School Newsletter Term 3, Week 5
Friday 18th August 2023
Kia ora West End Whānau,
I trust that everyone has enjoyed a great week of learning this week. Here at school we have been busily making further preparations for our exciting upcoming production “The Search for SOAP”. We are looking forward to providing our tamariki with the opportunity to be their “Best Me” on the big stage at the Regent Theatre on Thursday 31 August.
We enjoyed a great disco last Friday with the children having a blast. A big thank you to our wonderful WES PTA parents for their efforts to run this event. Thank you also to the staff who were able to attend to and support our children to have a fun time.
Please mark in your calendars our upcoming West End School Health and PE Curriculum consultation being held on Wednesday 6th September straight after school. Every couple of years school’s are required to consult with communities about the teaching of Health and PE. We will share further detail about this meeting as we get closer to the time.
I would like to congratulate the children who competed in our West End School Mathex Teams on Thursday at the Awapuni Racecourse. Our Year 5 team was comprised of Connor Gear, Kenlei Lokeni, Muhammed Elabri, Taka Kawada, and Isaac Kangisher. This team placed as silver in the competition. Avon Pan, Agam Singh, Tayla Wilson, Nasir Qadam, Ben Poppe made up our Year 6 team who placed as gold in the competition, ka rawe! We are very proud of the way all of the children demonstrated our school values while competing at Mathex against children from all across the Manawatu and Horowhenua. Thank you to Sandy McCorkindale, Sarah Le, and Heidi Parker for your work to prepare our children for this wonderful experience.
Please make sure you have our Three Way Conferences dates in your schedule and that you have booked your conference for your child with their teacher (Please see link later in this newsletter for further information. Three Way Conferences are a very valuable part of how we report progress, achievement and how your child is progressing at school. Please remember if you have any questions about how to book in your child’s Three Way Conference please speak with your child’s classroom teacher.
I wish all of our whānau a safe and happy weekend. I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday ready for Week 6.
Ngā mihi nui,
School finishes early next Thursday at 12.30pm
Three Way Conferences are next Wednesday and Thursday
You are now able to book a time for a 3 Way Conference with your child's teacher.
The purpose of the three-way conference is to report to parents about children's overall progress and achievement in Reading, Writing and Maths.
Parents can book for this event by going to the School Bookings website and entering the event code ymtw8, which takes you to step 1 to enter your details.
If you click on the booking link (below) or scanning a booking QR code - this bypasses the event code, going straight to step 1.
Please click on the link or scan the QR Code and follow the instructions (selecting your child's teacher) and finding a time that suits you.
Mathex 2023
Yesterday our Year 5 and 6 Mathex Teams went to the Mathex Competitions to compete. They worked hard and made our school proud by showing Whakamana. A big thank you to Sandy McCorkindale and Sara Le for giving up their time and volunteering to work with our children.
Our Year 6 Team achieved Gold and our Year 5 Team achieved Silver.
School Photos are on Monday 28th August
The Search For S.O.A.P
TICKETS ON SALE! Please click on link below
Tickets are now on sale at Ticketek for The Search for S.O.A.P. Please click the Ticketek link above or search for West End School when you go to the website. All tickets are General Admission and are $7.50 ($5 per ticket + fees of $3.50). It would be great to see all of our West End whānau and friends see our amazingly talented tamariki on stage at the Regent.
Can costumes please be sent to school
We have 13 more days until showtime!!
We are putting the final touches onto our show and getting everyone ready to put on a great performance for you! Props have been made and we will be having a full dress rehearsal next Friday. Can all costumes please be brought in as soon as possible.
If your child has a speaking part in the play we urge you to continue to help them learn their lines. This will help our journey go smoother as well as build their confidence, and improve their acting, as they won't need to look at a script!
Below is the entire script, so you can print off the page/pages your child will need to learn if they have a speaking part - and don't have a script with them.
And finally, all of the songs and lyrics are below as well so all West End School tamariki can practice the songs we've been doing together so they know the words (and can practice the actions we've learned). I'm sure you'll all be probably singing the songs in the audience by the end as well!!
Information about the show on 31st August
Our whole school will be going down to the Regent in buses from 9.15am on Thursday 31st August. We will all take our school bags down with lunches and water bottles. We hope to run through the show twice so all children know what to expect for our evening performance. We will be having lunch down there, so please pack food for your child to eat when we are there. The buses will pick us up again from 2pm and we will be back at school before the end of the day. Children will be bringing their costumes home as they can come dressed for our evening performance.
The show will start at 7pm at the Regent on 31st August. We will require all students at the Regent from 6.15pm in their costumes with light makeup applied (if possible) at home as well as hair done etc. It would be great if your child has had their dinner before they arrive at the Regent. Teachers will meet students at the King Street back entrance of the Regent. We ask that children do not wear shoes as we will be barefoot on the stage.
When students arrive we will take their attendance, and get them seated and get our kura ready for the performance. All students will be involved throughout the entire performance - they may be on stage acting, singing, dancing or in the front of the stage singing and dancing for the whole show. We anticipate the show will be finished at approximately 8pm.
We will share more detailed information next week.
Preparing for our Musical
The senior classes have been working hard on creating their props for the school production.
They showed kotahitanga as they worked together, using shared resources to create a mask or headband, they showed Mana Aotūroa as they designed and then created their ideas and they showed Manaakitanga as they took time to be patient with each other waiting for equipment and materials as well as acknowledging the hard work everyone put in.
Daffodil Day next Friday
The Student Council are organising Daffodil Day which is next Friday. We will have a yellow day where everyone can wear a piece of clothing that is yellow - and if you are able, to bring in a gold coin donation to help with cancer research, and awareness.
Unwanted Lego needed for our new Lego Club
A few students are keen on starting and leading a lego club at lunchtime. If you have (or know someone who has) lego that they no longer need or want, can you please send it in to your child's classroom teacher, or the office. Thank you for your help!
PTA Upcoming Events
PE at West End School
Ricoh Sports - A newsletter is up on the app and in your child's bag today with information regarding this tournament. Please ensure you read all the details. As part of being selected for the Ricoh Sports teams, your child has also been selected to attend a sports exchange with Riverdale School on the 30th of August.
PE Tops - ALL PE tops are to be returned ASAP these are needed for stocktake before the summer season starts. If they are not returned a invoice will be sent out to your family.
Upcoming Events
WEEK 6 -
- Student Led Conferences - Wednesday 23rd August
- Student Led Conferences - Thursday 24th August
- Daffodil Day - Friday 25th August
- Dress Rehearsal for The Search for S.O.A.P (at school) - Friday 25th August
WEEK 7 -
- School Photos - Monday 28th August
- The Search for S.O.A.P Dress Rehearsal at the Regent: Thursday 31 August (9.30-2.30)
- The Search for S.O.A.P SHOW at the Regent: Thursday 31 August (show starts at 7pm)
WEEK 8 -
- EPro8 starts for TWNOT - Monday 4th September
- DanceNZ - Monday 4th September
- Hauora Sexuality Education Community Consultation - Wednesday 6th September at 3.00pm
- Ricoh Sports - Thursday 7th September
WEEK 9 -
- Swimming starts - Monday - Thursday
- Life Education (Harold) starts - Monday 11th September
- PTA Quiz Night - Friday 15th September
WEEK 10 -
- Life Education Visit finishes - Wednesday 20th September
- Last Day of Term 3 - Friday 22nd September
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April (100 1/2 days)
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July (96 1/2 days)
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept (100 1/2 days)
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec (88 1/2 days)
Which equals a total of 384 half days for 2024.
We would have Call Back Days Wed 24 - Fri 26 Jan before the year starts.
Proposed Ballot Dates for 2024
Ballot held in Term 1 for Term 2
(To be held in Term 1 Week 3, 12th Feb-16th Feb)
Ballot held in Term 2 for Term 3
(To be held in Term 2 Week 3, 6th May - 10th May)
Ballot held in Term 3 for Term 4
(To be held in Term 3 Week 3, 29 July - 2 August)
Ballot held in Term 4 for Term 1
(To be held in Term 4 Week 3, 21st October - 25th October)
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465