Pauline Central Primary School
September 4, 2023
Parent Information Night is this week!
This year, Parent Information Night will be held on Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. For families who have multiple students or who prefer a formal presentation, 1 presentation for each grade level will be offered in the gym at the following times:
5:30-5:45 (GYM presentation) Kindergarten (Classrooms, 5:45-7:00 p.m.)
5:50-6:05 (GYM presentation) - First grade (Classroom, 5:30-5:45; 6:10-7:00 p.m.)
6:10-6:25- (GYM presentation)) 2nd grade (Classroom, 5:30-6:05 p.m. and 6:30-7:00 p.m.)
6:30-6:45 (GYM) presentation) - 3rd grade (Classroom, 5:30-6:25 p.m.)
Pre-K Session 1 (in the pre-K classrooms): 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Pre-K Session 2 (in the pre-K classrooms) 6:15-6:45 p.m.
When teachers are not in the gym for their grade level presentation, they will be staged in their classrooms for a Q&A and open house style format. We will have a scavenger hunt for you to complete with your child. All completed scavenger hunts will be entered into a drawing for a prize basket.
Just a gentle reminder that this night is designed for our teachers to share with you important information about procedures, routines and expectations for their class this year. If you need to speak to your child's teacher about a specific concern, it is best to schedule a separate meeting time to do so.
We hope that these different options provide our families with the needed flexibility to join us for this important night.
Community Opportunity...
September Food Pantry
The upcoming food pantry on September 7th from 3:00-5:00 pm at Pauline South was shared with all Auburn-Washburn families on Friday through district communication. All families planning to attend are asked to fill out the very brief form linked below to indicate the number of individuals in the household (seniors, adults, children). This will help us get a headcount to ensure we have the appropriate amount of food for families that attend. If families would like to set up an appointment for the 3:00-4:00 slot, they can call the Pauline South secretaries. Otherwise, walk-in appointments are available from 4:00-5:00.
Donuts with Dean Allinder
Character Trait for September- RESPONSIBILITY
Mark your calendars - Important Dates to Know
Sept. 5- PTO Kick-off; 5:30 p.m. @ Pauline South
Sept. 6- Parent Information Night at PC; 5:30-7:00 p.m. Be sure to read about our new format.
Sept. 7 - Pauline Schools Fundraiser Kick-off
-Chess Club Begins for 3rd grade students; 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Sept. 12 - 3rd Grade at Outdoor Education for Squirmy Science
Sept. 13 - EARLY RELEASE; 2:15 p.m. dismissal; NO PRE-K classes on this day.
Sept. 25 - NO SCHOOL; Professional Learning Day for Teachers
Tips for Building Good Attendance
Title 1
Parents of students attending a Title 1 school have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher and any paraprofessional working with your child. The information you may request includes:
- If the teacher has met the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels taught;
- Whether the teacher is under an emergency or other provisional license or whether the licensing criteria has been waived;
- The teacher’s degree major and any other graduate certification or degree held;
- Whether the child is provided services by a paraprofessional and if so, their qualifications.
Pauline Central Primary School
Pauline Central Primary School exists to serve the unique academic and social-emotional needs of ALL our students, while preparing students to be future-ready. We are committed to maintaining a safe, welcoming environment, where diversity is celebrated and individual students are empowered to reach their goals.
Location: 6625 SW Westview Rd.
Phone: 785-339-4700
Twitter: @centralpauline