Adopt A School Project
Rotary Club of Roatan, Honduras, Central America
Project: El Higuero
Día del Niño
Dr. Charles Parchment
El Angel
Changing Lives Through Education
On March 16, 2020 schools in Honduras closed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. A few months later two hurricanes, Eta and Iota devastated a large section of the mainland. These two events crippled an already struggling Honduran economy due to the Pandemic.
The hope is for the students to be back in class with safety measures in place. Unfortunately many schools are not able to meet the requirement for a safe reopening. Most school buildings are in need of repairs especially in the area of access to and storage of water for sanitation facilities. Roatan parents like all parents want their children back in school as soon as possible.
The Dionisio de Herrera, Centro de Educacion Básica in the Barrio Lempira, Oakridge has 531 students and ranges from first to grade nine. It is a multicultural facility with Spanish, English, Garifuna and Mizquito spoken by students. CLICK HERE to find more about the needs of this school.
List of Schools!
Projects Submitted By Schools
General Needs!
Charles C. Parchment, Ph.D.
Service Projects Chair, Rotary Club of Roatan
Member, Municipality of Jose Santos GuardiolaCommission for Educational Development Committee (COMDE)
- Please contact Charles for more information about the Adopt a School Project in Roatan, Honduras, C.A.
- Click for Dr. Parchment's curriculum vitae.
Email: ccparchment@gmail.com
Website: www.rotaryclubofroatan.com