CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 3.18.19
For Seniors – Scholarship Information
Seniors are encouraged to search Naviance’s Scholarship list regularly to discover scholarships and merit programs for which they might be eligible. Many application deadlines are in March and April. After logging into Naviance, go to: College tab > Scholarships and Money > Scholarship List. If students wish to search for local, regional and national scholarship opportunities, click on “Scholarship Search” from the same Naviance menu, or go to Guidance’s Scholarship Information page for more scholarship search sites and information.
Bucks County Community College – Open House
Bucks County Community College will host its Spring Open House at the Newtown Campus (Linksz Pavilion) on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, from 6 – 8 PM. This is a great opportunity for Senior and Junior students to become more familiar with Bucks’ programs, resources, and support services. For more information and registration, please visit the BCCC Admissions Office website.
College Fair
The annual CBSD College Fair will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at CB South (1100 Folly Road, Warrington). Admission representatives from over 100 colleges, universities, trade schools, and military organizations will be in attendance. This is a great opportunity to learn about colleges and their programs, majors, student life, and financial aid. Juniors are highly encouraged to attend!
- During the College Fair, there will be a break-out session about “Entitlement vs. Eligibility: Supports in Higher Education.” This session is for families of students with IEP’s and 504 Service Agreements who have questions about applying for accommodations or supports in higher education. The session runs from 6:30pm – 7:00 pm in the Forum Room at CB South. After the session, students and parents may join the College Fair already in progress.
Pre-ACT Exam
The Pre-ACT will be offered at CB West High School on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 7:45 am. This exam is recommended for all college-bound 10th grade students as practice for the ACT. Just as the PSAT prepares students for the SAT, the Pre-ACT provides students with the opportunity to prepare for the ACT by getting exposure to test questions like those on the official ACT. Registration is now open on the MyPaymentsPlus.com website until Monday, March 25th. Visit the testing page on the Guidance/West website for details.
Program Planning
Verification sheets, listing all final course selections, will be available on March 22nd through Student Portal. Please refer to the Program Planning page of the Guidance website for more information about how to access the Verification Sheets through the Portal. Families will also receive an email with instructions. IF STUDENTS ARE MAKING CHANGES TO THEIR REQUESTS, they should print the Verification Sheet, mark all changes, have the form signed by a parent/guardian, and return the form to Advisory by Tuesday, March 26th.
Peer Tutoring for West students:
The West Tutoring Academy is available to assist students who need extra help. Peer tutoring is available every Tuesday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm in the school library. During these times, any student who needs assistance with any course can come to the library and meet with a peer tutor. Students must arrive at 2:30pm, but can leave whenever they are finished with their work. If you have questions about this program, please call the Guidance Office at 267-893-2512.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 marks the beginning of the 4th Marking Period. Any Senior determined to be in violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy during the 4th Marking Period, will not participate in commencement activities.
Attention Seniors
Cap and gown orders for graduation are past due! Send all forms and payments to the Balfour Company, PO Box G, Dallas, PA 18612. You must include the $10 late fee. Extra packets can be found in the Senior House Office.
Physical Exams - 11th Grade
The State of Pennsylvania requires ALL students in 11th grade to have a physical
completed by a doctor. Please have your doctor complete the physical form and return it to the health office. If your child is involved in sports in school, that physical will fulfill this requirement.
If your child has not received a second immunization for meningitis; he/she must receive this prior to the beginning of 12th grade. This is a state requirement since 9/2017.
Attention Juniors
A second dose of the meningococcal vaccine must be given before the first day of 12th grade. Typically this should be administered after the child’s 16th birthday. Please make arrangements to have this completed prior to the first day of Senior year, and don’t forget to send the date to Mrs. Klein, our school nurse. After the 5th day of Senior year, your child will not be permitted in school until it is completed.
Harlequin Club Presents Beauty and the Beast
CB West Harlequin Club is proud to present Beauty and the Beast directed by Jessica Bostock on March 21, March 22 and March 23 at 7:00 PM and March 23 at 2:00 PM.
Tickets are now on sale through the PurplePass website. You can access the website at: www.purplepass.com/westmusical. The website does charge a small service fee.
Seats are reserved and tickets are $15.00 Adults and $12.00 for student/senior/child.
Click here to be directed to the Harlequin webpage for more details.
Antler Yearbook Orders
The end of the school year is quickly approaching! Don't forget to reserve your child an Antler yearbook for this school year - books can be reserved until May 10th. After that, they will only be sold on a first come, first served basis. You can order books online at www.jostens.com or by filling out an order form, available on the Antler website.
Information and Announcements
The daily announcements offer the most comprehensive listing of meetings, fundraisers, and events in our school. You can watch the daily announcements scrolling on TV monitors throughout the building. In addition, you can access the announcements each day by visiting the CB West homepage: https://www.cbsd.org/domain/3037.
Look for club and student activities fliers posted on bulletin boards and tack strips throughout our school.
On Mondays, we air a live stream broadcast from our TV Studio called “The Black and Gold.” This show highlights information about some of the biggest events and initiatives in our school.
On Fridays, we air episodes of Chatterbux. Chatterbux is a TV show produced by members of the Media Production classes. Chatterbux highlights a variety of aspects of student life here at CB West.
Visit the CB West website and check out the new "Activities" section. Each club has its own page with the most pertinent information.
Spring Keystone Testing
Information Regarding May Keystone Testing:
Students currently enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1 and/or Biology will be administered the corresponding Keystone Assessment(s) during the month of May:
Test Schedule
Literature - Blocks 1 and 3 - May 13 and May 14
Literature - Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule) - May 15 and May 16
Algebra 1 and Biology - Blocks 1 and 3 - May 20 and May 21
Algebra 1 and Biology - Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule) - May 22 and May 23
Makeups for Literature, Algebra 1 and Biology will be scheduled, as needed, up through May 23rd.
Link to Spring Testing Schedule
Link to Testing Information for Students
Link to CB West Keystone Resource Page
The Pennsylvania State Assessment System includes three Keystone Exams designed to measure end-of-course achievement in Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology. These three Keystone Exams have been developed to provide information about student achievement and also meet federal requirements.
In addition, students who take a Keystone Exam but do not score at the proficient level may be retaking a Keystone Exam. These retakes are typically scheduled during the semester in which the student has a course in the same content area.
Algebra Testing Review
Module 1 - Tuesday, May 14 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Miss Jones (A115)
Module 2 - Wednesday, May 15 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Mrs. Jarossy (A222)
Both Modules - Thursday, May 16 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Mrs. Jarossy (A222)
*These sessions are open to any student looking to remediate.
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library though our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Biology Testing Review
Click on this link for Biology Tutoring Help
Biology Review Sessions (2:45-3:30)
Topic-based sessions
Monday, May 6th: Biochemistry
Tuesday, May 7th: Cell Structure and Function
Wednesday, May 8th: Cell Energy
Thursday, May 9th: Genetics
Friday, May 10th: Ecology/Evolution
Biology teacher on-call for individual questions (any topic)
May 6: Mrs. Maida (B214)
May 7: Mrs. Stone (B205)
May 8: Mrs. McGlynn (B207)
May 9: Mrs. Bauder (A213)
May10: Mrs. Maida (B214)
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library though our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Literature Testing Review
Literature Study Island: Study Island is a web-based program designed to review literature content. Your child can access lessons and practice on each topic.
To obtain login information, your child can ask his/her current English teacher. If your child is not currently enrolled in an English class, he/she can see Mrs. Rosselli in room C116 before or after school for assistance.
Access / Extra Help: Any student with questions about the Keystone Literature content or preparation should speak with his/her former English 10 teacher or current English teacher. Formal help sessions may be scheduled with English teachers by coordinating with the English Department Chair, Mrs. Rosselli.
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library through our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Please contact Mrs. Zaleski with any Keystone questions or concerns at hzaleski@cbsd.org
Please visit this link Central Bucks Keystone Information for more specifics regarding Keystone Exams.
One can find more information regarding Keystone exams as a graduation requirement on the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website PDE Assessment and Accountability.
Information about Student Assistance Team (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) has been established in schools throughout Pennsylvania with the cooperative support of the Pa. Department of Education, Health and Welfare. SAP Programs provides schools with the means to identify, refer, and support students who are exhibiting behavioral, academic, or attendance issues that put them at risk. Here at CB West, we have a team of dedicated school personnel who are trained to assist students, faculty and family members in identifying problems that impact the student’s ability to function in school. The team can also offer students and their families resources to assist them in alleviating these problems.
CB West Parent Council
We look forward to continuing our partnership with parents through the 2018-2019 Central Bucks West Parent Council. Membership to the council is open to all interested CB West parents.
Meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays in the Tower Room off of the Main Lobby, beginning at 9:00 AM and concluding at 10:30 AM:
March 27, 2019
April 24, 2019
Some of the goals of the group will be:
- To foster a dialogue between the home and school through the collegial sharing of ideas and concerns
- To undertake project(s) as developed by the group
- To support the school in the community by information sharing
We hope you will be able to participate in our 2018-2019 Parent Council.
Dedication - Coach Pettine Sports Complex
Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 3:30 p.m.
Please RSVP to Athletic Director, Henry Hunt by April 3rd.
Click on the picture for details or click here for the flyer.
The distribution date is Saturday, 4/20 from 1pm to 6pm.
See flyer for details.
The Central Bucks School District offers a standardized testing prep system, ePrep, to all its students. This free web-based program helps students prepare for the PSAT, SAT and ACT. There are practice tests, test-taking tips, and instructional videos that explain how to do the problem(s) that may have been answered incorrectly during the practice session. The link is http://www.eprep.com.
All CB West sophomores have been registered with accounts. They should log in with their CBSD student email and the password 2018. Any students who are interested in accessing ePrep but do not have an account should contact Ms. Graney in the CB West Library for an account.
Thank you so much for your support of CBW’s first annual MiniTHON event that was held on March 1st. Over 100 kids came out to support the fight against Pediatric Cancer. We raised over $16,000 that will be donated to The Four Diamonds Fund. This wonderful organization works with Hershey Medical Center to cover all of the bills of their pediatric cancer patients and fund research for a cure for this awful disease. The event was a huge success and we can’t wait to start planning our one for next year! Thank you again, and FTK!!
Computer Science and Gaming Club Tournament
The club ended up raising 340% of their stated goal! All of the money raised will help provide students access to technology to children in Nicaragua.
Tournament organizers (from left to right): Jake Yurazeck, Lexi Shifman, Lucas Acosta -Morales and John Pionzio.
Ms. Rosselli and Ms. McHugh face off.
Math department battle between Mrs. Jarossy and Mr. Paglione.
CB West students watch Mr. Breish and Mr. Paglione in the championship battle.
PMEA Region VI Band Festival
From March 7-9, the CB West Band Department hosted the PMEA Region VI Band Festival. 130 of the finest student musicians came from 39 different high schools to play high-level literature under the direction of world-famous conductor and composer, Dr. Timothy Mahr. Several CB students were participants in this ensemble, including three from West: Matthew Oriente, Maddie Milligan, and Maxwell Du.
Special Thanks
Thank you to Joe Bottino and Erin Naylor for making award plaques for presenters at a recent CBSD Staff Development Conference.
Young Engineers' Night
Several Engineering and Technology Students represented C.B. West at our district wide Young Engineers’ Night last Thursday evening. These students assisted elementary aged peers in shooting air powered rockets, making homemade pencils with erasers, presenting about 3-D printing, drone flying lessons, rc car demonstrations, robotics, making LED powered Bucks logos and so much more. Our West students were great mentors this evening. Special thanks to Aidan Guenther, Guilhi DeAndrade Stocco, Dylan Bianco, Matt Young, Gabi Buonoparte, John Reilly, Joe Bottino, Alec Oates, Nick Cartin, Ingrid Stopperich, Trystan Frick, and Nick McIntyre.
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS