The Cardinal Way
Sharing and Learning at Southport High School
Leading and Learning:
Love is an action, not just a feeling. It is easy to say you love someone; it is much more difficult to show that love in your daily actions. To be the type of leader (and person) we need in our schools, love must come first. This means loving by actions, not just by words. Love means seeing people as people first and foremost; understanding and valuing each person as a unique individual who brings a special talent to the world. In the busyness of home and work, it can be easy to lose sight of what is really important. We must put people first in our lives inside and outside of school. We need to show love as an action, not just say it in words! The challenge with love is loving when it is not easy. As leaders, we need to give special attention to loving people even when we feel like they do not deserve it or warrant it because of their demeanor or actions. There is a saying that holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. As leaders we must be quick to love. Love is about me and my actions, not about others and their actions (or reactions). Other’s actions do not, nor should not, impact our concern for them. Changing our views of others based on their actions is solely about our feelings and frustrations, not about them. Sometimes we may try to shift the blame to the other person in the situation, but ultimately it is about us and our feelings and actions. Loving people cannot just apply in the good times, that is when love is easy. Love must also, and most importantly, be given unconditionally in the tough times as well.
Be a Cardinal; Change Lives; Put a Mission into Motion
Cardinal Recognitions: 🙌🏽
Thank you to:
- The athletic office for the preparation in hosting the Marion County Boys Basketball Finals and Conference Indiana Wrestling Tournament this weekend.
- Austin Lundsford for his efforts in preparing for One Acts on Friday evening.
Grateful Friday Challenge 🎉
It's Friday!!! As of today, we are just over one month to Valentine’s Day, and stores are filled with pinks and reds, and candies of all sorts and then I will point out to you that Valentine’s Day is approximately one month from St. Patrick’s Day and that is in March which comes in right before Spring Break! We are almost there! Today is going to be monumental! Time is just flying! So let’s be ready to live up today and make a difference.
Brene Brown has written a book called Dare to Lead, and in this book, she states, “The way to move information from your head to your heart is through your hands.” And I thought, you know what? That is exactly right. It’s something we all, as teachers and administrators, know for our students but don’t always apply to ourselves. So, the idea for this #SHSGFC is to serve up some self-love. What are some things you know about yourself in your head but have a hard time believing in your heart? Do you know: That you are brave? That you are enough? That you add value to the lives of the people around you? Today, identify five things you need to believe about yourself and write them down. Put them somewhere you can see them. Write them down as many times and as many days as you need to move them from your head to your heart.
Believing in you…. And looking forward to seeing you at the end of the three-day break, which means next week is a four-day week! With banners flying as we go…
180 Days of Learning
Rosalind Jackson
Emily Chambers, Daniell Grehn, and Sara Neville
Jordan Dever
Kevin Sanders
Josh McKee
Educational Humor 😁
Southport High School
Location: 971 E Banta Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United States
Phone: 317-789-4800
Twitter: @SHS_Cardinals