Cedar Grove Elementary School
Welcome Back To School Edition - 2023!
The mission of Cedar Grove Elementary is to grow our students into respectful, curious and productive citizens.
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope this newsletter finds you as excited as we are in welcoming back our young “Proud Patriots” to Cedar Grove Elementary. We look forward to the return of all our children and extend a warm welcome to those who are new to our Cedar Grove Family.
The new school year will begin with a full day of school on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. School hours are 9:25 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
The primary mode of communication from our school and district will be electronic and through the Genesis Portal. It is very important for you to monitor your email account for important school and district updates. The Parent Portal will open on Friday, 8/25/23 at 4:00pm. New users will receive a one-time passcode to access the portal and set up an account. (Click on THIS link to learn how to set up a portal account.) Returning users will be able to login. In the portal, you will find your child’s homeroom/teacher and a bus pass (if applicable.)
Please be sure to have an accurate email and phone number on file. If you have a phone number, or email address change please update it in Genesis Parent Portal. If you experience difficulty accessing your Parent Portal Account, please contact the Main Office at 732-505-5830. Any changes to your home address need to be done at Central Registration. Please contact centralregistration@trschools.com or 732-505-2600 for assistance. (Click on the live link to access a comprehensive 2022 Genesis Parent Portal Guide.)
Below you will find important district and school information that we hope will be helpful as we begin a new school year. This "Welcome Back" newsletter will be located in our new "Parent Handbook Hub" and our webpage for future reference.
Here's to a successful year ahead for our "Proud Patriots!"
Stacey DeCesare-Monetti
Christine Manna
Supervisor of Instruction
Mark Your Calendars!
Dates to know...
- Kindergarten Orientation - August 30th 9:30am
- New Student Orientation - August 30th 11:30am
- September 5th - First Day of School (Full Day)
- Back to School Night (B-Wing Classes) - September 20th
- Back to School Night (A-Wing Classes) - September 21st
District Information
Food Services Information (TRRS Website)
School Cafe Application
- Use this site to apply for Free & Reduced Lunch and/or put money on account for purchase of lunch and/or snacks in the cafeteria.
Homeroom/Classroom Teacher (Genesis Parent Portal) -- Available 8/25
Media Release & Google Acceptance Form (Genesis Parent Portal)
- Sign this form if you would like your child/ren included in school spirit photos and (occasional) school spirit videos.
Nurse/Health Office Information (TRRS Website)
Clever Login Information (Genesis Parent Portal)
- Students use Clever to access instructional apps like iReady Mathematics
23-24 District Calendar (TRRS Website)
Bus Information (Genesis Parent Portal)
- Please be patient with transportation during the first two weeks of school to allow drivers and students to develop a predictable schedule.
How to Access Your Child’s Bus Pass (Bus passes will be available after 4pm on Monday, 8/28.)
Transportation - General Information
Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) (TRRS Website)
Arrival & Dismissal
- No parents are allowed to drop off or pick up students in the front of the school. You must use the Brookside entrance.
- Morning drop off begins at 9:10am (when staff come on duty and doors are unlocked). The lot is gated during the day and reopens at 3:10pm to prepare for dismissal. Do not leave students unattended on school grounds prior to 9:10am.
- Township of Toms River crossing guards will be assigned to locations near the school to safely assist those children and families who walk to Cedar Grove. Crossing guards will be located on Cedar Grove Road (front of school) and at the Brookside Drive entrance (side of school).
- Crossing Guard Hours: Morning -- Cedar Grove Road and Brookside Drive Entrance = 8:45am - 9:45am; Afternoon - Cedar Grove Road 3:10pm - 4:00pm ; Brookside Drive Entrance 3:20pm - 4:10pm
- Please review the 2023-24 Arrival/Dismissal Procedures for detailed information regarding bus, car and walker drop off and pick up. Follow these procedures to support a safe and organized arrival and dismissal for your children.
Breakfast & Lunch
- All families, regardless of income, are asked to complete the 2023-2024 FREE AND REDUCED MEALS APPLICATION which can be found either at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ or completed on paper (English or Espanol). These applications are used to determine eligibility for P-EBT benefits, state funding and/or other school benefits.
- Money to purchase lunch and snacks may be added to your child’s account using https://www.schoolcafe.com/ or cash may be sent into school in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name, grade and teacher’s name.
School Supply Lists
Back to School Nights
This year, Back to School Nights will be held on September 20 and 21, 2023.
- 9/20/23 - Kindergarten, Grade One, Grade Two
- 9/21/23 - Grade Three, Grade Four, Grade Five
Meeting times will be staggered to accommodate families with children in multiple grades. Please read the 23-24 Back to School Night Letter for specific information, especially for special area, special education and support staff (i.e., nurse, CST, etc.).
Regular attendance in elementary school sets up a good pattern for your child’s entire school career and future. Students who consistently attend school do better academically and socially. Did you know?
- Starting in preschool and kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind.
- Missing about 2 days of school each month can make it harder to learn to read.
- Students can still fall behind if they miss just 1 or 2 days every few weeks.
- Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
- Absences and tardiness can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.
It is beneficial to show your child that school should come first, trying to save days off for illnesses and family emergencies. Days your child is absent should be chosen carefully. These days can add up quickly; therefore, they should be reserved for fevers and the stomach virus. Please reach out to your child’s teacher or our main office if we can help support you and your child in establishing and maintaining healthy attendance habits. I will also share helpful hints in our weekly family newsletter.
What is good attendance? See the attendance guidelines below:
- Perfect Attendance = 180 days present; 0 days absent
- Satisfactory Attendance = 174-179 days present; 1-6 days absent
- Moderate Attendance = 167-173 days present; 7-13 days absent
- Unsatisfactory Attendance = 162-166 days present; 14-17 days absent
- Chronic Absenteeism = 161 days or fewer; 18+ days absent
If your child is absent, an automated call will be made to your telephone number. When your child returns to school, send in a note or doctor’s note. You will receive an automated call even if you notify the office of your child’s absence. Students are to be in their classroom by 9:25 A.M. and will be marked TARDY if arriving after that time.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts!
Parent Square - Please download the app!
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification
- Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm
- Communicate in your preferred language
- Comment on school postings to engage with your school community
For more information on Parent Square, please visit:
Y-Kids (After-care)
Cedar Grove Elementary
Website: https://www.trschools.com/cedargrove/
Location: 173 Cedar Grove Road, Toms River, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-505-5830