Middle Level Minute
Indiana Middle Level Education Association, February
Today's the day at 4 pm: hear from Thomas Hakim, principal of Northview Middle School in Indianapolis. Northview received a top award from DOE for excellence in professional development, the district was recognized for counseling, and they are moving into a brand new building this year! (You can read about them here.)
If you are reading this after the webinar, you can still receive the recording, AND register for free for
*March 11 with AMLE's Katie Powell
*May 13 with Phyllis Fagell
AND receive the recording for January's outstanding session with Rick Wormeli
AND secure the early bird discount for #MidCon24, June 26-27 at Westfield MS.
All of this can be done at https://keepindianalearning.org/events/midcon/
Thanks to LaPorte Middle School for sharing so many wonderful decorations from their building. This was taken the same day they had 160 families participate in a STEM night with an Olympic theme; they have a "Snowbound" event coming up that routinely attracts around 900 people! You can follow them on Facebook for more great ideas.
Black History Month Resources
There are many great resources for Black History Month, including videos, biographies, interactive sites, and more. Here are a selected few: PBS (in categories such as the arts, STEM, civics, and literature), iCivics (includes several curriculum units) Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture (including weekly themes and an interactive toolkit).
Great Eclipse Resources
Are you tired of hearing about it yet? Less than two months to go! Among the many resources for the Solar Eclipse, April 8, here are some that stand out:
-curated list from HASTI (Hoosier Assocation of Science Teachers)
-extensive collection from Keep Indiana Learning
-Digital Toolkit from PBS Kids (some for younger students)
I attended DOE's webinar last week connecting the eclipse to virtual and blended learning. Some ideas shared included:
-Sue Nagy of Manchester Intermediate: "On the day of the eclipse, I will be with a group of students launching a high-altitude balloon collecting data in the path of totality! So stoked!"
-Kankakee Valley-"The week leading up to the eclipse we have themed dress up days, 4-H is coming in to do STEM activities, we rented a skydome to show 45 minute galaxy presentation. We have special glasses for the students to view the eclipse."
Feel free to share any ideas/activities/photos with us! For many, this will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Carmel High School students Allison Shen & Jennifer Hu have started a nonprofit, Infinity Squared, to show practical & enjoyable aspects of math, aimed at grades 5-8 students. They have had in-person events at the local library and created a website with features such as "Problem of the Week," helpful resources, & more. This could be a great site to share with your students who love challenges in math or are interested in math competitions.
Sound Familiar? Boys Wearing Shorts in Winter
Does your school have boys who wear shorts year round? Who seem to pass up wearing a coat, even on days of extreme wind chill? Is your lost and found overflowing with coats left behind? You can probably relate to this article. It includes some interesting theories behind these "phenomena" and whether it's a battle worth fighting.
Congratulations to These $15,000 Grant Winners!
Lilly Endowment recently announced this year's winners of the Teacher Creativity Grant, several middle school teachers. Congratulations to these educators! It's never too early to think about applying for next year. It truly is a grant that is "all about you!" And, if you have applied in the past but were not chosen, do not give up! Many people report winning on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th... attempt! You might get some good ideas from looking at the list of winners. We will share when applications are available again.
The Indiana Arts Commission and IDOE have partnered to provide training, funding, and a community of experts to inspire and implement creativity-centered innovation in the classroom through a new program, the Indiana Educator Fellowship for Creative Teaching. Selected Creative Teaching Fellows will gather to discover ways to grow their teaching practice in innovative ways. After exploring what creativity in education can be in theory, all Creative Teaching Fellows will be able to bring a professional, in-person artist residency in their classroom in the Fall semester to see the work in a real classroom setting. The application deadline is Thursday, February 22. Learn more and apply here.
Many are available via recording.
February 11-17- Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 12- Road to MidCon Webinar with Thomas Hakim, 4 pm
February 13-AMLE Webinar: Helping MIddle Schoolers Explore Careers & Prepare for Their Futures, 7 pm
February 14- IDOE Learning Lab: SOLARbration of 3-Dimensional Learning, 4 pm
February 15- Digital Learning Day; IDOE Celebration 4 pm
February 19-Deadline to Apply for Fulbright Teacher Exchanges
February 20- Using Videos in an Engaging Way, 2 pm
February 23-Deadline to Submit a Proposal for MidCon
February 24-25- Virtual Math Summit
February 27-AMLE Webinar: Creating Middle School Culture and Climate Where Kids Belong & Become, 5 pm (free for AMLE members)
February 28- Investigating the Solar Eclipse with Computer Science (grades 6-8), 4 pm
February 29- Deadline for IASP's Martin Luther King, Jr Essay Contest
March 4- Building Thinking Classrooms in ELA, 4 pm
March 5- Deadline to apply for NEH Summer Programs
March 7- IDOE GYTO: MIddle School-Reimagining Small Group Instruction & Differentiation, 4 pm
March 12- Amplify/Desmos Online Math Conference, Noon-5
June 22-24- Schools to Watch Conference, Arlington, VA
June 26-27-MidCon, Westfield Middle School
IN LearningPartnership (Includes Wednesday PD with IDOE)
Indiana Learning Lab Workshops (Requires Sign in for Registration)
Teachers First OK2Ask Online Workshops; (Past on-demand sessions)
Keep Indiana Learning (KINL); Live Events (some $) Past Recordings/Digital Content
edWeb.net Webinars (Can watch at later date; if sponsored, "commercials" are at the end)
PATINS Trainings for Accessibility for All
AMLE Events (some free, some paid)
Please note: Webinars and events mentioned in this space are not an endorsement of commercial products; on the contrary, we try to avoid listing events that appear to be commercial in nature. Every effort is made to strip social media/tracking data from provided URLs. In many cases, you can register and receive a recording later.
The only organization in Indiana devoted to promoting, improving, and supporting middle level education. We are the Indiana affiliate of the national organization AMLE, and administer the Schools to Watch program for the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.
Join us! Membership Benefits and Application
Susie Highley, Executive Director
Shirley Wright, Schools to Watch Consultant
11025 E. 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN. 46229 (Inside IASP)