The Sky's the Limit
September 2023
Congaree Families,
We have had a great start to the school year. We are beginning to SOAR. These are the basic rules for our school in all places. We expect our students to be Safe, On task, Always respectful, and Responsible. Our students are getting into learning new standards for their grade levels and using AVID strategies or what is known as high impact learning strategies. Our AVID strategies for the month of September are focused on writing. Students will be using focused note-taking, quick writes, and graphic organizers They will use these strategies in all of their subjects throughout the month, so please ask them about how they are using them in class. Last month, the students began setting goals, tracking their attendance, and learned about a Growth Mindset.
This month we honor our heroic fallen citizens and first responders that lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and recognize this tragic event that changed the world. You may want to discuss this event with your children.
All Lexington School District Two elementary schools will be implementing a new practice with using student identification badges. These badges will be used for students to scan when they enter and exit the bus. This will allow parents to be able to use the Ride 360 app to see when and where students enter and exit the bus. Also, students will be able to use their badges to check out library books and in the cafeteria to purchase breakfast and lunch. We are hopeful to have badges ready to go early next week. Please make sure that students keep these badges in their book bags or a safe location as they are expensive to replace.
We continue to encourage all families to join the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). Your $5.00 will help support many of the programs for families and students at Congaree. We want to thank all that have expressed an interest in serving on the SIC (School Improvement Council). On Thursday, September 7, 2023 we will have our PTO Open House/Parent University from 5:30 until 7:00 pm. We will start and end on time. We will discuss what the PTO and SIC do for our families. We will also meet in the classrooms to share our new district Standards Based Report Cards and what your child will be learning during the school year. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Finally, we thank all of you for working to keep our students safe each day. We appreciate your flexibility as we work through challenging times. We ask that you make sure to get students to school on time each day and for them to remain at school the entire day. Please encourage your students to read for 20 minutes each night and talk with them about what they are reading. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Dojo, and the school website. Please call me if you have any questions and concerns and thank you for choosing Congaree Elementary School for your child and remember "The Sky's the limit!"
Yours in education,
Mr. Dickey
September 4th
Important Dates
7: Open House @ 5:30
8: Grits for Grands
8: PTO Fundraiser Due
13: Fall Pictures
27: Early Dismissal @ 11:30
September 27th
New Faces Around Congaree
Stacey McDonald (School Counselor)
Ryan O'Hora (PE/Coach)
Ariel Oraekweotu (School Psychologist)
Katherine Sanders (Interventionist)Steven Sanders (5th Grade)
Gage Thomas (Music)
Ja'Nice Washington (5th Grade)
Grits for Grands
Time: 7:00AM - 8:00AM
Where: Congaree Elementary Cafeteria
We invite all grandparents to join us for breakfast in honor of Grandparents Day!
*Visitors will enter through the front office and MUST have their ID to obtain a visitors badge. You will not be allowed in any other area of the school building other than the cafeteria. All visitors will need to exit the building promptly at 8:00AM.
Parents can RSVP with the names of grandparents allowed to eat with their student.
Nurse News
Welcome Back! I am excited to be at Congaree again this school year.
Healthy Learners is a non-profit organization that is devoted to removing children's health barriers to learning in order for children to be their best in the classroom. If your child is in need of healthcare services or you need assistance, please contact me for more information.
Health Promotion Specialists is a group of Registered Dental Hygienist that go into schools to clean teeth and provide other dental services. If you would like for your child to receive services, please compete and return the Permission Form that was sent home. Please only complete/return the form if you want your child to receive services.
If you have any question or concerns; please contact me at 803-755-7450 or or through class dojo.
Thank you, Nurse Ginny
What to do if your child doesn't feel well
With school back in session, DHEC has reported that there has been an increase in the number of flu and Covid cases and hospitalizations. Lexington School District 2 will be following DHEC’s recommendations for exclusion for school: Children with a positive COVID-19 test should stay home until they have had no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication AND improvement of symptoms AND at least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. A child with the flu (or flu-like symptoms) will be excluded for a fever of 100 degrees with cough and/or sore throat until he or she is fever free for at least 24 hours without any fever medicines. If your child tests positive for Covid or flu, please let me know.
Here are some Questions to Consider When Your Child doesn’t feel well before school:
1. Does your child’s illness keep him/her from comfortably taking part in activities?
2. Does your sick child need more care than the staff can give without affecting the health and safety of other children?
3. Could other children get sick from being near your child?
If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” please keep your child out of school.
Here is the link to the DHEC School Exclusion Letter:
If your child does complain at home about not feeling well, and you would like to be contacted if they continue to complain; please let me know.
Nurse Ginny
News Team
Congratulations to our first news team of the 2023-24 school year!
Carroll Evans, Keion Siler, Reagan Barker, Gantry Smith, Blake Shumpert, Winter Price
Meet our New Counselor
My name is Stacey McDonald and I’m the new school counselor at Congaree Elementary School! I have worked in education for 10 years and I’m passionate about helping students be their best selves. I teach social-emotional and career lessons, offer small group and individual counseling to students who need support, help families connect to needed services, and so much more!
Handle With Care Notice
If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, I would like to provide some additional support at school. I understand you may not always be able to provide details, and that’s OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult morning, night or weekend, please email me “handle with care”. I will make it a priority to check in on them. My contact information is below: