DCHS Counseling Newsletter
Closing Time
Seniors Important Final Task
Hello Seniors! Just another friendly reminder to complete the ICAP District Senior Graduation Survey.
If you do not complete this survey, your final transcripts will NOT be sent until we return in the fall.
Log into your Naviance account and the survey is located under "My planner" in the upper right-hand corner and select "Tasks" from the drop down. It will be listed there. If you have any trouble finding it, contact your counselor.
Summer School
Payment may be made Online:
Please remember summer school is for CREDIT RECOVERY ONLY (This means you need to have failed a past or current class). You cannot take a summer school class to get ahead for graduation credits. All courses are online. Virtual tutors will be on hand during prescribed times.
Summer school is also a great opportunity to increase knowledge in courses that your student may have fallen behind, due to aspects of remote learning.
Summer School Session:
June 1st to June 26th
A Possible July session may also be available.
$225 per semester course before June 1st $250 per course after June 1st.
Course Offerings:
All core courses are offered in Math, Science, Social Studies, world language and English. Most elective courses are also offered.
Contact Lon Smith if you have questions
Community Resources
*Everyone should be encouraged to access testing and treatment if they meet the criteria to be tested. Please note that this criteria changes as needs and capacity change. To learn more call: 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911. Individuals can use any photo ID, including those that are not government-issued, when accessing tests at state labs. Community Health Care Centers continue to serve anyone, regardless of status, and telehealth options are available. In addition, Emergency Medicaid continues to be available to all Coloradans who meet income and other eligibility requirements.This includes individuals seeking emergency care for COVID-19.
*The passage of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides paid family medical leave and paid sick leave for some employees directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The coverage of workers depends mostly on the employer type, not the immigration status of the employee. The US Department of Labor has additional information, including in Spanish, for both workers and employers, and posters in multiple languages regarding employee rights.
*Childcare for Essential Workers. The Colorado Emergency Child Care Collaborative matches essential workers who need childcare with childcare providers. Essential workers include those working in healthcare and critical retail, such as grocery store workers. Parents can apply to be matched with a provider, and the Colorado Department of Human Services has additional information.
*Coloradans can apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as food assistance) through the Colorado PEAK website. Hunger Free Colorado has a food resource hotline (855-855-4626, open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm) that helps people locate options for food and can help people understand if they would be eligible for SNAP.
*STRIDE Community Health Center has COVID- 19 testing open to the general public and symptoms are not required in order to be tested. Both swab and antibody testing are available and testing is provided until supplies are depleted. We encourage patients to arrive early and secure a spot in line. Our testing locations are:
STRIDE CHC- Aurora Health & Wellness Plaza
10680 Del Mar Parkway
Aurora, CO 80010
STRIDE CHC- Jeffco Family Health Services Center
7495 W. 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Normal Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: Begins at 9 AM until testing supplies are depleted
Saturday: 9 AM – Noon (or until testing supplies are depleted)
NO PAYMENT IS DUE AT THE TIME OF TESTING. Insurance information will be collected, if applicable. Anyone who has insurance should bring their insurance card. Individuals
without insurance are also welcome.
·Individuals will be assessed to determine whether they qualify for a swab or antibody test.
Each person who received a test will be scheduled for an appointment with a STRIDE provider to review results. The appointment will usually occur within 72 hours from the date of testing.
Hola y feliz lunes. Aquí están las actualizaciones de su comunidad. ¡Mantenerse sano! Jill
* Todos deberían ser alentados a acceder a pruebas y tratamientos si cumplen con los criterios para ser probados. Tenga en cuenta que este criterio cambia a medida que cambian las necesidades y la capacidad. Para obtener más información, llame al 303-389-1687 o al 1-877-462-2911. Las personas pueden usar cualquier identificación con foto, incluidas las que no son emitidas por el gobierno, al acceder a las pruebas en los laboratorios estatales. Los Centros Comunitarios de Atención Médica continúan servicios a cualquier persona, independientemente de su estado, y opciones de telesalud hay disponibles. Además, Medicaid de Emergencia sigue estando disponible para todos los residentes de Colorado que cumplan con los requisitos de ingresos y otros requisitos de elegibilidad. Esto incluye a las personas que buscan atención de emergencia para COVID-19.
* La aprobación del Acto de Familias Primero de Respuesta al Coronavirus proporciona licencia médica familiar remunerada y licencia por enfermedad remunerada para algunos empleados directamente afectados por la pandemia COVID-19. La cobertura de los trabajadores depende principalmente del tipo de empleador, no del estado migratorio del empleado. El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. Tiene información adicional, incluso en español, para trabajadores y empleadores, y carteles en varios idiomas sobre los derechos de los empleados.
*Cuidado de Niños para Trabajadores Esenciales. El Cuidado de Emergencia Infantil de Colorado Colaborativo une a los trabajadores esenciales que necesitan cuidado infantil con los proveedores de cuidado infantil. Los trabajadores esenciales incluyen a aquellos que trabajan en la atención médica y minoristas críticos, como los trabajadores de supermercados. Los padres pueden solicitar ser contactados con un proveedor, y el Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Colorado tiene información adicional.
* Los residentes de Colorado pueden solicitar el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria (SNAP, también conocido como asistencia alimentaria) a través del sitio Colorado web de Colorado PEAK. Colorado Libre de Hambre tiene una línea directa de recursos alimentarios (855-855-4626, abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.) que ayuda a las personas encontrar opciones de alimentos y puede ayudarles a entender si serían elegibles para SNAP.
*El Centro de Salud Comunitario STRIDE tiene pruebas COVID-19 abiertas al público en general y no se requieren síntomas para hacerse la prueba. Tanto las pruebas de torunda como las de anticuerpos están disponibles y se realizan pruebas hasta que se agoten los suministros. Alentamos a los pacientes a llegar temprano y asegurar un lugar en la fila. Nuestras ubicaciones de prueba son:
STRIDE CHC- Aurora Health & Wellness Plaza
10680 Del Mar Parkway
Aurora, CO 80010
STRIDE CHC- Centro de Servicios de Salud Familiar Jeffco
7495 W. 29th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Horas Normales de Operación:
Lunes a viernes: comienza a las 9 a.m. hasta que se agoten los suministros de prueba
Sábado: 9 a.m. al mediodía (o hasta que se agoten los suministros de prueba)
Douglas County Libraries Celebrate Seniors!
DCL loves 2020 graduates of high schools in Douglas County! We want to celebrate your accomplishment with a special gift, starting May 18. Please fill out this form to let us know who you are, and how you'd like to receive your gift. Congratulations, graduate!
Please click on the link. https://www.dcl.org/dcl-celebrates-grads/
Boettcher Scholarship Info
As you begin to look ahead to your senior year and the process of applying to colleges and scholarships, we wanted to let you know that the Boettcher Foundation will be hosting some webinars on “Everything You Need to Know About Scholarships.” During these webinars we will go over how students can “ACE” their college and scholarship applications, including tips on how to make their applications stand out. You can register to attend one of the webinars by clicking on the links below*:
*Please note that we have to limit the number of registrants for each presentation. If the sessions fill up, you will have the option to be added to a wait list. If we have a large number of students who are not able to participate in these sessions, we will schedule additional dates during the summer and email that information to the students on the wait list.
We also encourage you visit our website to learn more about the Boettcher Scholarship.
AP Update
Today we reached the midway point of the two-week primary administration. We couldn't be more proud of the hundreds of thousands of students who showed up for the opportunity to claim the college credit they worked for all year, despite widespread school closures.
Students have taken nearly 2.2 million AP® Exams, across 15 courses. After the first week of testing, our data show the vast majority of students successfully completed their exams.
However, some students have encountered challenges submitting their responses, and we've been listening closely to each student, parent, or educator who reports a problem. Beginning Monday, May 18, we're changing processes to address some of these concerns.
To help support your students during testing, please share the information below with them.
Submitting Exam Responses
We share the deep disappointment of students who were unable to submit responses.
• Beginning Monday, May 18, and continuing through the makeup window, there will be a backup email submission process for browser-based exams. • This option will only be available for students who were not able to submit in the standard process—and they must then email their responses immediately following their exam. • These students will see instructions about how to email their response on the page that says, "We Did Not Receive Your Response." The email address that appears on this page will be unique to each student. • Any student testing between May 18–22 who can't successfully upload their response through the exam platform or send it to us by email, will need to request a makeup exam. • To protect the security and validity of exams, we're unable to accept submissions from students who tested May 11–15. However, these students can feel confident that the email option will be in place for them during the makeup exams. • Email submissions will not be available for the World Language exams.
Setting Up Your Students for Success
Given the wide variety of devices, browsers, and connectivity solutions students have access to, we're unable to prevent every possible local error from occurring during the exam. In advance of the administration, we created a testing guide, Exam demo, and test day checklist to help students avoid potential issues. It's important that students review this information and know to:
• Locate their e-ticket, which is emailed two days before each exam • Use a recommended browser, update it to the latest version, and disable plugins • Keep an eye on the time and begin their submission at the 5-minute mark
Additional tips to help your students succeed are available here.
Students taking World Language and Culture exams, which begin on Monday, May 18, must:
• Download the free AP World Languages Exam App (WLEA) • Set their device to “Do Not Disturb” • Check to ensure they have enough storage on their device
World Language students should also watch the exam walk-through video, and check our website for more guidance.
Thank you for all you continue to do to support your students during this challenging time.
With gratitude,
Advanced Placement Program