Counselor's Corner 9th Grade
Spring 2021
Greetings Wolverines!
Register Now for the 2021-2022 School Year
Online Registration kicks off Monday, April 12 for all SCS students.
ONSITE SUPPORT for REGISTRATION: We are working to secure a centralized location for families to come use computers and receive registration support between the hours of 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.. In the meantime, parents can either visit the Parent Welcome Center (social distance enforced), send an email to iChoose@scsk12.org or sign-up for a live virtual session for assistance.
POWERSCHOOL ACCESS FOR RETURNING STUDENTS: All returning families can access the online registration link via their current PowerSchool account. For many families who are active on PowerSchool, this will be easy. However, we know PowerSchool access may be a common challenge for several others during registration. To assist parents, we have added the registration link to ALL student devices.
An Early Post Secondary Opportunity (or EPSO) is a high school course or program that allows a student to gain college credit or industry certification. In order for an EPSO to count, a student must take the applicable exam. Some of Overton's EPSO 2020-2021 options include:
- Advanced Placement (AP)
Computer Science Principals
English Language/Composition
English Literature/Composition
History of Art
Music Theory
Studio Art 2D Design
Studio Art 3D Design
Studio Art Drawing
U.S. History
- Dual Enrollment (DE)
College Algebra
Elementary Calculus
English Composition I & II
Medical Terminology
- Statewide Dual Credit
Speech & Communications
World History
- Industry Certifications
CompTIA IT Fundamentals
JavaScript Specialist
Students need to be thinking about what EPSO's they would like to consider for their schedules next year. More info on schedule requests to come soon!
Learn more at scsk12.org/epso or contact Mrs. Humphries
Are You a Well-Rounded Student?
Did You Know???
Practice testing: students testing themselves through flash cards, practice problems or full practice tests on target material in a low-stakes, reduced stress environment.
Distributed practice: conducting short practice testing sessions over a longer period of time between school assessments (the opposite of cramming.) This requires the implementation of a set schedule for students. Parents can play an important role in encouraging students to create and maintain such a schedule.
Overton High School
Email: humphriesnb@scsk12.org
Website: https://schools.scsk12.org/overton-hs
Location: 1770 Lanier Lane, Memphis, TN, USA
Phone: 901-416-2136