More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone
A multi - layer project
Youth exchange in Larache, Morocco.
Dates: August 1-9 (arrival: August, 1st – departure: August, 9th)
About us
Updating without losing its origins, More Mosaic’s mission is the exchange of best practices with other countries’ civil society’s representatives, the spread of democratic principles and the involvement of youth workers in activities enhancing the European Union’s values.
About the project
The idea of the project originated during two very successful youth exchanges that were conducted by More Mosaic in cooperation with Ukrainian and Moroccan partners in 2016 under the frame name 'More Mosaic'.
Caring such experience with the variety of cultures, histories, religions, colors, symbols and vivid human communication brought new inspiration and laid a ground for an expanded continuation: a multi-layer project 'More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone'.
The project includes three activities:
1. Georgia - June 15-24.
2. Morocco - August 1-9.
3. Ukraine - September 11-22.
The second exchange in Morocco will introduce participants to different cultures. The participants will discover that tolerance, multiculturalism and inclusion are important elements of an ancient tradition of the African continent. There, since ages, many nations and cultures (e.g. Berbers, Moroccan Jews, Arabs and Muslims as well as Europeans) co-existed in peace. Each and every one was respected and found its place in the community. The collection of the participating countries and the local environment all together will facilitate an interesting exchange and debate on culture, place of a religion, national identity and above all – a notion of tolerance.
The project's general aims
- to promote participation in democratic life in Europe and partner countries, in the labour market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity;
- to promote European citizenship’s values;
- to foster quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between organisations in the youth field;
- to promote mobility and capacity building.
Additionally, this activity has its specific aims:
- to raise awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries;
- to encourage inter-cultural dialogue, multicultural diversity and social inclusion;
- to expand knowledge on the notions of religion, acceptance and tolerance.
- to share experience and encourages new youth initiatives.
About the accomodation
Larache, Arabic Al-ʿArāʾīsh, is an atlantic port city, in northern Morocco, at the mouth of the Loukkos (Lucus) River. With 80 Kms from Tanger and the its airport, and 150 Kms from the capital Rabat, Larache enjoys a strategic location with a beautiful view on the ocean.
The participants will be placed in twin rooms.
About insurance
NB that the European insurance card is useless in Morocco is it's a non-Eu country, so no Blue Card, but on the other hand, if you think you'll need one, you can always buy a cheap insurance from your country, at your own costs. In case of, we will help any participant to get medicine and medical care, but we strongly recommend everyone to have a minimum of medication bought (headache, stomach ache, mosquito bites).
For the EU residents – apply for insurance card at
Number of participants
Youth exchange in Morocco. Dates: August 1-9 (arrival: August, 1st – departure: August, 9th)
Age of participants: Five youth between 18-30 y.o. + 1 group leader above 30 y.o.
More Mosaic (Sweden) – 6 persons (530 EUR per person)
Train of Future (Morocco) – 6 persons (20 EUR per person)
EESTI PEOPLE TO PEOPLE (Estonia) – 6 persons (530 EUR per person)
UNITED SOCIETIES OF BALKANS ASTIKI ETAIREIA (Greece) – 6 persons (360 EUR per person)
Travel costs
The organizers will reimburse 100% of participants' travel costs from your home city to Larache, Marocco within the limit defined by Erasmus+ program. Please see the table above to check for the exact amount.
Reimbursement of the travel costs will only be done after submitting all original tickets, receipt/invoices, boarding passes and later sending of the return documents and boarding passes. Save the boarding passes from your airport check in as well. Please, be aware that in case you loose any invoices or tickets we will not be able to reimburse the cost. Reimbursement will be done in EURO, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice according to the official currency exchange rate of European
Commission http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro_en.cfm
Important: the reimbursement of travel costs for participants will be done via transfer to one bank account, providing we receive all original travel documents within two months after the training.
You are welcome to consult with us before purchasing the tickets via actukreu@gmail.com.
About food
Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two coffee breaks will be provided and covered by the organizers. However expenses made on your free time have to be paid by the participants. Local shops are everywhere since the city center is close to the venue.
Arrival logistics
Arrival: August 1 - Departure: August 9
EU citizens do not need visa for Morocco but need a valid passport
All participants have to communicate their arrival time (fill our TRAVEL FORM via fb group for this project), so our team can link you with other groups or instruct about further directions.
Option 1. For those who arrive to Tangier airport.
During the day you can go to the city and take a regular bus to Larache bus station and then a 5 minute taxi to the Institut.
Later at night you can take the airport taxi directly to our project location – Institut de Technologie de Pêche Maritim, Larache. It takes approx. 1,5 hour.
It should cost around 600 MAD that is 55 euro and is a good option for a group. Ask for receipt from the driver and save it in case you have a reserve for travel reimbursement.
Option 2. For those who travel from other Moroccan cities.
If you travel from another city, for instance, Casablanca or Rabat, you can either take the bus directly to Larache, or a train to El Ksar El Kebir (since there is no train station in Larache). From El Ksar El Kebir you have to take an intercity taxi to Larache. It takes 30 min and is not expensive.
You can take the taxi directly to our project location – Institut de Technologie de Pêche Maritim, Larache.
Option 3. For those who travel from Malaga airport to the port Tangier by ferry.
Check bus from Malaga airport to Algericas – 3 times per day then take ferry transfer to Tangier. It is an exciting sea trip!
There are frequent ferry boats to Tangier and you buy tickets on the spot, no need to buy online
After arrival to the port Tangier you can take an intercity taxi from Tangier port directly to Larache. If you cannot find such, go directly to Tangier city and then take a regular bus or an intercity taxi to Larache.
It should cost around 600 MAD that is 55 euro and is a good option for a group. Ask for receipt from the driver and save it in case you have a reserve for travel reimbursement.
What to bring
- all original tickets for the trip;
- passport for travelling;
- food & national flag for the intercultural evening (traditional clothes,
tourist brochures or any similar stuff are welcome) ;
- swimming suits, flipflops and extra towels, because YES, we totally Vamos a
la playa;
- sport clothes;
- sun cream, sunglasses & hat/cap;
- medicine for diarrhea;
- your own towels and toilet paper (since they do not use it in Morocco);
- protection from mosquitoes and insects (cream, spray).
How to apply
From the Swedish organization:
Yulia Usova - Head of More Mosaic
Tel: +46 768197592 (Viber), Mail: actukreu@gmail.com
From the Moroccan organization:
Said Bouchiba - Representative
Tel: +212 661930085 - Mail: bouchiba_said@yahoo.fr
Ayah Jebari
Mail: ayajebari9@gmail.com