Kennedy News
September Review Edition #KENNEDYBEST
Note from Mr. Rustad: Kennedy BEST Everyday!
Kennedy Families,
Our first month of the school year is in the books! It is has been great to have the students back in the classrooms. Teachers and students are building awesome relationships each day that they are together.
There have been some great things happening at Kennedy during this first month, especially the all school celebrations. Earlier in September we were able to have an assembly for K-2 students and one for 3-5 students. I did little research and found out that it had been 598 days between our last assembly in February of 2020 and our latest assemblies! Much has changed in our world during those 598 days but one thing has remained the same and that is greatness of Kennedy community. Bringing students together helps build our community and the family feel that we are so proud of at Kennedy.
Another great experience was the PTO fundraiser and Color Run. Our Cubs did a great job of raising money for our school and they were then able to celebrate with the school-wide Color Run. All of our students will all get a Kennedy Cubs t-shirt for their help in raising over $10,000! Thank you to all of the Kennedy families that helped our Cubs with fundraising! The PTO will put those funds to great use.
As we enter into October, we will continue to push our students to reach their academic potential and to be their Kennedy BEST everyday. Thank you so much for partnering with us. It's a great year to be a Cub!
Together We Are Kennedy!
Steve Rustad
Color Run Fun at Kennedy!
Kennedy PTO Meeting
Childcare and snacks will be provided.
Masks are required to be worn for all who attend the meeting.
Thursday, Oct 7, 2021, 06:00 PM
Kennedy Elementary School, East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Picture Day on Wednesday, Oct. 6th
First Kennedy Assembly!
Walk and Bike to School Day - Wednesday, October 6th
Click here to see the Wellness Week Presentation and the theme for each day. There is a goal for school and a goal for home each day this week.
Job Opportunities at Kennedy
- Substitute Teachers: Do you have a four year degree and would like work the same schedule as your student? Consider applying to be a sub! If you are interested, you can choose to sub throughout the school district or only at KENNEDY! We are always looking for great people to work with our students and that are part of the Kennedy community. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND APPLY TO BE A SUB!
- Playground Supervisor: Looking for a couple of hours of work with kids each day? We have an open playground supervisor position at Kennedy. This position is 2.25 hours per day on student contact days. If this is something you are interested in, please click here to fill out the application or email Steve Rustad with questions.
Important Reminders about Arrival and Dismissal
- Crosswalk: Please remember that students and families should only be crossing the street at the crosswalks at the corners of Kennedy Street and East Main. There is crossing guard there and they will make sure you and your student can cross safely.
- U-Turns: Please do not make u-turns in the middle of the road. This can be a safety issue and can create traffic issues.
- Bus Lane: Do not drop off your student(s) in the bus lane. This lane is on the Kennedy Street side and in front of door 14. The bus loop is only for school buses and pre-school parents.
Click the button below to see all of the Kennedy Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
Upcoming Events at Kennedy
- Wednesday, October 6th - Picture Day and Walk and Bike to School Day
- Thursday, October 7th - PTO Meeting at Kennedy
- Monday, October 11th - No school for ISD 77 students and Indigenous People's Day
- Friday, October 15th - Black and Gold Day - East Homecoming
- Thursday and Friday, October 21-22 - No school - MEA Break
- Thursday, October 28th - Open House and Book Fair
- Friday, October 29th - Black and Orange Day - no costumes please
It's a Great day to be a CUB!!!
Kennedy Elementary School
Steve Rustad
Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) is committed to working together equitably, with families and communities, so that each learner has the knowledge and skills to be a successful and contributing citizen in a diverse global society.
Email: ke@isd77.org
Website: https://ke.isd77.org/
Location: 2600 East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 387-2122
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISD77MAPS/
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS