Construction Update
SD81's Weekly report - August 25, 2022
Construction in SD81
This summer District 81 has four major construction projects in progress. Below is a summary of the work being completed and a weekly progress update.
A recent and continued quarry strike has affected District 81's completion timeline for the below projects, specifically at Washington and Lincoln Middle School. The strike affects availability of concrete and stone, which will most likely cause delays of the water retention work at Washington and Lincoln, and the site work at Washington. The District has no indication on when the strike will end. We will keep our community updated.
All photos and information are as of August 19, 2022. (Washington Pictures are from August 24)
(Photos of LMS curtain wall project and Kennedy courtyard provided by Tandem Construction)
Demolition of Old Washington School & New Site Work
As of August 19th-24:
- Main parking lot has been poured and striped and is in use.
- Landscaping around the property is in progress.
- Fencing has been constructed around the school.
Open House for the new Washington School has been set for Saturday, September 10, 2022.
Storm Water Retention at Lincoln Middle School
Adding a stormwater retention system will alleviate flooding and erosion of the Lincoln Middle School fields. The large chambers (pictured below)are installed underground, and temporarily store runoff water before releasing it at a controlled rate. This work is necessary in order for the fields to be used as intended, for sports and outdoor activities. The project is being funded through American Rescue Plan - ESSER 3 grant funds.
As of August 19:
- Grading for the turf field continues.
Curtain Wall Repair at Lincoln Middle School
Repairing the curtain wall is necessary to address leaks that have been occurring consistently within the middle school. A new wall is being installed and will be sealed tight to prevent future leaks. The project is also being funded through the American Rescue Plan - ESSER 3 grant funding. Completion date of the project is the week of August 12th.
As of August 19:
- Deck installation and pathway of rooftop almost complete
- Stone and edging along west elevation of curtainwall installed
- Pathway cut out and reading for flooring tiles
Courtyard Enclosure at Kennedy School
The courtyard will be enclosed to provide additional instructional and large-motor space at Kennedy School. The project is being funded through the American Rescue Plan - ESSER 2 and 3 grant funding. The majority of the work will be completed the week of August 12th. Finish work will be completed by October of 2022, with no disruption to learning.
As of August 19:
- New pipe to tie existing storm and added a line for courtyard roof drain. Area backfilled.
- Temporary walls framed to close off construction from classrooms.
- Courtyard was graded, and area prepped for concrete pour.
- Courtyard slab poured
- Continued framing exterior walls and began sheathing the walls and installation
Schiller Park School District 81
Location: 8760 Soreng Avenue, Schiller Park, IL, USA
Phone: 847-671-1816
Twitter: @SPDistrict81