The Seahawk Monthly
Connecting School and Home
🎉🎊January 2024🎊🎉
Myrtle Beach Middle School
3101 North Oak Street
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 29577
Dates to Remember
Monday, January 1, 2024
Schools Closed
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Schools Open
Thursday, January 4, 2024
PTO Meeting, 8:30, Upstairs Conference Room A202
Saturday, January 6, 2024
All State Orchestra Auditions, Irmo High School
Monday, January 8, 2024
1:15 - Emergency Drills
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Class Meetings during Electives, Gym
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Title I Parenting Series: Testing and Assessment, 8:30 and 5:00
Friday, January 12, 2024
Quarter 2 Ends
2 1/2 Hour Early Dismissal
Monday, January 15, 2024
Schools Closed
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Schools Closed (Teacher Workday)
Friday, January 19, 2024
Hawk Card Pay Day / Hawk's Nest Open During Lunch
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Region Band Auditions, TBD
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Report Card #2 Available in Parent Portal
Red Folder #2
MBMS School Improvement Council, 8:45, Upper Conference Room A201
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Kitchen Table Conference Candy Bar
Thursday, January 25, 2024
HCS All County Chorus Clinic, MBHS
Friday, January 26, 2024
HCS All County Chorus Clinic, MBHS
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Freezin' for a Reason: The Myrtle Beach Polar Plunge Benefitting Special Olympics South Carolina
We want to thank the HCS Board of Education for their continued work and leadership in our district.
Special thanks to Debbie Edmunds representing District 2. Thank you for all that you do!
HCS High School Options
With nine base high schools, two academies, Early College High School, Scholars Academy, Dual credit opportunities, AP, and IB programs, students have an abundance of options to make the most out of their high school years. Four years can change forever. Click below for more information.⬇️
8th Grade P2P Field Trip to Convention Center is Wednesday, January 10, 2023
⬇️If you haven't yet received a permission slip, please use the blank form below⬇️
MBMS is preparing for the 2024 Myrtle Beach Middle School Career Fair to be held on Friday, February 23, 2024. Parents, guardians, family members, friends, and community members are invited to participate. This booth-style event is held in the gymnasium and presenters may choose to participate in the morning, afternoon, or all day. Please consider investing in our students through this wonderful event! Please complete the form below to express interest - thank you!
For further information contact:
Cathy Dalgleish (cdalgleish@horrycountyschools.net) or
Rob Hatchell (Rhatchell@horrycountyschools.net)
MBMS Annual Spelling Bee
MBMS National Spelling Bee winner and runner-up! Great job, Seahawks! #mbmseahawkstrong
MBMS Student and Staff Member of the Week
Xiola Wszolek and Mrs. Adzema are Student and Staff Member of the Week! 12/4/23. Congratulations!
Allishae Morgan and Mr. Mason Lewis are Student and Staff Member of the Week! 12/11/23 Congratulations!
Esther Quiroz and Mr. Hellaby are Student and Staff Member of the Week! 12/18/23. Congratulations!
MBMS Faculty News
Dance Club News
Myrtle Beach Athletics
Seahawk athletics are busy with year-round conditioning, practices, matches, and try outs. Please stay current by using this link - MB Athletics - purchase tickets, sign up for updates, and stay informed.
MBMS School Improvement Council - 2023-2024 Representatives
Meredith Kennedy (Chairman)
Sara Boling (Vice Chairman)
Samantha McGriff (Secretary)
Autumn Adzema (Teacher of the Year Rep)
Elva Taco (Rookie Teacher of the Year Rep)
Britney King
Deborah Lopes
Ashley Setzer
Amy Wilkes
Thank you so much for your willingness to serve on the MBMS School Improvement Council. We are lucky to have you! Please contact any of these board members with ideas, questions or concerns.
SIC Meeting Schedule
October 24, 2023
November 14, 2023
December 14, 2023
January 23, 2024
February 13, 2024
March 19, 2024
April 16, 2024
May 7, 2024
SIC Exciting News!
The SIC is currently working on an exciting experience for our students! More details to come!
New Board Members of the PTO for 2023-2024(shown above) Starting on the left, Ashley Setzer (Vice President), Priya Patel (Treasurer), Deborah Lopes ( Secretary)and Sarah Benton (President)
The MBMS PTO always welcomes new members to assist with the many events sponsored by the MBMS PTO. Please make sure you are cleared to be a Horry County School District Volunteer. Need to fill out the application? Go ahead and click here to complete the application. The PTO meets the first Thursday of each month in the upstairs conference room at 8:30 am, unless otherwise posted.
The next PTO Meeting is Feb 1st at 8:30 am in Upper Conference Room A202.
This year's events include the following:
1) Monthly staff appreciation events;
2) Gear sales;
3) Grade level socials;
4) Monthly incentive drawings for students;
5) Chocolate sales;
6) the MBMS 8th Grade Dance at the Historic Train Depot.
Please contact the PTO at myrtlebeachmiddlepto@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering!
PTO Save The Date
January 4th: PTO Meeting 8:30am in Room A202
January 4th: Home Basketball Games- Merch Sale 6:30-8:30
January 22nd: Home Basketball Games-8th Grade Night Merch Sale
February 1st: PTO Meeting 8:30am in Room A202
March 7th: PTO Meeting 8:30am in Room A202
March 15th: Teacher Appreciation
April 11th: PTO Meeting 8:30am in Room A202
May 2nd: PTP Meeting 8:30am in Room A202
May 6th-10th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 17th: 8th Grade Dance
PTO Has a New Online Store!
Please scan the QR code below to access the new PTO online store to be able to purchase all of your MBMS Merchandise and Spirit Wear! If you haven't seen the PTO's new Merch Cabinet, be sure to stop by at the next home basketball game!
⬇️ QR Code for Merchandise ⬇️
Click On the Slide Below for Test-Taking Strategies⬇️
Grade-Level Conferences and IGPs
Parents--please be on the lookout for appointment invitations for your child’s individual grade-level conference (6th and 7th) or Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conference (8th). During these conferences, counselors review:
- Student’s 2023-2024 Academic Progress
- Student’s Individual Career Assessment Results
- SC High School Graduation Requirements
- SC Uniform Grading Scale - Grade Point Average (G.P.A.)
- Horry County Schools Secondary Program Options
- SC Education Lottery Scholarship Opportunities
Conferences will be held in the parent’s absence if a parent misses or chooses not to attend their child’s meeting.
How Can My Student Reach The Counselor?
Students are often referred to counselors by teachers and administration if they are having a problem. If your student would like to talk to their counselor, he or she can request to see their counselor through SmartPass. Parents are also encouraged to reach out to their grade-level counselors if they feel that their student would benefit from counseling services. See contact information below:
Catherine Curtiss - Lead Counselor/8th Grade
ccurtiss@horrycountyschools.net 843-839-7124
Gina Mahoney - 7th Grade
gmahoney@horrycountyschools.net 843-839-7105
Hallie Caroway - 6th Grade
hcaroway@horrycountyschools.net 843-839-7117
Greta Pratt - 8th Grade IGP Counselor
gpratt@horrycountyschools.net 843-839-7123
Interim and Report Card Dates - 2023-2024
Need to Pick Up Your Student Early?
PLEASE NOTE THAT EARLY PICKUP ENDS AT 2:00 p.m. Please ensure that any appointments made for your children will work with this 2:00 p.m. daily end to early sign out. When your student has an appointment or will be leaving early from school, please send a note with your student and have the student bring it to the office first thing in the morning so that your student will be ready and waiting when you come to sign them out. This avoids class interruption. Also, you need a valid picture ID when checking students out.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
Horry County Schools has adopted a Tardy to School Policy for middle schools across the county. The Tardy to School Policy is reserved for those students who arrive unexcused late to school. Any student arriving late to Myrtle Beach Middle due to HCS transportation delays will be excused. If there is a doctor's appointment or a doctor's note provided, it will be excused.
The Tardy to School Policy is in place to ensure our students are maximizing their time during the instructional day. We will adhere to the policy set forth by Horry County Schools. Please see the attached Tardy to School Policy for details on all consequences. If you have any questions, you can contact any member of our Administration Team.
HCS Middle School Tardy to School Policy
Students should be in their first class, ready to begin working at 8:20 am each school day.Any student who is not in the building and through search by 8:20 will be marked tardy to school.Consequences for arriving tardy to school are as follows:
1st offense: Verbal Warning and parent notification
2nd offense: Verbal Warning/Parent Contact to make them aware of after school detention (and consequences for subsequent tardies)
3rd through 5th offense: After School Detention/Parent Contact. A one hour after school detention assigned and supervised by school staff; assigned one week to be served the next week.
Note: If students do not attend after-school detention consequences of ISS will result (step 7)
6th offense: Suspended pending parent conference; possible revocation of waiver, if applicable.
7th offense and beyond:
7th - 1 day of ISS
8th - 2 days of ISS
9th - 1 day of OSS
10th - 2 days of OSS
11th - Evidentiary Hearing
It is the responsibility of the student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to provide timely pickup and transportation home from an after school tardy detention.
Note: Accumulation of tardies will restart each semester
HCS - Myrtle Beach Bus Office
BUS Transportation Questions
Myrtle Beach Area Transportation Office now has a designated Facebook page with real time updates for any bus route changes! Like them on Facebook to stay in the loop!
https://www.facebook.com/MyrtleBeach Bus Office/
HCSD has updated the school bus transportation system. For questions on bus stop locations, times, and concerns, please contact the Myrtle Beach Bus Office at 843-445-2041.
2023-2024 Yearbook Orders are Now Being Accepted!
Wear Purple Thursdays to Support Anti-Bullying
Each Thursday throughout the year students and staff are encouraged to wear purple to raise awareness of stopping the bullies.Horry County Schools and Myrtle Beach Middle School are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, and part of that is creating a climate where bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We know that safe and supportive environments help prevent bullying behaviors. We will clearly communicate expectations for student behavior as it relates to bullying, and then we will appropriately deal with those who violate those expectations. Likewise, we will provide appropriate support to those who are victims of bullying.
Anonymous reports can be made to the School Crime Tip Line at any time by calling:
• (843) 915-SROS (7767)
• Online on the HCS website
• District mobile App
Technology Updates
All the following must occur for your student to receive a device:
All Technology fines must be paid in full; the $25 technology fee must be paid and we must have a parent/student permission form signed. Payments not made online during registration must be made in person at Myrtle Beach Middle. Owe fees? Payment plans are available; please contact Leticia Michaca, Technology Specialist, at lmichaca@horrycountyschools.net.
Technology Fines: Technology fines are charges added to your child’s account for a lost device, a lost charger and/or damage to the device.
Technology Fee: This is a $25 dollar fee that each student pays at the time of registration.
Students who pay the technology fee receive the following benefits:
â—Ź first accidental damage repair will be $25; the second accidental damage repair will be $75; all subsequent accidental damage repairs during the academic year are charged at full cost of the repair.
â—Ź device replacement due to theft (requires formal police report) will cost an additional $25
â—Ź pay full repair for all damage caused by neglect or abuse.
â—Ź pay full replacement cost for loss of device.
â—Ź students in grades 6-12 are allowed to take devices home.
Students who do not pay the Technology Fee:
â—Ź pay full repair cost for all damage.
â—Ź pay full replacement cost for lost due to theft.
â—Ź pay full replacement cost for loss of device.
â—Ź are not allowed to take devices home.
MBMS Procedures
Please click on the MBMS Procedures to review information that has been shared with students through classroom discussion and class meetings. Please reach out to your child's grade level administrator or to Principal Christy (jchristy@horrycountyschools.net) with questions.
Grade 6 Administrator, Mr. Kyle Franey, kfraney001@horrycountyschools.net
Grade 7 Administrator, Mrs. Cassie Bonnell, cbonnell@horrycountyschools.net
Grade 8 Administrator, Mrs. Andrena Baker, abaker@horrycountyschools.net
Powerschool Year Round Updates
Parents and guardians, if you need to change your information, phone number, email, emergency contact, address, etc., you can log in to your PowerSchool parent account, click year-round updates on the left-hand side of the page and change your information. Please note you will need to use the regular desktop version of PowerSchool as this feature is not available on the mobile app.
If you have any questions about Registration at Myrtle Beach Middle School, please contact Tracey Robinson at trobinson@horrycountyschools.net.
👩‍⚕️From the Clinic👩‍⚕️
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. Please keep your phone numbers updated in PowerSchool. If your student has any health issues that need to be addressed with the nurses, please call us 843-448-3932. Attached is the policy for having medications in the Clinic.
🤒🤧Seasonal Influenza Fact Sheet for Parents🤧🤒
MBMS Daily Schedules
An Example of a Monday and Friday Schedule
Free Meals for All Students in 2023-2024
All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2023-2024 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for qualifying schools and school districts. CEP allows breakfast and lunch to be offered to all enrolled students at no cost.
This year, CEP in South Carolina has expanded to include students who receive Medicaid benefits, enabling all HCS schools to qualify for the 2023-2024 school year. Participation in this program also eliminates the requirement for parents/guardians to fill out Free and Reduced Meal applications.
Students will still have the option to purchase additional meals, food & snack items, and beverages at à la carte prices. À la carte items can be paid for in cash or by prepayment on the student’s cafeteria account. Charging for à la carte sales is not allowed. Prepayments can be made by cash or check at your child’s school cafeteria or with a debit card by setting up an account at myschoolbucks.com. Any charges remaining on a student’s cafeteria account from a prior school year are still the parent’s responsibility. If needed, payment arrangements for larger balances can be made by contacting the school cafeteria manager.
Please click here to review the menus for breakfast and lunch - HCS Menus.
Juli's Closet
Juli’s Closet is a discreet service, fully funded by donors, intended to meet the basic needs of students. Our community is very generous in contributing to Juli’s Closet, and Juli herself sends a note and a contribution each and every month - she has not missed a month since September of 2018. If you would like to support Juli's Closet, please consider using the "wish lists" from Amazon or Walmart:
In need of:
Winter Hats
Black Leggings
Underwear (woman sizes, small-large)
Sports Bra's (small-large)
Rent the Rock
The spirit rock is an exciting way to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, celebrations, well wishes, congratulatory messages, upcoming school events or inspiring messages. The rock is a fun way to spread any kind of positive message. Please note any use of profanity, symbols, offensive and political messages are not permitted. Painting the rock is one of many traditions that people can participate in with their friends and family. Please note the following:
1) The renter is responsible for providing supplies and painting the rock, rain or shine.
2) Reservations must be made to paint the rock.
3) Reservations are first come, first served.
4) The cost is $15.00 per day with a two consecutive-day maximum rental.
5) The renter may begin painting the rock at 4:00 p.m. the day before your served date; the reservation expires at 3:59 pm the day of your reservation.
How does one rent the rock?
STEP 1 - Click here https://www.horrycountyschools.net/Myrtle_Beach_Middle_School to see the Spirit Rock Calendar and check the availability of the date you desire.
STEP 2 - If your date is available, send an email to myrtlebeachmiddlepto@gmail.com requesting to reserve the date. Please include your name, child’s name and type of message you are painting.
STEP 3- The Spirit Rock Coordinator will respond to confirm that the date is available for rental.
STEP 4- Pay within 24 hours after receiving the confirmation email to secure the reservation. Payments can be made at https://myrtlebeachmiddleptomerch.square.site or scanning the QR code listed above in the PTO section. There will be a service charge attached for using a card payment.
STEP 5 - Your reservation will be published to the calendar and reserved once payment has been processed and you will receive a 2nd email confirming your reservation. If your payment is not received in the time frame, PTO reserves the right to offer the date to someone else.
Parenting with Love and Logic
Sea Haven now offers FREE monthly classes on “Parenting with Love and Logic” based on the Love & Logic parenting model.
Whether you are a single parent, married couple, blended family, or going through a divorce, attending this interactive parenting class is right for you. Classes are for parents with children of any age and the techniques are simple and easy to learn. And it is FREE!
The Love and Logic model is a 30-year-old philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in the interactions with children. Love and Logic is a way of working with children that puts parents back in control, teaches children to be responsible, and prepares young people to live in the real world, with its many choices and consequences.
The “Parenting with Love and Logic” sessions begin the first Tuesday of every month from 5:30-7:00 pm. Sessions will continue weekly each Tuesday evening at the same time and will end after 4 weeks. Participants who complete all 4 workshops will receive an official “Certificate of Participation”.
Love and Logic sessions are held virtually via Zoom. If interested, please reach out to Amanda Ritz, Program Facilitator, at 843-833-7022 or aritz@seahavenyouth.org.
About Myrtle Beach Middle School
Myrtle Beach Middle School
Email: jchristy@horrycountyschools.net
Website: https://www.horrycountyschools.net/Myrtle_Beach_Middle_School
Location: 3101 North Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Phone: (843) 448-3932
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyrtleBeachMiddleSchool/
Twitter: @MBMSeahawks