...And in Sports
Both Blackhawk girls' basketball teams will be making an appearance in the postseason tournament this year without having to earn their way in with a victory in the wildcard game. Congratulations to all players and coaches for that accomplishment. Both girls' teams begin the postseason tournament on Thursday on the road. Good luck Hawks!
Boys’ basketball tryouts will be Thursday, 11/9: 7th grade 3:00-4:30 and 8th grade 4:30-6:00. The second tryout date is Friday, 11/10: 8th grade 3:00-4:30 and 7th grade 4:30-6:00.
Cheer and dance team clinics are 11/8 and 11/9 from 3:00-4:30 with cheer in the small gym and dance in the cafeteria.
To participate in any of these athletic opportunities, students must have a parent complete the Online Athletic Registration form and have an up-to-date physical on file at the school. Go Hawks!