Purdy Elementary Newsletter
MARCH, 2023
Purdy News
We held an Interpretive Reading Contest here at Purdy and the winner of the contest will compete at a district level competition at Barrie on March 4th! Congratulations to our winners and alternates on a great competition! Alternates include: Matteo DiPrizio, Grade 1, Charlotte Hogoboom, Grade 3, Coraline Martinez, Grade 4, and Blake Sampson, Grade 5. Winners include; Sullivan Bottiger, Grade 1, Theo Herrmann, Grade 2, Alaina Alt, Grade 3, Aubrey McConley, Grade 4, and Alanna Martin, Grade 5!
We are entering Field Trip Season and your teachers have been working hard to create opportunities for our learners to experience hands on education! Please watch for information on specific trips coming home!
This month our focus has been on Kindness! We continued our schoolwide Kindness Challenge- earning hershey kisses for acts of kindness! At the end of the month, students will enjoy what they earned!
As you know, the Board approved a referendum question for April ballot. We are encouraging all families to exercise their right to vote. Information is included in this newsletter of how to access information, what the ballot looks like, and when the voting polls will open. This is a great way to have your voice heard!
I have seen firsthand this year just how much we have to be proud of in our district! We have expert educators, top notch programming, and extracurricular opportunities of high quality for all students! We should all be so proud of the education our children are getting in our schools!
Kindness Challenge!
Special Dress Days (2/27-3/3)
Spirit Week Dress-Up
Monday (2/27) - Team Day (school colors, Brewers, Packers, etc.)
Tuesday (2/28)- Twin Day (If your child needs a twin- Mrs. Kilar is wearing Purdy blue sweatshirt and black pants- they can dress like me!)- or dress like your favorit book character!
Wednesday - (3/1) Go all-inclusive - Wacky Wednesday - dressing in mismatched ways to represent the diversity of our district - all kids are different but we blend together
Thursday - (3/2) Trade-off - students dress as staff, staff dress as students
Friday - (3/3) Pajama Day
Interpretive Reading Finalists (not pictured, Theo Herrmann, Grade 2)
P.S.- Mrs. Kilar was added to the staff team 😊
Band Information!
All parents of students participating in the band are automatically considered “Band Booster” members, and are welcome at all Booster Meetings! Our next meeting is: Wednesday, March 8th at 6:00 PM in the High School Music Pod. We hope to have parents representing students from all grade levels, and would love to have you there!
Of course we know reading with your student at home is very important, but so is engaging in math. Check out these simple ideas to help your student see the math in the world around them!
4th Grade science study of magnetism and electricity!
Thank you PTO for all you do for PURDY!
Upcoming Dates:
3/15 PTO Meeting 6:30
4/13 Arts Festival
4/19 PTO Meeting 6:30
4/20 Bingo Night
5/17 PTO Meeting 6:30
5/19 Movie Night 6pm
6/2 Palooza (Rain Date 6/6)
6/8 Fifth Grade Breakfast
Exercise your right to vote!
Orchestra News:
Dessert Concert
The orchestra Dessert concert is Sunday March 5 at 4:00pm at Fort Atkinson High School Auditorium. This is a concert featuring all orchestras grades 5-12 and guest artist Randy Sabien. Randy is a Wisconsin Jazz violinist who will be playing with the orchestra students and sharing his own music. This is a fundraiser concert that helps fund orchestra boosters. As such there will be an admission charge and tasty desserts will be for sale after the concert.
Elementary Archery Team upcoming competitions in March!
March 3rd Duel In The Dells - 6th Annual
5th Grade Happenings!
Arieah Bonk, fifth grader, our newest Purdy member, received her Purdy Kindness Shirt!
Fifth graders read their poetry projects to their classmates for our Q3 writing project!
Mrs. Krahn's fifth graders and Mrs. Hoye's first graders buddy reading was a blast!
Students have been enjoying learning about DARE education. Kyle holds Daren the Lion during a DARE Lesson.
Music News!
5th Grade Choir News!
5th Grade DARE Lessons!
School Nutrition
*Ours schools offer breakfast daily.
*Breakfast is SO important to the success of our learners!
*You can still apply for meal benefits if you have a financial need-see below for Karissa Power's contact information.
A letter from Christina Oswald, Director of Student Nutrition
National School Breakfast Week March 6-10, 2023
Dear Families:
Now that the school year is well underway, we are as committed as ever to the
academic success of all of our students. The first and best tool that we can use
to make sure all of our students are successful in school is to guarantee that
each child begins the day with a healthy and nutritious breakfast – at home or at
We want to remind you that the School Breakfast Program is available to all
students at all Elementary Schools every school day from 7:25 A.M. – 7:55
A.M. No advanced registration is necessary. These supervised meals are
nutritionally balanced, and vary daily.
School Breakfast is an ideal solution on busy mornings when kids are running
late or parents have early work schedules. Oftentimes, kids are not hungry when
they first wake up but are ready to eat when school begins. Whatever the
reason, if breakfast at home is not convenient, please take advantage of
breakfast here at school. Studies have shown that children who eat a nutritious
breakfast have better behavior, better attendance, and improved test scores.
Thank you for helping us to make sure that all of our students start the school
day alert, well fed and ready to learn.
Christina Oswald
Director of Student NutritionFuture Community Events!
Community Connections and Events
Mary Kilar
Purdy Elementary
Email: kilarm@fortschools.org
Location: 719 South Main Street, Fort Atkinson, WI, USA
Phone: 9205637822