4-H Friday News Blast for 3.15.19!
Heartfelt thoughts and prayers to those affected by floods!
4-H’ers & Volunteers:
If you have not already done so, please re-enroll for the 2019 4-H year! Go to: https://ne.4HOnline.com to enroll or re-enroll. You must use Google Chrome or Firefox as your browser. Be sure to enroll in every project you plan to take. NOTE: This year, 4HOnline does NOT carry projects over from one year to the next. Be sure to add any project in which you want to participate. You must be enrolled by March 15th. Questions? Call the Extension Office 402-267-2205.
VOLUNTEERS: When enrolling or re-enrolling in 4-H, please be sure to choose a Volunteer Project at the very bottom of the drop down list. It should say “Volunteer” in front of it.
Enrollment Options:
Families/Youth have the option to enroll in 4-H in more than one county. Families do not need to enroll in 4-H in the county in which they reside only in the county/counties they plan to participate in. Youth CANNOT enroll in the same project in two different counties. (EX: A family could take the Archery project in one county and Market Beef project in another county. A family cannot take the Market Beef project in both counties.)
Families/Youth also have the option to enroll in more than one 4-H club. Enrollment in a club indicates your desire to participate in the club. The Online Software and the Office require you to choose a Primary Club. Each year you will need to delete clubs you no longer want to be a part of.
Brand New 4-Hers:
Brand new 1st year kids can enroll in 4-H anytime, but have to be enrolled by June 15th to exhibit at the County Fair.
Add/Drop Projects:
4-Hers have up until June 15th to add or drop projects for 2019. After June 15th, they will not be able to enter exhibits into the county fair.
Scholarships from our 4-H Council for Cass County Summer Workshops, 4-H Summer Camp, and Travel Scholarships
Could your family use some help to afford camp, a summer workshop, or transportation to camp at Halsey? Cass County has camp, workshop, and travel scholarships that are funded by our 4-H Council, and the deadline to apply is March 15, 2019. Applications can be found by clicking here. To make it easy, this is a fillable form.
Deadline ... Today, March 15th!
4-H Council Meeting
Sent on Behalf of Nebraska Wheat Growers Association ...
March is Bake & Take month, a time when wheat organizations encourage others to bake a wheat goods and share it with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and shut-ins.
In honor of the month, the Nebraska Wheat Board (NWB) is again sponsoring recipe cards for any 4-H groups or other organizations that wish to participate. This year’s recipes are sweet and salty Oreos and fruit pizza.
A copy of the recipe cards can be found here. You can print copies as you wish or request free postcard versions from the NWB office.
More information can be found on their website at: wheat.board@nebraska.gov.
Click here for details about the job.
Cass County 4-H Public Speaking and PSA Contests
The Nebraska 4-H Public Speaking and PSA (Public Servce Announcement) Contests helps youth learn and practice skills that are beneficial for a lifetime in their personal and professional lives. Developing self-confidence and effective public speaking skills are two goals of the public speaking contest.
A chart outlining the Cass County Age Divisions, Time Guidelines, Specials Guidelines and Awards will help give your direction when planning your speech or PSA.
- Local Cass County Speech Contest entry form - Registrations are due by April 8th! The County Contest is April 15th.
- 2019 Speech Outline (to be submitted with entry form) - it can be electronically submitted, or brought/sent to the Cass County Extension Office.
- 60 Second PSA Outline (to be submitted with entry form)
- Speech Contest Scoresheet
4-H members in all project areas are encouraged to give speeches to their 4-H clubs and to participate in county, regional, and state contests. Participants prepare and deliver an original speech about 4-H and/or tape a 60 second radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) using the theme: "Inspire Kids To Do."
Go to the State Website http://4h.unl.edu/publicspeakingcontest for:
- Guidelines for writing great speeches,
- How to prepare a 4-H Radio Public Service Announcement,
- Specific rules, or
- Score sheets for the contests
The top three winners in each age division in both Speech and PSA categories of the Cass County Speech Contest advance to the Southeast Regional Competition in Lincoln. At the Regional Contest, Senior division speech and PSA winners will compete for the opportunity to advance to the State Speech Contest at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island, NE.
YQCA Training Sessions: Face-2-Face Training or On-line Training
4-H members, age 8 and up, who take livestock projects which produce food products (Pigs, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Market Rabbits, and Poultry) need to receive certification in these areas each year. Deadline to complete this certification is June 15th.
Go to www.yqca.org and sign up for a face-to-face training (Brett Kreifels will be teaching again this year) or do the training on-line. Dates are listed on the YQCA link. For the face-to-face training, juniors will begin at 6:00 pm and Intermediates & Seniors will begins at 7:30 pm.
Our Heartfelt thoughts to those affected by area flooding!
Listen to local news
Tune in to your local news outlets, including television, radio, and social media, for updates on conditions. Follow instructions and warnings. With flooding of this magnitude, the situation is rapidly changing.
Travel safely
Travel in many areas across the state has been impacted. Nebraska 511 (website and app) features information on road conditions, including closures and detours.
• Do not go around barricades. They are in place for a reason.
• Do not compromise your safety trying to get the best look or photo of a washed out road. It is not worth it.
• Turn around, don’t drown! Do not drive or walk through flood waters.
Your health and well-being matter
Your health and well-being is important, and dealing with crises is tough. Disaster recovery can take a long time. Ask for help if you need it. Consider support or information on mental and behavioral health.
• Nebraska Behavioral Health Regions contact information
• Staying connected during tough times
SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithU to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
The Nebraska Rural Response Hotline is a vital resource for individuals and families who are feeling overwhelmed with stress, depression, or other mental health related issues. When a farmer, rancher, or rural resident calls the Hotline, they are connected to an experienced staff person who is equipped to assist callers, providing confidential information and assistance. No-cost counseling vouchers are also available for individuals in crisis who wish to seek further support through a mental health professional. Call the Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.
This photo was brought to the Extension Office this week. Thanks to those, like Lynn Dowding, who have gone before us to make Cass County 4-H great!
Check the calendars below ...
County 4-H Calendar
Livestock DNA envelopes - now available a the Extension Office
YQCA website open for livestock certification
Mar 15 .... Deadline to re-enroll for 4-H at https://ne.4HOnline.com, Enrollment Instruction, Pick Your Project
March 15 - Deadline for application for camp/workshop/travel scholarships
March 16 .... 4-Hers at Storm Chasers Baseball Game - canceled
March 18 ... 4-H Council Meeting
March 16 .... Deadline for NACEB Scholarship
April 1 .... Deadline for Summer Intern Applications
April 1 ... Deadline for Weeping Water Whiz Kidz Scholarship
April 6-7 .... Shooting Sports Leader Certification (deadline to register March 27)
April 15 .... Cass County 4-H Speech Contest
April 25 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
May 6 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 3 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Cass County
June 6 .... YQCA Face-to-Face Training at Otoe County
June 15 ... 4-H Day Camp for kids 6-11
July 1-2 ... Tractor Safety Training at Cass County Extension Office
Aug 7-10 .... Cass County Fair 2019
State 4-H Calendar:
Registrations for Summer 4-H Camp - website now open, earlybird deadline April 15th
CWF 2020 ( Citizen's Washington Focus) - applications still be taken
March 16 - Poultry Judging Clinic - Lincoln
March 24 - 3rd Annual Tack Swap & Fun Run Jackpot in Central City
Mar 30 - Companion Animal Event at UNL
Mar 30 - Nebraska 4-H Horse Stampede
April 6 - 4-H Dog Clinic called "Kids K9 Clinic" in Lincoln
April 13 - Beef Progress Show in Grant
April 13 - Calf Classic in Seward
Apr 15 - Early bird registration due date for Summer 4-H Camp
Apr 27 - Spring Rabbit Show in Lincoln
Apr 29 - Next Chapter Statewide Celebration (corrected date from UNL)
June 5 - Northeast Nebraska Horse Show
July 8-12 - NAYI
June of 2020 - Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington D.C.
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- Wehrbein/Joy Genetics Show Pig Sale ... March 23 at the Otoe County Fairgrounds, 1:30 pm
- Flooded Landscapes/Horticulture Information ... Helpful modules
- Staying Connected During Tough Times ... Resources for Nebraska Farmers, Ranchers, and their Families
- Recorded session from first Land Management Quarterly
- Nebraska Game and Parks Help Prepare for State Shoot ... Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30
- Diversification & the Future of Farming: A Panel Discussion ... April 9 at UNL East Campus
- BeefWatch UNL ... archives
- Nebraska Tower on the Plains Rabbit Breeders Association Spring Show ... Lincoln, NE on April 20th.
- Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Spring Affair ... April 27, Lincoln
- GeoScience Field Trip for Nebraska High School Juniors and Seniors (it's FREE!) ... July 12-22, 2019
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, Interim Unit Leader, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty