Hickey 2nd Grade Weekly Spotlight
Learning Targets
English Language Arts:
- Students can use rhyme, rhythm and repetition to create poems.
- Students can show what I know about the parts of speech.
- Students can write, read and interpret multiplication and division problems by making equal groups using objects.
- Students can show what they know on their unit assessment.
- Students can can review math skills they have learned in 2nd Grade.
Inquiry & Innovation:
- Students can collaborate and problem solve with their classmates by playing by the rules.
Practice Your Addition and Subtraction Math Facts!!
High Frequency Words
Students should be able to read, write, and spell these words.
- bed
- list
- shop
- enough
- oh
- sleep
- family
- people
- today
- tomorrow
Jean Villanueva
Jean is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters