PASD Staff Newsletter
NEWS & NOTES February 24, 2023
Marty's Minute
I hope you all had a good short week of work and navigated the winter weather successfully.
This weekend, I'm heading back to Olympia to attend the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) Legislative Conference and Day on the Hill with School Board Directors Katie Marks, Sarah Methner, Sandy Long and Student Representative Yau Fu. I remain committed to sharing concerns about budgeting for public education and continue to fight for legislative change that directly impacts PASD and surrounding districts.
Again, now is the time to reach out to our district's State Legislatures if you are inclined. You can find PASD's legislative priorities here.
100 School Days of Fun at Franklin Elementary!
100 year old teachers on 100s Day, left to right: Jennifer Soule, Michelle Mead, Sarah Schaefermeyer
A couple of 100 year old 1st graders with their 100 year old teacher! :) Left to right: Cora Lehmann, Jennifer Soule, Ariya Chadburn
You Matter!
If you are uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can chat with the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988lifeline.org.
For more resources, visit our district's suicide prevention and crisis resource page. We care about you and your family.
Empire Trio is an exhilarating and unique classical crossover ensemble that has taken concert halls by storm all over the world, selling out Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, The Redlands Bowl, and hundreds of venues across the US, Canada, and the UK.
Local high school choir and orchestra students will share the stage with the Empire Trio. Don’t miss this incredible collaboration between students and professional touring artists!
Enjoy the show on Friday, March 3rd, 7pm, at the Port Angeles High School Auditorium.
More about these artists: https://www.empiretrio.com/
Get tickets: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=jffa
- $38 for Premium
- $28 for Standard
- $18 for Economy
- $15 for Students (18-21 with Valid Student ID)
- $10 for Youth 17 & Under
Port Angeles High School Job Fair for Students
Representatives from more than 30 community businesses talked with students about employment with their companies and answered questions.
On the organizing committee, Kole Acker, a senior at PAHS, shared, "The job fair was a beneficial way for our student body to get in contact with the jobs and careers available in our community. Almost every local business needs more employees right now, making this a great way to make direct connections."
For students not currently looking for employment, the job fair created an opportunity to learn about the industries and careers in our community. Those seeking employment had a chance to apply and even interview on the spot.
"We've had job fairs, and they have been fantastic. It's been an excellent experience for kids to get out of their comfort zone, talk to adults, and learn what an interview is like. The whole interview process helps prepare students for the real world. It's good for local employers and perfect for the kids", said Rodger Johnson, a teacher at PAHS.
Employers need employees, and high school students need jobs. This event is a win-win initiative that supports students' workforce development as well as the local economy.
Paper Shredding - Fundraising Event!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Join us for a paper shredding event on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 10 AM – 1 PM at Steve Methner’s State Farm, 611 E. Front Street.
Bring your paper to shred and make a donation. Proceeds from this event will help fund our Back to School Fair held in August, where children in need receive supplies for the 2023-24 school year.
Thanks to our community for supporting this event year after year! Special thanks to our trusty volunteers and 2022’s Sponsors: Sound Community Bank, Port Angeles Kiwanis, and Steve Methner-State Farm.
PAHS Students Represent at the All State/All Northwest Choir Concert in Bellevue!
John Lorenzten, Director of Choral Music shares, "Please join me in congratulating our students on their success! Students submitted auditions to the Washington Music Educators Association back in early October for consideration. Both concerts (All-State and All-NW) were of the highest quality, and it was a joy to hear and see them singing together again in this capacity.
Laurel Williams, Rhiley Pavlak, Josey Cooley, Abbigail Cuellar, Mia Neff, John Lorentzen, Jonna Cassel, Rayna Mathison, Keith Laughman, Luke Ruddell, Sean McDaniel, Sara Wilson
PAHS Senior Keith Laughman, Dr. Marques Garrett (conductor for the All-NW Symphonic Choir, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln), and PAHS Senior Sara Wilson--All-NW Symphonic Choir
Top Row: Sean McDaniel, Mia Neff, Luke Ruddell;
Bottom Row: Rhiley Pavlak, Lauren Williams, Josey Cooley, and Abbigail Cuellar--Washington All-State Mixed Choir
A Peek Into a Day at Jefferson Elementary
Way to go, Jefferson Wolves!
Rylan Kerber and Asher Little Youngman, 2nd graders, having fun and making connections in PE!
Ivan Kossler, 2nd grade, attempting the nearly impossible shot!
Kaiser Permanente: Way to Wellbeing Webinar Workshop Series
These workshops are designed for teachers, staff, and administrators.
Healthy staff and teachers are our most valuable resource for creating safe and supportive learning environments. The Way to Staff Well-being in Schools workshop series explores resources and tips to strengthen staff well-being at the individual, collective, and policy levels. Free clock hours are available.
Our foundational course, The Way to Staff Well-being in schools – Creating a Culture of Well-being, will be offered 3:30-5:00pm PST on a bi-monthly basis (repeat):
• March 15, 2023 – Register on PDenroller
• May 10, 2023 – Register on PDenroller
Deep Dive Way to Staff Well-being in Schools. Presented by Kaiser Permanente, subject matter experts and offered 4:00-5:00pm PST:
• February 15, 2023: Mental Health for Educators – Register on PDenroller
• April 19, 2023: Stress Management for Educators – Register on PDenroller
• June 7, 2023: Healthy Habits for Educators – Register on PDenroller
Upcoming District Dates
- February 20 - President's Day - No School
- February 23 - School Board Meeting, 6pm at Lincoln Center
- March 9 - Billy Frank Jr. Day
- March 9 - School Board Meeting, 6pm at Lincoln Center
- March 13 - School In Session for Snow Make-up Day
- March 23 - School Board Meeting, 6pm at Lincoln Center
- April 3 to 7 - SPRING BREAK!
- May 5 - School In Session for Snow Make-up Day