The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: February 5, 2024
Celebrating Black History Month
Dear Atholton Community,
As we begin our first full week of February, I want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Black History Month. There are a variety of events taking place throughout the month that allow our students, staff, and families the opportunity to celebrate their heritage and traditions while also promoting a higher level of cultural awareness that is essential to ensuring that our school is not just diverse, but inclusive and welcoming for all who attend. The Black Student Union is sponsoring a door decorating contest and we are already seeing some amazing doors honoring the rich history of HBCU's.
Speaking of HBCU's, our BSAP program collaborated with our CCR advisor on our first ever HBCU week. Admissions representatives from several HBCU's came to Atholton to interview students and were able to give on-site admissions and scholarship offers. The week culminated with a celebration of the scholars who are heading to college next year.
As advertised below, the SGA and ASA are hosting Culture Night on Thursday February 8th. The event is not limited to just Black/African-American culture, but many of our students will be using this event to promote awareness about their home countries/cultures. We hope you can join us.
The month will conclude with a Black History Month assembly on February 22nd and a potluck dinner on February 29th sponsored by the West African Student Association. We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these wonderful events. Stay tuned for more info as the month goes on.
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
National School Counseling Week
Is Your College-Bound Student Prepared for the New Digital SAT & the College Admissions Process?
Digital SAT Prep Boot Camps at Atholton HS
T/Th Feb. 6 & 8 from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm (In Person)
Sat. & Sun., April 27 & 28 from 9 am - 1 pm (Live, Online)
These boot camps affordably prepare students for the new Digital SAT scheduled for March 9, 2024, and include:
· Taking a Practice Digital SAT Under Simulated Conditions
· How to Use the Bluebook App and its Tools to the Student's Advantage
· Understanding the New Test and Its Adaptive Framework
· Strategies for ALL Sections of the Test, including many new strategies unique to this new digital format
· Tips on Guessing, Timing, Scoring, and Confidence-Boosting
The college admissions process is overwhelming, expensive, and stressful but it doesn’t have to be!
The Answer Class now provides college admissions help for all aspects of the process in our affordable, high-quality signature style -- SAT/ACT prep, college essays, college application support, and creating a balanced college list for your student.
For Juniors & Savvy Sophomores: NEW The Answer Class College Admissions Crash Course puts students in charge of THEIR college process - from creating a college list to planning your visits, from financial aid and test-optional, to how applications are evaluated and how to improve yours, and more! March and April start dates. Crash Courses meet online one hour per week for 8 weeks. A game-changer for your college journey!
Each course is only $199* or choose a College Prep Premium Bundle and save up to $300! A donation of AHS student tuition is donated to AHS PTSA! *when you register at least one week ahead of your course.
Visit to view the full class schedule and to register your student.
Culture Night-February 8th
SGA and ASA are hosting Culture Night on February 8th from 6 pm to 8 pm. Join us for a full night of performances, activities, food, and more! Tickets are $5 and can be purchased by students through QR codes around the school or by using this link. Thanks for coming to celebrate our rich diversity!
Additionally, Culture Day is on the 8th as well! Come to school in your cultural apparel, share stories about your cultural backgrounds, and highlight the diversity in our community.
Cap and Gown Ordering
The deadline to order cap and gowns is March 1. We have A LOT of students who have yet to order. The link to order is below. Thank you!
Food Distribution-February 21st
The next date for food distribution is February 21st from 2:45pm to 4pm. Many thanks to folks who have helped stock our shelves. We are consistently helping more than 20 Atholton families, but can definitely help more. Please share with those who you know who may need assistance.
Important Information-Reposting
Food Deliveries
As we near the end of the first semester, I wanted to take a moment to remind families that students are not permitted to have food delivered during the day. Students must pack a lunch or come prepared to buy food from the cafeteria. With about 1500 students on campus, we can't support ongoing delivery services throughout the day. Any deliveries that come in are held for students until the end of the school day. Thanks.
Winter Attendance Reminders
Please see below for a letter addressing some of the seasonal absences we experience during the Winter. Thanks for your support.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
2/5 Report Cards "Issued"
2/8 Culture Night
2/9 No School for Students
2/12 MP 2 Honor Roll Ice Cream During Lunch
2/14 Spring Sports Info Session at Raidertime
2/19 President's Day-Schools & Offices Closed
2/22 Black History Month Assembly