PHS Principal News
PHS Parent and Student Newsletter Week of August 24, 2021
A Great First Day!
The 21-22 school year has gotten off to a wonderful start at Pattonville High School. Students and staff both worked hard to make the first day of school go smoothly for everyone. As we move further into the first week of school, administrators and staff will continue to review with students school wide expectations including the Covid-19 safety protocols that we have implemented at the high school.
Our annual Open House is Thursday, September 2nd and we look forward to meeting many of you on this important night at the high school. There will be more information shared with you in a separate communication.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email if you have any questions about anything. Below is some useful information to keep you informed about what is going on at PHS. I look forward to continuing our work together!
Parking Lot Congestion
Student Quarantine Guidelines
New Pirate Life Calendar
Please be sure to subscribe to our Pirate Life calendar. This is our new student activity calendar. We hope that you find it useful for staying informed about what is going on at PHS this year.
New “X” Day Schedule
- 5 additional minutes were added to our school day
- The total number of ”C” Days was reduced by half
- An “X” day schedule was adopted in place of the “C” days that were cut. The “X” day is essentially an extended “C” Day with a 90 minute homeroom at the end of the day.
You will see these days indicated on the Pirate Life Calendar.
Cafeteria Changes
District School Improvement Team Meeting Next Week
This year’s District School Improvement Team work will focus on facilities master planning. We began this work last spring by engaging several focus groups in discussions about existing facilities. Groups also began the important work of developing a shared vision for what our Pattonville schools could and should look like to support the needs of future learners.
If you are interested in joining the PHS School Improvement Team, please contact Ms. Jansen in the main office. The district meetings will be held at Pattonville Heights; PHS building meetings are held at PHS in B104 and below is a general agenda for the meetings.
August 31 District level meeting @ Pattonville Heights
September 22 Building level meeting @ PHS-room B104
October 26 District level meeting @ Pattonville Heights
November 17 Building level meeting @ PHS-room B104
January 12 Building level meeting @ PHS-room B104
February 15 District meeting @ Pattonville Heights
April 13 Building level meeting @ PHS-room B104
Check Out the PTO Website and Get Involved!
Joining the PTO is a wonderful way to get involved at PHS. We are fortunate to have an awesome community of parent volunteers here at the high school and we would love to have more join in on all the PTO fun! Below is the link to the PTO website where a membership link and other important information can be found.
Link to PTO Website
PTO Meetings are held on at 6:30PM in room B104 or online via video conference. Please contact Rena Simmons at for the Zoom Link. Below are the meeting dates for this school year.
September 13
November 8
January 10
March 14
May 9
National Honor Society Applications
Parents please let your Juniors and Seniors know that applications are now being accepted for the National Honor Society. Students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA, 25 community service hours, and be actively involved in school activities. More information can be found on the application. If you have any questions contact Mr Brueckmann in the Social Studies' wing.
Pattonville High School
Location: 2497 Creve Coeur Mill Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314 213-8051