Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
January 4, 2024
From Mrs. Douglas
Dear Bosco Families!
Welcome to 2024! As we stand on the threshold of this new year, I want to extend my warmest wishes to each and every member of our Bosco Family! I pray that the coming year is filled with joy, growth, countless moments of achievement, and PURPOSE!
As I reflect on the past year, I am overwhelmed by how much we have accomplished! The collective efforts of our dedicated students, purpose driven staff, and supportive parents have yielded so much positive growth. Together, we have created a school culture that values the role of the family as the first teacher and the development of our students spiritually, academically, physically, and socially.
In the spirit of the New Year, let us renew our commitment to purpose in our endeavors to grow in excellence, kindness, and community. I pray that our shared journey in Bosco Catholic Schools continues to be one of purpose, inspiration, and mutual support!
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Douglas
Waterloo Buses
January 12 There will be no Waterloo buses running. Parents will have to make arrangements to get their students to and from school. Bosco bus will still run routs to and from preschool.
Waterloo buses will not be available the afternoons of January 19 and April 19. They will run as normal each of these mornings. Parents will have to make arrangements to get their students home from school those afternoons. This is only for those that ride on the Waterloo bus routes.
COF Bowling
Sunday, January 14, the Catholic Order of Foresters Youth members can open bowl for free, which includes shoes, at Cadillac Lanes located at 650 Laporte Rd Waterloo. Each COF youth can bowl up to 1 1/2 hours starting at 12:30 needing to be done by 2:00 PM. Doors open at 12:00 PM Adults & friends can bowl the same time frame, which includes shoes for $10.00 . See Donna Delagardelle to sign up or call Donna at 319 239-9945 if questions.
Gifting Tree
Thank you for once again supporting our gifting tree project. We are so blessed by the generosity of the Bosco School System. The children were very excited to receive their gifts when the Burmese community gathered to celebrate on Christmas Day. Please thank all the teachers and students for their fundraising, shopping and wrapping. Laura, Sacred Heart Social Concerns.
Bingo Cards
Remember to turn in your December Bingo cards! What did your family do to Put First Things First in December? All families that turn in a card with at least one bingo will be entered into a drawing for a gift card at our Leader in Me assembly on January 8. Your Jan. Bingo cards for Habit 4: Think Win-Win will be sent this week.
Youth Group 5th-8th Grade
On Wednesday, January 24 the Confirmation class will be hosting a Youth Group Night specifically for grades 5th-12th. Youth group gives kids an opportunity to grow in faith with their peers outside of school as well as have fun in the process. We will meet in the HS in room 102. Join us for some fun and faith-filled activities.
If your child plans to attend please fill out the link below.
Attendance Reminder
Parents please call the school office before 7:30am if your child will be absent. If you call before 7:00am, please leave a message on voicemail.
St. Joseph Center (319) 233-5980
Immaculate Conception Center (319) 296-1089
If you have a planned absence, the K-5 and 6-8 Absence Request Forms can be found on our school website.
Discover Bosco Days
For Immaculate Conception K-8 and Don Bosco 9-12, tours are at 9 am or 1 pm.
St. Joseph tours are at 8:30 am at the preschool in Raymond.
Tours last an hour or less. Pre-registrations are required.
Education Savings Account Reminder: For 2024-25, all kindergarten students, those transferring from public or homeschooling, and those who qualify by income are eligible for the state of Iowa’s Education Savings Accounts. That means the state funds an account for you to pay your K-12 tuition and fees. All families will qualify the following year. Take advantage of this blessing at Bosco Catholic Schools!
- January 12: No Waterloo busses
- January 12: First Semester ends
- January 15: No School, Teacher PD Day
- January 19: No Waterloo Busing in the Afternoon
- January 24: Youth Group
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667