OLM Summer Newsletter
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Theme for School Year 2022 - 2023
Hello, everyone! This summer newsletter contains important announcements which include the letter / reminders you received recently. If you have questions, please do give us a call at (650) 756-3395 or email us at principal@olmbulldogs.com / office@olmbulldogs.com. Thank you.
Summer Letter / Reminders from the Principal
Dear OLM Families,
I hope that you are having a wonderful summer thus far. The school year is opening in less than a month. Here are important reminders for everyone:
Summer Assignments and Supply Lists: All incoming Grades 1 - 8 students have summer assignments and Supply Lists given before the end of the school year. Please click on the following link: OLM Summer Assignments and Supply Lists.
School Uniforms: If you need to purchase uniforms, it is best that you do so as soon as possible. Just like the past couple of years, we are not hosting uniform sales on-campus, hence, families need to go to Dennis Uniforms at 590 10th St, San Francisco, CA 94103, or place your orders online at the following link: Dennis Uniforms.
New students: Please submit updated immunization records, birth certificate, copy of baptismal certificate to the school office on or before Aug. 15th.
Proof of TDap shot: All incoming 7th Graders are required to submit proof of Tdap shots no later than September 5th, 2022.
Student / Family Orientation: Please find below orientation information for all Kindergarten, new, and Resource Program (for those with students in the Program only) families.
Kindergarten Playdate / Orientation
Who: Kindergarteners (TK included) and their parents
When: 10:00 a.m., Saturday, August 13th
Where: Kindergarten Play Yard (in front of the Kindergarten classrooms)
New Families
Who: Students new to OLM and their Parents
When: 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 13th
Where: Church Hall
Resource Families
Who: Resource Program Students and their parents
When: 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 17th
Where: Church Hall
Summer Office Hours: Month of July
Month of July
July 11 - 29 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Month of August
August 1 - 5: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
August 8 - 12: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
August 15 - Office is closed. Staff Retreat
August 16 - 17: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
August 18, 2022: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
First Days of School
Thursday, August 18th : First Day of School, Minimum Day (12:30 pm Dismissal)
Friday, August 19th: Regular School Day (3:00 pm Dismissal)
Monday, August 22nd: Minimum Day (12:30 pm Dismissal)
Wednesday, September 7th: Back-to-School Night at 6:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m .
Friday, September 2nd: No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
Monday, September 5th: No School, Labor Day Holiday
FACTS: Tuition Payments
Families with 11-month plan: First tuition payment is due in July.
Families with 10-month plan: First tuition payment is due in August.
Questions may be directed to bookkeeper@olmbulldogs.com.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.
Blessings to you and your family!
Yours in Christ,
Jeffrey Burgos
Appointment of Assistant Principal
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Joe Ryan as our Assistant Principal effective August 1st, 2022. As some of us may know, Mr. Ryan has been with the Archdiocese of San Francisco St. Clare Future Leaders Academy since this past school year. He has worked closely with Assistant Superintendent Ms. Tara Rolle and Mr. Jeffrey Burgos in preparing him to take on administrative duties this coming year as assistant principal and, hopefully, a future principal of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
He has taught with the Diocese for the past 28 years, 5 of which were with OLM. He has been a member of the Leadership Team for the past five years and served as our Student Council Advisor for the last three years. He looks forward to working with all of us now in his capacity as our Assistant Principal.
Congratulations on your appointment and best wishes, Mr. Ryan!
Farewell and Appreciation
Mrs. Maureen Vera Cruz, our Clubhouse Director is leaving Our Lady of Mercy School to take on a new position at Riordan High School.
Mrs. Vera Cruz has been our After-School Program Director for the past 17 years. She has led our successful program over the years and has worked hard to make sure that our students received high quality after-school care. We appreciate her dedication and commitment to our school. She extends her utmost appreciation to all for the support you have given her.
Our prayers and best wishes go with her as she begins the next phase of her career.
Note: Please continue to send Clubhouse (before and after-school program) communication to clubhouse@olmbulldogs.com. Mr. Ryan will be managing the program / email account effective August 1st. Thank you.
New Middle School and Resource / Academic Support Teacher
OLM P.E. Shirt Orders: All school uniforms EXCEPT the P.E. SHIRTS are available at Dennis Uniforms. To order P.E. shirts, please complete the following form on or before Friday, August 5th. Note: One form per child, please.
OUR LADY OF MERCY SCHOOL Non-Discrimination Policy
Our Lady of Mercy School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits student of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at this school.
Our Lady of Mercy School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national and/or ethnic origin, age, gender or disability in administration of educational
policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.